
I am currently dealing with a miscarriage and the father of the baby has cut off all contact with me and is treating me like hell by saying he don’t care about the pain I am going through and he is worrying me cause he is going into self destructive mode

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Hello @Jessieb5112,

I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. You may want to connect with @Rhiannon12 who posted this thread a few days ago: Miscarriage

You might also want to contact The Miscarriage Association. They have a helpline on 01924 200799.

You are going through a lot right now physically and mentally - please do reach out for some extra support.

Take good care

I am so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately I can’t give you any help at all part from be kind to yourself, and take it hour by hour. I am sure someone on here will be able to help you. Take care

I am sorry about Yr miscarriage I had 2 but eventually had 2 babies My daughter was the same she now has a lovely baby It’s horrible the way your partner treated you but to be honest he was not a kind person and wouldn’t have a good father You may have had a lucky escape

@Jessieb5112 I’m so sorry for your loss. I had 3 miscarriages before I eventually had my son 32 years ago. I totally understand how hard it is, I still think back after all these years about how it could have been.
I can’t really offer any help, take one day at a time, seek help if you can get it and talk.
I lost my son 2 years ago and I’m so grateful I found this site, keep posting, it’s helped me so much.
Take care and go easy on yourself xx