Missing you ❤️

Thank you - I’m so looking forward to being there!
Sending best wishes to you & everyone x


Its so hard when the word “We” becomes a thing of the past i would give the whole world to be able to say that again and looked into the eyes of my dear wife no one knows what its like untill it happens to them.


It is so so hard!
Take care.

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@Angel1309 that is so good to hear . I hope you can enjoy it . I am going away too it’s too painful this year

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@Jol I am so looking forward to being there and will embrace every second of not being alone for at least a few days!
Thank you & I hope you have a great time (that you can) on your trip too.
Big hugs to everyone x


@Angel1309 what a lovely friend you have. I don’t want to be miserable, but be warned that travelling on your own is difficult if you’re not used to it. I’ve just been to stay with my sister in Spain and airports on your own are awful.

But once I got there it was good to have some company and a bit of tlc.

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@Paddy53 yes she is my BFF, we’ve known each other since 1980s and have kept in touch ever since. We gave each other’s shoulder to cry on as and when we needed throughout these years!
Sean and I had planned to go to Mallorca this summer but sadly he passed away just before the summer. I decided to go ahead on my own and the first time in my life to travel abroad on my own. I ended up stranded at Mallorca Airport as the flight was cancelled due to bad weather and I was stuck in a hotel for one night. I got a replacement flight to return home the next day but via Nice - things went from bad to worse as I was about to board the plane home from Nice Airport, the flight was cancelled again due to the air traffic control glitch in the UK! I was literally losing the will to live :broken_heart: thinking I was being punished for going ahead on holiday without Sean. Being stuck in Nice for 3 more nights as there were no available flights home until then. I can still recall being in flood of tears when the plane was finally up in the air thinking yes, I am finally free from this horrible nightmare.
So yes, I couldn’t agree more - travelling on your own is certainly no fun! I am praying :pray: for a pleasant journey this time hoping Sean will look out for me just like the way we did each other when he was around.
This year’s been traumatic for us all - I hope that 2024 will be brighter and better for everyone X


@Angel1309 what a nightmare for you.
Travelling to Malta will be a walk in the park in comparison!


I do hope so - keeping my fingers crossed!
Take care.


Phone my husband’s best friend a couple of days ago and was shocked & deeply sad when he said he wasn’t thinking about my husband anymore as he was busy getting on with his life. He used to need to talk about my husband as much as I did if not more and now suddenly he has moved on just like that! I am so heartbroken- should I be? Yes I should, why? Because he initially said he’d spent 24 years sitting next to my husband in the office 8 hours a day and that made him the second closest to my husband after me. Now 7 months in, I am still grieving and to hear he has moved on just like that - it hurts deeply!
I have to remind myself - grieving is mine, alone. I shouldn’t expect anyone else to grieve with me. He was my soulmate my husband my best friend my everything & no one else’s. I miss you so much my darling angel :broken_heart:


@Angel1309 hi, what an unpleasant hardhearted man he sounds, but I experienced a similar thing with a long standing friend of my husband. He was visiting with my friend (his wife) and I was upset about things, and this male friend asked me “what sets you off?”.
This was only weeks after my husband had died and a speck of dust world set me off!! What was he thinking, how hard hearted can some people be?? It changed my view of what I had thought was a close and understanding friend, I think you just have to ignore these people who show their true colours. Keep strong, hugs x

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I can sympathise with you. My husband’s best friend hasn’t phoned, not once, since my husband died 3 months ago , far less visited me. He came to the funeral and that’s the last I’ve heard from him.To say I’m hurt and disappointed is an understatement. I can only give him the benefit of the doubt and think he would be upset, but what about me? I think my husband would feel so let down.
I also have people showing surprise that I haven’t returned to work yet, and tell me it’s the best thing I could do. They have no idea of the heartbreak I’m suffering, because none of them have been in my position.
Take care everyone x


@Mist2 i know, people have no idea about this level of grief unless they have lost their partner, it’s like loosing your own life as well. Then trying to make a new life is the hardest agony, people say the must stupid thing don’t they xx


They certainly do. I only hope that I haven’t ever been as insensitive as some of the people I’ve encountered. Even in the first few days I had people asking “ What’s wrong?” in apparent surprise when I started crying. Unbelievable, but true. But I suppose people feel very uncomfortable when faced with someone experiencing raw grief. Xx


@Kathy6 hi, hard hearted man who can just switch on and off his emotions just like a light switch. Your friend’s husband, sadly happens to be one of them. Sending you love & big hugs just ignore him he’s not worth your time and energy!
There are plenty of people in this world who have compassion and understand what is like to grieve and we are strong together, onwards & upwards :+1:
Take care x


How very sad, it’s only been 3 months and he didn’t call - how heartless some people can be! We’ll just have to ignore them just for our own mental well-being. One day they’ll understand exactly what we’re going through when it happens to them, which it will someday.
Sending hugs & strength to everyone x


Yes, trying to make a new life alone is the hardest thing one has to do! I am telling myself everyday to be brave & keep going!
Let’s hope we have the strength to get through these tough days & achieve peaceful & painless life someday.
Take care everyone x


Just received a Xmas card from my husband’s big brother and his wife saying, alongside the usual Xmas wishes, “have a nice day & we’ll see you in 2024”. I can’t help thinking the message is meant to preempt me from expecting an invite to join them on Xmas day - how sad if that’s really the case.
Fortunately my best friend has already invited me to join her knowing I would have to spend Xmas alone otherwise. Talking about hard hearted Vs warm hearted people you really know who your friends are when you’re down!
Big hugs to everyone x

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Hi @Angel1309
Morning yes we need to keep going somehow and it can be hard to do so.
This new life we find ourselves living is not one we wanted so trying to proceed to the new normal of just me is very hard.
My brain still cant process that i am now on my own trying to deal with things best i can. Weekends are always harder for me but i get through them. It has been 6 + months for me but feels like yesterday and days months pass by quickly yet slowly.
Christmas and Hogmanay New Year hold no meaning on my own now will treat like ever other day i am on my own and get through these times.
Take care everyone and have a good weekend.
Lynne x


I lost my husband suddenly about 2 months ago at the age of 33. The pain is horrific and I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy, I totally understand how you are feeling. I have two young children, so all my attention is on them so I dont really get time to think tidy, but I still feel the emptiness that he has left behind. I dont think we can ever rush this process can we