Lost my mum and my heart is broken


Same here Michael. Worse day ever. Expected it after the funeral, but today has been horrendous. Can’t stop crying. It’s truly awful.

Take care


I just want to stay in bed and not do anything or shower or even it get dressed. People say it will get better. Today we have been issues with a yellow warning for thunder and lighting. Mum would have called to make sure I was ok. She would send messages to make sure I was ok. I miss those messages.


Hello Deborah Iam worried about the next week gojng to put mums ashes with my dad. Not sure if I can do that. Do you have any advice



I sorry for your loss on the 12 th Oct it’s three yrs since my lovely old mother passed away i tried too save her but couldn’t, there’s nothing I can say it’s a emptiness in my life I was her carer for 20 yrs , lost my sister five months after my mother and in March this year of 2023 dad nearly passed away he’s made a full recovery and at 84 he’s remarkably, take care god bless

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I was also my mums carer until the last 7 weeks of her life and my whole world has fallen apart. I feel so lonely without her here and even when she was in a home for the last weeks, I saw her practically everyday, as I felt guilty she was there. I can’t tell you when it will begin to feel easier, as I’m lost 2.5 months after still. I’m reaching out for counselling with a help it will help me understand my feelings and begin to cope with the fact she’s gone.

My mum was killed august. I’m still struggling now. Life seems so pointless. I just sit at home and day dream or I sleep . I just do not have any energy anymore. Most days I will just stay in my pjs .

I’m struggling so much as well. Know it’s still early days for me, but I don’t know how much more of this heartache and pain I can take. Everywhere I go, there are reminders. I try to do things to keep my mind busy, but it’s always there. Can’t escape the thoughts, the pain inside is just horrific. Feel as if part of me has died too. Keep going over and over those few weeks when mum was at end of life and I still can’t believe she is gone. It just feels so wrong. I just want to hug my mum. Some people ask how I am now and seem surprised when I say I am struggling. The world keeps turning, but my world is completely shattered.

People do not know how I am feeling . They say you will be get through it. But it’s not that simple . Most days I stare at the tv when it’s off . Or I will lay in bed and listening to mums favourite songs. I wish she was here with me. I know she is here in spirit but it’s not the same.