Medium - thoughts please

Hi, would you happen to have he contact details for the medium you visited?

I lost my husband recently and would like to visit a medium but don’t know how to find a good one.

Thank you

It’s hard trying to find a good one tbh.
I’ve had loads of readings now and they’ve all been terrible. My Facebook is completely private so there’s no way for them to get any information about me off my Facebook page.

They’ve basically gone your grandparents are here, a gentleman who died of heart or chest issues, a lady who died of cancer. Young male who died suddenly and tragically.
They are here with a lost baby, did you or someone close to you have a miscarriage?
Whose getting the memorial tattoo?
Are there two/three children?
There’s been disagreements in the family,
You sleep with something of theirs,
You’re getting memorial bears made or jewellery made with their ashes,
You’ve got a ring/necklace of your mams, a watch of your dads / partners,
You’ve been thinking about decorating,
You’ve been planning a trip away,
I’m seeing keys. Whose moving house or buying a new car?
You’re getting a photo framed or enlarged.
There’s bits of paperwork that you need to finalise.
They send you signs in robins, feathers, rainbows etc.
There’s a dog with them.

All so very generic and vague and would apply to so many people :unamused:

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That is such a shame. I am desperate to find someone who can tell me my husband is at peace but don’t know how to find a good one. Thank you for the reply.


There’s one who I’ve been following for a while. She’s Australian and draws pictures of hotpots where she believes the bodies of missing people can be found. She was apparently responsible for the discovery of the car where five youngsters from Cardiff went missing after the car they were travelling in veered off the road unseen and was hidden in bushes for days. Two were still alive. There’s been a couple of bodies found by search parties who have been members of the public who follow her group and have gone looking in the hotpots she’s drawn. I find it bizarre and I’m really intrigued by it all. She recently drew drawings of where she believes the body of a very well known victim of the Moors murderers is buried. Now if anything ever comes of that then that would absolutely blow my mind.

I’ve paid her for a spiritual reading and hopefully she’s doing it tomorrow. Another lady I know had one with her and said it was scarily accurate although her Facebook is more public than mine. I have absolutely nothing for her to see on my Facebook so it will be interesting to see what happens. If it’s good I’ll let you know :slight_smile:


Thank you, I would love to know how you get on.

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