Missing my Dad

I so desperately need my Dad. 15 weeks on and the days are getting harder and harder. It would be his birthday in July. How can I cope without him?
My head is full of regrets and guilt and nothing is helping, nothing.
Sorry to be so negative but this is my reality. I’ve sought help but nothing can help as I need my Dad so badly.
To anyone in the same boat, I’m sorry, this is terrible and such a horrible thing to experience.
Where do we get strength from? How do we avoid drowning in guilt?


I miss my dad too its 6 months today dad passed of covid, I can’t believe i haven’t seen his face or heard his voice, and I will never hear it again. It breaks my heart I miss him so much. Somedays I can cope other days all I do is cry. I am so lucky to have such an amazing dad and I remind myself of this when the days are dark.

Everyone please take care and keep hold of those wonderful memories we have with our loved ones that have passed x


I know how you feel. I lost my dad at the beginning of May this year. It was such a terrible shock when he passed away. I knew he was ill as he had leukaemia, but he was such a strong person & a fighter so I always thought we’d have more time together as a family. I miss him every day.
I feel lost, & I’m experiencing challenging emotions that I don’t normally feel: grief, anger & guilt for not being able to visit during the covid lockdowns. Despite having a partner I feel bereft & alone & that he doesn’t understand.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad, I totally get how you feel and all those feelings are normal . my dad passed away from covid and he was all on his own it was horrendous. Covid has affected so many of us in so many ways and the last year and a half we didn’t get to see our loved ones like we would of, and that’s what’s so painful for us all, please keep talking on here we all understand those dark days, its been 8 months now and for me it’s just as hard as the day we lost him and at times the pain is overwhelming and all I do is cry and other days I can be ok (as ok as we can be), its very early days and still so raw you and me take care of yourself x

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You’re right covid has affected all our lives & made it impossible to visit our loved ones. We shouldn’t feel bad about factors we can’t control.
I hope with every passing day that your pain & sorrow lessens, & you can make peace with your loss.
I will pray for you & think of you at this difficult & sad time. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take care x

I too lost my Dad this year, in January and due to Covid. I have been coping with the grief, I have kept it quite controlled but I recently felt like I would love to talk to others who are going through the same thing. I would prefer to speak to people in person so I have signed up for support groups, but this community seems like a good place as well. I really hope that some of you have managed to find some peace through this difficult time.

My dad died in mid January, alone in another country. We have not been able to go back so there was no funeral/wake for him for us. He died two days before my birthday after the only Christmas I did not call him. He texted me the week before saying he had felt ill but it was only a cold and he was on the mend. I had thought, I wonder if it was Covid and I should really tell him to go to the hospital. But I never did, I knew he would call me on my birthday and we would speak then. We didn’t have the best relationship, my sister and I were not able to connect to him too much and we hadn’t seen him in years. In fact, we hardly spoke and I had spoken quite badly about him the weekend before he died. My mother and my sister live here with me but as they didn’t really have a relationship with him anymore, I feel like the grief process for my sister was over in a couple of months (though I can’t judge and we all grieve differently). But I don’t think they understand and I’ve never felt more alone. When I was going through the angry stage and I cried every day, my mum even asked me why I was so angry and sad, like my dad dying two months before was not reason enough. What they can’t seem to understand is even though we weren’t that close when he died, I loved my Dad so much and I have always been Daddy’s little girl. Now he can’t call and I can’t make amends or repair our relationship. I cry every week, sometimes most nights and it has been 7 months. But I do have good days, I have learnt from his death and I have genuinely started making my life happier as a result.

I am single, live alone and haven’t been properly hugged through all of this. I keep everything under tight control and I worry that when I get that hug or that support I desperately need, I am going to break. Which is perhaps what I need and I am grateful to all of you who posted on this thread before as I don’t feel so alone anymore.


Oh bless you Nessa, no wonder you are wanting to meet up face to face you do need a hug, it’s ok to feel sad and down and just because others don’t always feel the same as you please do not let that effect how you are feeling. Have you been to the doctors to ask for some help with meeting up with councillors that could support you so you have some where to talk and let it all out. Your feelings are real and you have to grieve for your dad. I cry most days for my dad even looking at a picture of him has me in tears.

And I have to say for me it isn’t getting easier its harder now than ever, not seeing him hurts so much, like you I was a daddy’s girl he he will always be my hero.

Everyone on here understands the heart ache you feel and never be afraid to talk to us. Grief can be a very lonely place and talking to people who understand helps so much.

You take care of yourself and keep talking
Sending big hugs x


Hi Nessa,
I lost my dad in January also, just like you and many others on this site, I’m still suffering.
I totally understand your need in interacting with people going through similar circumstances, I never imagined in a million years I would be using a site like this, however it’s helped me immensely.
I never realised grief can make you so lonely, regardless of how big your social network is or how loved from family you are, you still feel alone. I wish I had the bottle to meet up with people from bereavement groups, I think it would probably help me, maybe in time I’ll give it a go, but for now I’ll continue to suffer alone.
I wish you all the best, don’t be shy on reaching out, there is some great people on this site who are prepared to listen and consult.
Take care, Liam