Medium - thoughts please

I wish I had the gift and I would have great pleasure in helping people and hopefully make them happy.
I am gutted that we have no mediums in my area. I am ready now to visit one. How I envy those of you that are visiting one.

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I have already given contact details for my medium as she works over zoom . If you want her details pm me .

I would do it for free too Pat. What a gift to give that comfort. The rewards of seeing someone so happy would be enough for me


20 pounds an hour is very reasonable. I don’t think anyone would have a problem with a medium charging that amount, the one close to me charges 45 pounds for 30 minutes and 75 pounds for an hour, I don’t think we need to be a psychic to guess exactly what kind of a medium she is!

Me too Jooles, what a wonderful gift to have. To be able to give that comfort and love would be amazing.
Pat xx


Yes please, I would love them too if you can send them to me please x

Yes, me too Abdullah. I am sorry if I answered questions inappropriately, but it was in answer to questions put by members. I take on board the remarks from Admin. It is so often difficult not to get side tracked away from the original content. We are all highly sensitive and open to emotional responses. Mediumship is a very controversial subject and is bound to cause dissension. Once again my apologies if any of my posts caused upset. Blessings to you and all. John.

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Hi Abdullah. Thank you for your reply. Yes I agree with you whole heartedly about the charges made by most Mediums both from a practical and moral stand point. I too would act as you would if I had a gift freely given to me by fate. I think the problem with Phil Quinn is that he’s turned his gift into an organisation so large that his costs to run it are massive. But Im not making excuses for the man. Perhaps his way of working conforms very much to the USA approach. Stay safe my friend.
Love and Light
Geoff x

John and Abdullah. The religious content didn’t really bother me. My own personal issue was the mention of Satan etc. That’s dangerous territory in my opinion. Lots of fragile minds on here. People living alone. It’s not really for this forum. In my opinion. Religion yes that’s fine. Satan. No.

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Yes, there are more tactful ways of telling someone you think visiting mediums is sinful if that is your belief without scaring them.

Hi. Jooles. I only mentioned it in a reply to a question asked. I can appreciate it could upset someone, but I did not raise it myself because I don’t believe in it. It is strange that I too have gained more comfort over the years from those who charged nothing than the so called ‘professionals’ who charge the earth. There can be no price on compassion or kindness. It should be freely given. How do you price love?
Very best wishes. John.

Sorry HJP, but that was meant for Jooles. But it does reply to your post also. We should not condemn all mediums because we have had a bad experience with one. It’s like counselling. Many have had bad experiences with some counsellors, but the majority of accredited counsellors do a good job.
Take care. John.

I haven’t condemned any ? The opposite in fact .

Hi. HJP. Sorry, I was talking in general terms. I do appreciate from your posts that you do not condemn mediums. So many do and that’s why I replied as I did. I should be more specific. Sorry about that. John.

No probs !


I think you should do what gives you comfort. I’m Wiccan and whilst most people see death as an ending, we view it as a beginning of the next phase of our existence. Maybe it’s because we view the cycle of birth and life and death and rebirth as something magical and spiritual, a never-ending, ever turning wheel. Rather than being disconnected from death and dying, we tend to acknowledge it as part of a sacred evolution. This is not to say that we don’t grieve for loved ones, we certainly do but we know that in some form or another they will return.

Have you thought of having a little ritual for your loved one? Set up a small table with a photo of your loved one, some of their favourite food and a white candle. Light the candle and talk, tell them what’s been going on in your life, relax and listen and be receptive to sounds and feelings. At the end thank them for visiting and release them to complete their journey.
Walk in Peace


I lost my Husband in April and I still struggle to get through the days, I’ve had readings and they’ve helped me a lot, don’t just go to anybody please do your research first but it does help a lot and is the only thing that keeps me going knowing he’s still around and getting his little messages. Good luck

I lost my husband of 47 years just over a year ago. I’m tempted by the idea of a medium but scared of using a charlatan. How did you do research, if you dont’ mind me asking. I live in Wiltshire

I am going to a medium on Friday at a spiritual centre with over 25 years experience, I lost my fiancĂ© 6 mths ago in tragic unforeseen circumstances and I have been so angry at the world for carrying on at him for leaving me and at myself for not being there, I need to know he’s ok where he is and that I love him and I miss him, I am going in with an open mind and heart and I have a few things that if they mention it I will know for sure it’s him and I will be removing all trace of him on my person, my engagement ring and his I wear round my neck I want them to tell me. Will let you know how it goes xx

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Hi Bessie, there are a few things you can do to try and find out if they are a charlatan.

Record the conversation - some charlatans are experts at deceiving. They use the same techniques stage hypnotists use - they can actually ask you for information, and then later on make it seem to you as if they told you that information. So please record it to ensure this doesn’t happen as you can then play it over to yourself.

Also, don’t give your name - by just knowing your first name, approximate age, and where you live, people can use public databases to find out things like your entire family’s names.

And if you really want to test them, try and implant some false information in their mind by pretending you are there for someone who doesn’t even exist. Say “oh, my husband suggested I see you, as I can’t get over my [insert imaginary person that doesn’t exist]'s death”. If the medium is really talking to spirits, surely they will get mesaages from your husband and not anything from the imaginary person you created.

I hope you don’t get a charlatan and get the answers you want. Take care.