Lost my brother

That’s all you can do I suppose.

My mum seems better than she was but she’s taking each day as it comes, which I suppose is all we can do.

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Sister in law is trying to keep things together for her young daughter. I want to help more but it’s a new path we are all on and in reality we are all finding our new way.

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That’s how I get through - just take each day as it comes and trying not to think too far ahead. Some days are better than others.
I’m sure your sister in law just appreciates knowing you are there for her even just to ask how she is. I think it’s our children that give us strength to face each day no matter how old they are.
I agree about the Hull funeral directors being given a prison sentence. There is no other consequence for what they have done.

We are of the same mind.

Sometimes I try to think of the future and I can’t really imagine it anymore without him being there. It’s like the past is frozen and the future is invisible.

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Thinking too far ahead doesn’t help. No enthusiasm today but tomorrow is another day.I hope your counciling group goes as well as can be.

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Mondays always seem to be hard now.

Not sure what to expect at the group meeting this evening.

Sundays are my difficult day. Glad to be back at work today. It’s good you are going and getting support… hope you find it useful.

There were lots of different stories at the group meeting. Upsetting to hear them all, but a strange kind of solidarity amongst the group. Will be good to go again next week.

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Glad you found it helpful and you want to go back. It’s upsetting hearing people’s stories on here but we’re all going through the same… feel less alone.

Are there any groups near you that you can join?

There are in the town centre but my son had his accident there so I’ve been avoiding it. Compassionate friends have grief companions which I will enquire about… have to wait until 3 months after your loss which has passed now.

I’m glad I went to mine. I don’t know it will be helpful long term. I suspect talking about it more and hearing other people’s experiences will make me accept things more (as otherwise it gets bottled up). The group I’m in lasts for 8 weeks.

Hopefully talking to each other will help. I found my brother’s death harder to accept because I didn’t speak to anyone or have support but with my son I am speaking to others and making sure I don’t bottle everything up. It helps knowing we aren’t alone.

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I will go to see my mum and dad tonight. I look forwards to seeing them. I hope they are ok and are not getting worse behind the scenes. It’s hard to know really are how they are doing all of the time.

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