Miss my daughter

Hi there to anyone reading this. My daughters passing is with me every day. I find myself checking out dates and names and saying we’ll that was 2 weeks or a year etc before she passed. Her father doesn’t know but we were divorced when she was 2 and he didn’t have much to do with her or brother. So I face this alone. It was 13th April Easter Monday 2020 when she passed. It still doesn’t seem real. I’ve had counselling but I don’t think they knew if was for grief and talked about other things. I’m afraid I can’t negotiate on here and can’t find reply etc… I also have a sick cat who my daughter adored my daughter was 43 when she passed and had 2 beautiful :heart_eyes: children anged 18 and 21. I cannot really come to terms with it. I have a pic in the hall and if I look at it I see her and feel she should still be here. Her kids are broken hearted. I was kindly referred to an online cgroup for my daughters :pray: :heart: passing which was a heart attack unexpected but from long term drug use. I tried everything to help but never got any guidance. I wish perhaps if I done things differently it wdbhave helped and I do feel guilt about the argument had. I’m sorry for ranting on and I havnt been on here for a while. Its just putting pen to paper so to speak. I’m feeling tortured as my cat is now epileptic and uts torture to witness. I feel I’m being punished. God bless for healing for all on here but it for mebits an uphill struggle.x

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I meant to say the group I was referred to was on here but I can’t find it. I’m getting a few hours with a befriended for my mental health and il be getting a call next week from admin as my 6 months r up. I will as her if she can help me find the group on here as she shevtalks about being able to go on line. Many thanks for reading this.xxx

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Hi Margaret,
I think the group you’re looking for is Loss of My Son Aged 27.
There are some lovely people on there to chat to and I’m sure you will find it a comfort to talk to them.
I lost my son Andrew in march he was 38. He did once have a bad drug problem but went into rehab over 4 years ago which was wonderful for him as he’d tried so hard to stop. He’d had a few lapses recently and it was due to talking someone else’s medication to help get a good nights sleep that caused him to just stop breathing in his sleep.
I miss him terribly as we were so close but recently I’ve found I’m coping so much better…in fact I feel guilty that I’m coping TOO well.
Talking to the others on the group I’ve mentioned has certainly helped me. Just knowing you’re not on your own with your grief is a comfort.
I’m sorry you’re finding it so hard…it’s the worst thing ever ,losing a child.
Hope you find the group.
Love and hugs Sue xx

I feel for you I lost my daughter 2021 & my world fell apart sending love & prayers

I know what you mean I just one more time want to hold and kiss my daughter Marie I remember when I pulled her off the settee both her hands in mine I wish I had given her a cuddle but I didn’t know that was the last time I would hold her alive and awake. Every birthday christmas every celebration that should have been compounds the heart ache.
But we must keep going our families need us all the more because of this tragedy. Keep your head up and your heart strong.

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Coming up to 5 years since I lost elle. I’m still hurting and lost interest in. Most things just thrown myself into my job
Lost my faith

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I am sorry to hear that everyone’s different and as are the ways we cope I am looking for work that I can immerse myself in. Every job i’ve had since 2015 have been during the battle with my Marie’s cancer and I made such a mess of my work couldn’t concentrate I was always stressed out. Now I don’t know who I am or what to do. Just feel lost. It is such a mess dont know if that feeling ever going to go

It does get easier. But it’s just cus we get used to coping. Not a day goes by with my thoughts wandering 22 councing sessions the grief is a measure of your love❤️

never thought of it like that did the counselling help

It did a bit… because every one except my mum was thier everyone else disappeared. Part of it was my fault as I distanced myself. But felt like I had the plague. Then I hit rock bottom cus my mum died suddenly. My world was broken. But it is hard but you cope a bit better with time. But I can’t do anything I used to think I could fix everything. But I can’t not enough surport for grief. Great ormond Street seen me once not enough. Then 22 sessions local it did help push me but its a roundabout.

Angels called them to their team, to support others as guardians :heart:

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