Well done scarlet. You’re doing great x

Trying to make nutritious food was one of the areas i focused on. My concentration is poor. I stop often what I’m doing. Take care.

Tonight will make day 5 of 5 that we’ve had proper food at the dining table. It’s been a challenge but in please to have achieved it.

I’ve really been struggling sleeping so also doing what the doctor called sleep cleanse… hot water bottle, hot milk, no technology and lavender. The doctor has suggested taking antihistamines to help me get through the night- in starting tonight.

I saw an amazing doctor yesterday. She really helped me - listened, offered ideas and support structures. She’s suggested I contact Cruse and arrange a meeting, also has explained various options I have if I can’t cope - various medications , not necessarily ones I’d take all the time but ones that would help when I have times of being completely overwhelmed or major anxiety.
Has anyone else tried any medication to help with sleep, anxiety or the feeling of completely being overwhelmed?

Hi scarlet
I did take sleeping days for a week after mum died. Day 3 to 10.
I went to the doctor on day 3 in such a mess. The doctor gave me 10 days worth of sleeping tablets just to get my body sone rest and back into a pattern again.
I took then for a week then stopped them. They just gave me 4 or 5 good hours a night for a week which was enough to cope with the heavy demands in those early days.
Cheryl x

Having a bad day, argument brewing with my husband, feeling like crap and just want to curl up and give up. Husband just doesn’t understand, he doesn’t have the same relationship with his parents as I did. I feel completely lost and alone, normally I’d be on the phone now hashing it out with mum, but she’s not there.