Lost my same sex partner of 38 years

On 27th Feb this year. I lost the love of my life. She was my world. My everything. She treat me like a princess for 38 years and I can’t imagine a life without her.
I am hoping for some ideas on how to manage this excruciating emotional pain


Oh thank you so much. Your words of support and comfort do help. I am waiting for counselling but understand that I have to wait for 3 months from my partners passing.
I know I will always miss her as our love was and is so deep.
It would have been our Civil Ceremony Anniversary on Monday.
Sending care and support right back to you.x

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You are absolutely right. Letting our emotions out…crying…talking…and crying again I know is healthy. I hope your pain eases too and although it is sad to hear it does help to know that I am not on my own in my grief.
I am also accepting the love and support of friends who are wrapping their care around me yet no matter who I spend time with and what I do the missing my amazing Kala never goes away. Shecwas and is one incredible woman. She was fighting her 4th cancer.x


Hi dublingirl and Tracey.H hope you are both doing okay .its been 15 weeks since passing of my daughter and i though i was doing better until yesterday. Nothing happened but i woke up feeling really SAD and have cried for the past 2 days ,cant shake it off. Its scary because feel as if im losing control again . Feel like i just want to run away from this life and go somewhere no one knows me and try forget everything :heart:

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I am so sorry to hear this. Sending hugs.xx

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Thanks Tracey ,how are you feeling ? Im so glad you replied ,no one has really been posting on the site :heart:

Oh that makes it even harder. When you reach out and dont get a response.
I am really struggling . I love and miss Michaela so much. I am off work at the moment and trying to fill my time with friends as being on my own in my grief is too painful.
Sending you the biggest hugs
Oh way up is a useful site to try.x

Ill give that site a wee look. I find i do t really want to be with my friends ,i want to be on my own and just not speak to anyone which is the opposite of what everyone says is best

You do what is right for you.
I also found a couple of sites on fb
Widows and windowers
And another calked widows
There will always be someone to listen if you do wsnt to talk.

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Hope you get some ok times on your holiday.
I went to our caravan with friends for the bank holiday but miss Kala wherever I am

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Glad your okay (kinda) yeah im sort of okay with people and then when im on my own it goes downhill again . Whare are you off to on your hols ,somewhere warm? :rofl:you away with family /friends :heart:

Glesgalass. I find it hardest when I am on my own too.
Sending hugs.xx

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Its hardest when im on my own but then at the same time i actually want to be on my own ,theres no answer to this one :roll_eyes:

I get what you mean.
Nothing and no one can bring my Kala back and that is what hurts so much.
There is another helpful site I have recently joined called Way up.
At least there is always somewhere to post how you ate feeling.
I will always answer whenever I can.

I was on an online chat with CRUSE and the person was lovely ,helped through a difficult evening. Ill have a look at WAY UP too . Have you signed up for the text support on here ,you get a wee text every couple days ? If you havnt uou meed to do it ,the text are the sweetest messages and personalised too :heart:

I remember now ,i actually emaimed them but its only for people who have lost their partner so i couldnt join . Thanks though

Oh sorry about that. I dont think I realised. Yes 8 have the text service from here.
9ne day last week I phoned Samarirans and they were helpful.xx

I contacted samaritans but i thought cruse was better but i suppose it depends who youre talking too x

It does. I also spoke to someone lovely at Cruse.xx

Isnt it weird when someone is nice to you ,the tears start .Or is that just me ? I had counselling today and she must be sick of listening to me crying every time she speaks to me . Was talking to a friend last night tears again. Today i had to hold them back with another friend .im a nightmare :roll_eyes: