Miss my old life

No, you walk away to your lonely existence again.
I keep thinking Nick & I did a lot of travelling around the world. We also travelled round the UK with the dogs.
Everyone says… oh your so lucky. Nick could have taken a funny turn and crashed. You both could have died! That might have been a better solution because my life as i knew it has gone xx


Hi I’m in a similar position to you lost my husband of 40 yrs suddenly. The getting use to coming back to an empty house. I play music all the time and keep busy. It’s been nearly 5 months he died on New Year’s Day early hours.
I will always grieve for him but I won’t let it destroy the rest of my life. I intend to move on. I’m going out with friends and hope to meet someone in the future. My chapter has been closed and far too many people waste the rest of their lives living in the past. We can’t change anything we have to process what’s happened and move forward. We deserve happiness again but they will never be forgotten. We didn’t chose this but you have to pick up the pieces and carry on! Xx


Ferry you seem a very strong person and your attitude to life and carrying on is good. You are lucky to have friends to help you move on, somany of us on here just had our partner. Nowadays it is so hard to make new friends, unless you go to work and many of us dont or can,t.
My David would want me to move on and not dwindle my life away on grieving and hopefully I will get stronger and be able to find some meaning to life as it seems so utterly pointless now and empty.
Thank you for sharing, I will keep your advice in a corner of my mind till I am less raw.

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You were so lucky to get 40yrs. Me & Nick only had 12yrs. Its still very raw. He passed away 20th April and his funeral was 16th may.
I feel cheated, i would have liked 40yrs.

I know life goes on but not the life i wanted.
Im going to have to push myself out of my comfort zone. Id usually have Nick with me.
Ive lost a lot of friends since Nick passed away. They were not true friends and i saw it for what it was… lets go for drinks, its someone’s birthday… and thats it! No substance to our friendship.

Ive got friends that Nick and i made together but they are couples.

Ive got work friends… which are usually coffee for an hour.

Basically, my son is out living his life and my daughter has her own home. Living her own life too.

I will plan things for the future, just miss having my favourite person with me xx


Haha Nick never said… move on with another man. He knew i made bad choices before him.

Nick wanted me to go back to work and travel. Keep on having adventures.

It will never be the same without him, but ill try when the time is right xx


Rome last August, he looks so healthy :sleepy:


Rome last August xx


Youre right we do. When we are ready to do it though … its not easy any of this is it in so many ways :frowning:


I have had that remark about it could have been worse as my husband was driving, very, very slowly when he died. I know people meant to help when they said that but the fact is he’s still gone.

Big hug x

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That’s a great attitude. Someone suggested I may meet someone else, but I can’t imagine that yet, although I’m sure it will happen at some stage. But I don’t think anyone else could love me as much as Steve did, and put me first before everyone else. I wouldn’t accept anything less after having that.


I too miss my old life.

I think we all grieve in our way.
It may be very, very similar to others.

Talking to our loved ones.
Talking about our loved ones or not feeling ready to talk about them.

Crying all the time, some of the time or wishing we could cry.

All aspects of grief will affect us in our individual ways.

There will be many things we all miss, the closeness, the love, the shared experiences, the jokes that maybe we only understood and so on.

We obviously grieve our loved ones, our closest and best friends.

Our old lives and the lives we thought we would have.

We will take differing amounts of time to move forward.

How far we move forward will probably differ.

Do what is right for you, take the steps you feel are the next ones for you.

Yes, sometimes you may have to had a bit of a word with yourself, I know I have.

Please try to be kind to yourself.
I find that one difficult sometimes.

I don’t know if this makes sense but this just popped into my head,

Be your friend not your enemy.

Wishing you all as much peace and comfort as is possible today and in the future.

Lots of love and very, very big hugs,

Rose x

(End of sermon :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:)


I share your feelings a lot. Your comments resonate well…
Yesterday a funeral director gave me a booklet called “Grief the unwelcome jouney” by Dr Bill Webster, as I was talking about pain and difficulties with the loss of my husband.
The author has a website and YouTube videos. I watched some and feel slightly better after that. He speaks from his own experiences.
I hope someone can find this helpful.


Thanks Rose that’s just what I needed to hear today xx


I haven’t lost a partner, but parents. but these are encouraging words, as I am looking for a partner. I needed to hear this brave attitude.


Just watched some of this. Really good xx


I’ve just watched some too - very relatable. Thanks for the recommendation x


Hi Mandy I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I am retired so have not got any work mates to talk to . Like you I get up take my dog for a walk then home to empty house. We were totally content with just each other so didnt see many people . I had my husband for 47 years now just cant see the point of anything. I dont live i just exist. Like you I miss the life we had to gether. I think people assume you just miss the person but that is not the case


Lovely pic xx

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Wow firstly 47 years, thats great. Sadly you probably feel like you lost yourself, being a couple for so long :sleepy:
I feel cheated… just 12 years but they were fabulous, we travelled so much and had lots of adventures.
I dont know what to do with myself anymore. Feel like ive had my arm cut off :sob: i loved being in a couple. I really dont like this existence :confused: but, i dont want anyone else either.
I waited so long to find my nick… 42 years old. Im 54 now.
Had disaster relationships before him and lost my faith in men.

Now im so lonely, alone.
My son just came in, had tea then has gone out again.
My mum popped in for a cup of tea.
Ive got nobody.
Im going to end up very sad… going to work. Going home. Walking my dogs and thats it.
With people giving me pitiful looks.
Im lucky ive got work to go back to… it must be so hard for you xx


Like that video above …m he ssid you have grief for the person but also acondary grief whivh is the life ypu lost with them : holidays,

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