Miss my old life

Its not just holidays… it is that im missing something to look forward to.

But, every day life… shopping, going for a walk, going out, talking to eachother, having a laugh… missing everything :sleepy:


I know … that as well … all of it ;( soz didnt finish my message properly … got distracted … xx

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Life is so hard and lonely now, we used to enjoy Sat nights a good movie anda few wines, where now im in bed usually 9pm nothing to stay up for except feeling sorry for myself. I miss my hubby so much :cry:


Same I miss him so much :broken_heart:


Me too. It will be 5 weeks tomorrow since I lost my beautiful man. I miss him so much and I just can’t imagine a future without him. I hate this life I’m heartbroken :broken_heart: x


Oh how I can totally relate to what you said - almost 13 months in and I still feel the same, sad, empty and ever so lonely :broken_heart:
Sending big hugs xx


So tough isnt it ? Dunno what answer is ? Guess we just have to go with the flow and do stuff although sometimes i just like to sit and relax because this grief takes everything out of me :frowning: i think i try to run before i can walk and i need to believe in myself and stop listening to everybody else all the time ! But its do hard without them isnt it … dont think i will ever be happybin this situation:( xx

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It is so tough :sob:. Yes go with the flow that’s all we can do. I don’t feel like I am living- I am just existing and floating along each day with no purpose whatsoever :broken_heart:. Emptiness, sadness and loneliness - so horrible beyond belief I hate this lonely life without my angel :broken_heart:
Take care xx


I know.exactly how you feel and im 17 months into this ! Some days are just awful arent they ? But try to think tomorrow may be better ? Im gonna take my dog to canal - even if its flipping raining tomorrow. Xx

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It’s just awful I miss everything all the little things just sitting in the garden together now I hate my garden. Its 4 years since I lost my husband I still feel the same as I did the day he died I just cant move on maybe I don’t want to


12 weeks ago I woke up with my husband.
It was a normal Sunday morning.

Sunday mornings are sad and precious at the same time.

We were still together, we were still sharing a life together.

Then hours later it all changed.

I would never have that life again.

We would never have that life again.


@RoseGarden its Saturdays for me :cry:
Its the longest, most horrible day.
Everyone is busy living their own lives.

We used to love Saturdays. I hate them now xx


Rosegarden that is my story too. 5 weeks ago we were getting ready to leave our holiday accommodation and then my life changed forever. I still can’t believe this happened to us. We were so happy. It all seems so unfair and I had to drive home without him.
Every Sunday morning is a constant reminder of that tragic day. We used to love our Sunday mornings. He would bring me tea in bed and the Sunday magazines from the paper to read. Nothing spectacular but it was our little thing we did.
I do appreciate that I didn’t have to watch him suffer a terrible illness like many of you on this site but the suddenness of it all is still very raw.
Thanks for listening. I feel this community are the only people who really understand. Sending love and strength to you all xx


It was a Sunday the last time i ever day my husband .He was taken into hospital with covid on a Sunday and died early hours of the following Friday without me being able to be with him at any point due to covid restrictions. Maybe this is why I cant move on I havnt had the closure I never ever saw him even after he died. My last memory is seeing him in the back of the ambulance .


So very sorry Marl. What a tragic situation for you. Sending love and strength xx


These days are now devastating reminders.

Sending a big hug.

Rose x

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@jody Our Sundays changed so drastically and suddenly that it is impossible to believe it has happened.

We had only gone to somewhere close by but like you the journey back was without him.

We would sit in bed with our mugs of tea every morning. We were very slow risers.
It was how we would start the day.

You are in my thoughts today.

Sending a big hug and my understanding of how you feel.

Rose x


I am so very sorry.

That is such an horrendously sad way to part.

Lots of love,

Rose x

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As you know our loss circumstances impact on our unique grief path we walk. I am sensitive about the idea/words of moving on. It implies for me leaving behind and forgetting and I don’t want that connected to my loss and life with my husband.

Moving on might not be right for you for some it is . Covid circumstances perhaps has left something really important incomplete for your loss, talk it through with someone and see what arises. Sending courage x

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Oh u poor thing losing him to covid ;( i lost my husband nearly 17 months ago now … its a flipping heartbreaker i know that for sure ;( xxx

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