Lost my brother

I won’t get my mri scan results until end of May.

Don’t apologise for not responding sooner - just checking you were okay as it’s been a while. Sorry you’ve had a bad day today. Is it through reading the book or just one of those days? Sometimes something simple can set me off and once it starts there is no stopping. Probably because we hold everything together until it gets too much.
Hopefully the group is some comfort to you on Monday and good you are reaching out for support.
I’ve not been too great over the Easter break but have been worse. My brother’s birthday anniversary is coming up so thinking of what to do in his memory :blue_heart:.

:crossed_fingers:t3: crossed for you and you get the all clear. I’m sure the waiting for the results is a worry for you all,

It was mainly not to do with the book. Music or a glimpse of a photo can set me off, and then I can’t get out of the spiral, and it starts to snowball. Everyone tells me it’s a journey, but to me that’s just a word, it’s a well intentioned but clumsy attempt at describing a situation and it doesn’t really mean anything. I know what they mean, but the term is all wrong.

I’ve been a bit mix over Easter too. What do you think you will do in his memory?

You never know, everything takes ages these days with the state of the country.

It’s difficult for some to find the right words and to even understand what we’re going through if they haven’t experienced that close loss. It’s still so recent and I feel for my eldest as he’s lost his only sibling and see the upset in his eyes when anything to do with his brother’s death is mentioned, yet he can talk about memories of him and smile… think he’s in denial sometimes. I’ve suggested counselling but he doesn’t want it.

Not sure yet. I always donate to Mind in his memory and Marie curie in my dad’s. There is a bench near the plot I have for my son so I would like a plaque for my brother and dad on there - you can purchase a plaque from the cemetery. Last year I planted a rose for him and me and my son’s went to his favourite place for food. I will probably take my mum as last year her friend took her out for the day as I was working but sadly her friend passed away in the summer.

Yes it’s a worry how fast it’s going downhill!

How old is your eldest?

I think that sounds nice. And taking your mum somewhere to eat does too. I think that will be a good thing to do.

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I read about that story in Hull with the funeral directors and what they’ve done, and I just couldn’t imagine how angry I would be.

He is 26 and only 13 months older than his brother

She’s been so supportive and it’s been hard for her too with losing her youngest son and grandson. It’s brought us closer

I have followed the story too. It’s absolutely shocking and my heart goes out to the families. I can’t imagine how upsetting it must be for them.

So young. I’ve read stories about people who got counselling years later and regretted not having done it sooner.

Yes, it must be awful for her to see such sadness and heartache.

A prison sentence is justified in this circumstance.

I’ve suggested it to him and given him leaflets but he says he’s okay. I don’t want to push him. He’s a sensible lad so I haven’t got to worry about him drinking excessively or anything like that to get through it.He knows to talk to me if he needs to.

Matthew, my youngest brother was her favourite and she finds it hard to look at his photo two years later. Ours is a sad bond to share.
How are your mum coping? And your sister in law?