Lost my husband


I’ve been like that, it was my youngest daughters 15th the first one without her dad and my oldest daughter was 18 and it just brakes my heart, the 1st of June was our 14th wedding anniversary and we would of been together 23 year in August. And I don’t think it matters if it the 1st one its hard so hard😭


It’s so sad - it would break their hearts as well. How can life look so completely different? Sending hugs


Hi Maria
I’m sorry for your loss. My husband passed away 17 months ago and I don’t know when it will get easier. It’s the worst time isn’t it Maria.


I lost my husband just over 2 years ago he was 61 ad I was 76. I miss him every day and talk to him which makes me feel not so alone and have been helped such a lot by family and friends.


Awww I’m so sorry for your loss
You have had an awful time
This world is so cruel


I’m so sorry for your loss
I have alot of family support too I am very lucky
It’s the night time and first thing in the morning which is so hard for me
I too talk to my husband I’m sure he talks back I miss him so so much x


It is the night time and morning for me too and yes I talk to him. I have a photo of him from our daughters wedding just as he became ill and it is just him so I talk to that and say hello, etc.

Tomorrow it is one year since he died, can’t believe it and can’t believe how much I still miss him. My heart is with all of you too.



First thing in the morning and evening / night for me too. I just don’t know how I have the energy or motivation to get out of bed each day. I really don’t want to.


Same here. Get up in the morning (although still have occasions when stay in bed till afternoon) and it hits me . Manage for the most part to keep myself occupied during the course of the day, then the evening comes and the crying just starts all over again until bed.


Thanks Dotty for your written support. Yes the world is cruel as my husband was only 61 and had never had a days illness in his life yet his father lived to 89 of the same thing as my late husband ie copd. I am 77 and thought it would be me who passed first x

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Jules have just read your message and I know that feeling. My late husband died 2 years ago and he was so much younger than me so was a shock as he had never had a days illness apart from recovering from Avian flu. All the groups I belonged to prior to covid are shut because of it so just when I needed the support and comfort I did not get it so understand your dillemna…


Hi May.

I need a group to attend. I need people who knows what I am going through.

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Hi Pam know what you mean but the pandemic has not been kind to us bereaved. Prior to the pandemic I belonged to lots of groups who have not been around for a long time post the covid thing. Hopefully things will improve. I belong to a history group and an art group before all this happened and they helped and not concentrating on grief. Take care and I hope you find what you are looking for.


This community will always be here to listen to you. Keep posting keep reading. Keep teaching out. We’re listening. You’ll find your way.


Suelei you make it sound so easy it isn’t

Awwww I’m so sorry that’s so sad x

No it isn’t easy. I have been there. Still am.

Suelei sorry to hear that and hope one day you and I can both find peace in our lives. Do not think we ever get over it totally and being told by a friend in a well meaning way I should get on with y life I am to the best of my ability but not easy.

Dotty666 thanks

Lock down has taken the pressure off me to ‘get out there’. Zoom meetings have suited me. Short times in the garden with family are enough for me. I’ve come through the exhausting grief I was experiencing at first. I started a new diet and exercise regime which has made me concentrate on keeping well. I write with positive thoughts for you to keep you hoping for better times. The feeling of loss never goes away. It can still overwhelm me at times. I allow myself that time and don’t push it away. Be yourself May always.