Lost my soulmate

I’m the same, my daughter is lovely and gives me strength.
My husband’s funeral was on the 3rd June, we were only allowed 10 people but it was a lovely service. He wouldn’t have wanted anything fussy. I didn’t know how I’d get through the day it was extremely painful but a lovely service, his work mates lined the road down to the crematorium it was a great tribute. Since then it’s been harder because I’ve had more time and nothing to organise to take my mind off things.
I’m trying to find some peace but so difficult because my mind just keeps going around. I’m not eating, sleeping and don’t want to go outside. I know this is the same for a lot of us. I just want my husband to be here.

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I’ve got service tomorrow and just want time to stand still. My head know what needs to be done but my heart don’t understand

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I understand, I’ve said the same. Just want everything to stop still.
I don’t like how everyone and everything is carrying on and we can’t.
I’ve never felt pain like this. It’s terrible isn’t it.
It’s hard. So hard.

Yes I can not stand when my sister in laws put pictures on Facebook and gets on with life. We fid not have the funeral yet. I an thinking how selfish they are as I would not do the same thing. As I really respect when others are unbearable pain

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People don’t realise how it affects others until it affects them. I’ve just gone into FB and it is hard with all the posts especially those that refer to being a couple.
That’s why I’ve mainly stuck the this site.

I had the funeral today of my husband of 45 years my soul mate and best friend
I’m so angry that this has happened, all the Father’s Day ads on the tv upset me
Feel so lost and empty, I don’t want to be alone but I don’t want company really all I want is him back again
I wasn’t allowed to visit him in hospital until just before he died and he was sedated on a ventilator
They gave me 10 minutes with him
I’m heart broken and my daughter our only child is so angry with the drs and the hospital that’s is how she is coping

So painful

It is so painful and the words don’t describe it enough. I don’t have children but I have her mum who is housebound and is struggling to cope.
It feels like the end of the world to us. I’ve been in tears all day. And there nothing wrong with that. I struggle like you with the pain.
Do what I do and share my feelings and thoughts on here.
Same as I get told you will learn to cope you just need to give yourself what ever time you need and your daughter’s needs may be different.

You are right because we tend to think we are the only ones suffering like this and something like this forum let’s me feel that there are other people struggling to come to terms with their grief as well .
This evil virus which he didn’t have had deprived us of the right to be with our loved ones when they most need us
I left him alone in hospital I couldn’t be with him and that is haunting me. All we had was the phone and once he was in icu he couldn’t even talk to us

Although not exactly the same so many similarities. Could not see her for a. Week because of covid. Then got little time with her when they eventually called me in. Just keep reliving my last moments with her. I want the pain to go but I don’t want the pain to go because I miss her so much

Yes this evil virus made our life worse as I was not able cuddle or kiss my love, wearing masks, gloves I could not even move. Did he deserve or anyone to die in this way? Or us? I was thinking when the virus came we could spend more time as a family yes we did. Had it should been end like this? No as I see families enjoying family time with their family without any problem or death. I wish I was one of them. Happily after ever does not work for everyone

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It is so sad. All I can say is I know the pain. I’ve got the service tomorrow. Can’t even type what it’s called. I just hope we both learn to cope. Myself I don’t know how. But we have to get there.

I keep going over our last moments again and again.
His lovely face and all the scary machines around him. I’m so angry we have no more time together

You miss your man and I miss my girl. So unfair

Hi Gregor

The pain of losing your wife/ husband is unbearable, I too feel empty and alone. All the plans we had snatched away. Grief has its own pace, we are all different. It will get a bit easier to bear , although now that seems impossible. Will we ever smile again, be happy, enjoy anything.
I am facing this for a second time. I lost my first husband suddenly 20 years ago , then I just wanted to die too. Moving forward, I met a wonderful man, who beer stood grief and had lost his wife , we married and were so happy together, but never forgetting our first partners. Now at New Year, I’ve lost my husband again, it’s so cruel and I’m struggling. But I know one day it will be easier to cope. Life will never be the same , but liveable. Hang in there, take it slowly , small steps, , no time limits, one day you’ll breathe again, may smile, laugh and enjoy something. Not the same but different.

Thinking of you and hope it helps, I’m not preaching, just trying to comfort
Christina x


I was the same with the hospital, was awful. Nothing can prepare you for that can it.

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Once he was in icu they limited us to 1 phone call a day from a dr or senior nurse. I still rang the ward with varying degrees of success
I should have been with him during those weeks in icu and I am so angry that was taken away from us. I worry that he was frightened and I couldn’t reassure him

Hi again,
When I visited Andy first time at the hospital he had a big white bubbly ventilator to keep his brain less damaged. And his family he will better as his little brother in a coma for three weeks with way more machines to keep him alive and he survived. Andy does not have or as much as Ant had. I thought he would be like his brother. I prayed prayed but what happened…no he was not that lucky or I was not lucky enough to have him next to me now. I just do cry as I can not help it

I’m numb
I just can not describe how much I miss him
I feel like life will never be happy again, nobody can understand unless they’ve been in our position. the silence not having someone to talk to is unbearable.
I honestly don’t know how I can carry on like this for what’s left of my life

I am using sleeping pills and antidepressants. His mum is stronger than me or looks stronger but I am not. I ask my mum to remind me of Andy as I think I met an angel and happily ever lived only 10 years or he was not real.
As I can imagine myself how happy I was together with him now thinking it was a dream so hood to be true.

Like his death. Is it real? He never wanted to leave his family. He did not have any choice and I can not accept this. He has just in seconds in front of me.
How come is this pain will go away?