Missing you ❤️

It’s horrid not having them where they always were, my husband would always come into the garden when i went out to potter, he’d help and carry heavy compost and join in my projects. Oh how I miss him in every way x


@Angel1309 I feel for you . My husband went suddenly in may too . I miss him so much it still hurts so much . Just as we were in a better position with money and seeing more of each other . My son is still at home and we are going to Gran Canaria for Xmas it feels nothing to us this year . My big virtual hug to you


Thank you x

We will always remember all the things we used to do together - beautiful memories for us to keep remembering forever X


Thank you. I do hope you have a wonderful and comforting Xmas in Gran Canaria with your son.X


Yes we will :broken_heart:


@Angel1309 thank you xx

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I miss you so much my angel
I miss every word you said
I miss every move you made
I miss every single thing we used to do together
I miss all the laughs we shared
I miss everything about you 24/7
Everywhere I turn I see you in my heart and mind
I miss you my beautiful angel :broken_heart:
With all my love forever my beautiful soulmate :heart:


You have said exactly how i feel
Take care today
Lynne x


You too, take care
Big hugs X


Hi Toyah,
Had a little chuckle when I read that you wear your late husband’s clothes. Why? Because my lovely (late) husband was 6’4” and I am 5’0” if I breathe in! The only thing I can wear (and do) is his scarf!
Joking apart, I miss him more than words can say. Everyone on here will understand that, I know. He was amazing and I adored him. My lovely daughters, their equally lovely husbands and my adored grand-children are amazing. They live within a few miles and visit a lot, especially my 21year old granddaughter who is my best friend. I know I am lucky, so I feel guilty for still feeling so down. I go out, and I have friends, and I have my hobbies too. Some people have no-one who cares. But the fact remains, the one person I loved more than anything in the world hasn’t been here for more than 3 years and I just can’t get over that. I put on a happy face for the family but inside, I am permanently devastated. I loved him so much. I try to be grateful that we had 57 years together, 54 years of them married but it still isn’t enough.
I don’t think anything will change after all this time and must accept that I will be like this until I die.
I don’t think it always matters how long people are together before one of them dies. If you love someone, when they die, it is devastating and the number of years with them is irrelevant.
I wish everyone in my position peace of mind, and hopefully some happiness, at least now and again.


Hi AnnR
I haven’t laughed this much since my world crumbled 7 months ago! Thank you for your great sense of humour, so lifting! We all do need it sometimes especially now that we are going through such traumatic experiences.
Ironically, my angel was 6”3’ I am 5”0’ so I wear his T-shirt as my shirt-dress/pyjamas, his fleece jacket as my long coat - his scarf, the only item that fits perfectly!
I get through each day trying to keep busy to get distracted from being sad and lonely- people say I am coping very well - little that they know I am crying inside underneath that calm surface. No one really knows what it’s like to grieve until they go through the process themselves.
Family and friends are my tower of strength and I am so grateful to have their support. I don’t know how I would have coped so far without them!
My angel used to have my back but now I am so lost without him. I love him and miss him so much - I too will always feel sad and lonely without him ‘til the day I happily join him :heart:
Please take good care of yourself and I wish you the best Xmas that you can.x


In the office full of colleagues today. Everyone was so loving & supportive yet I felt so lonely! I feel alone and lonely when on my own and don’t feel alone when around people but still feel lonely - what am I to do? To be with people or to be on my own?
Loneliness is the hardest thing to overcome - no one I can confide in - no one I can ask - no one I can laugh with- no one I can do anything with - just an empty feeling.
I miss you so much my beautiful angel :broken_heart: you were my world, my everything and now I am so lost without you :broken_heart:


@Angel1309 Morning, it’s a familiar feeling, feeling alone when with other people. We no longer have our special person to talk to or confide in do we. It’s a lonely place indeed. Thinking of you, be kind to yourself x


Bless you! What lovely comments. I do try to see the bright side of things but as you know, it’s almost impossible when you lose the person you love most. I think though, had it not been for the fact that I have always been an optimist, I would have totally crumbled when he died. I must admit, I don’t know how I’d be if I didn’t have my family to cheer me on. I am not worried about being on my own, apart from the obvious, but it’s lovely when family pop in.
Thanks for good wishes. I am with my family for both Christmas and Boxing Day which is lovely, but I can’t help thinking back to before Tony died. Then we would have Christmas Day with family but Boxing Day was always just for us. We didn’t encourage visitors and just had a lovely lazy time enjoying our presents and each other’s company. We loved that day so much.
Onwards and upwards (my favourite saying at the moment). I have been lucky, I am lucky now and I must count my blessings.
I hope you manage to have a good Christmas. Will be thinking of you and everyone in ‘our’ club at Christmas and will raise a glass, or two, to you all. AnnR x


Yes, it’s a lonely place indeed :broken_heart:
Thank you & sending big hugs X

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I am an optimist too (overly optimistic as Sean would always say!) but my world still crumbled and I was numb when the police woman rang me to say Sean had passed away following a heart attack.
I don’t know how I could have coped had it not been for my best friend taking me in for 3 weeks at her home and even helped me organise the funeral. My work colleagues have also been so kind and supportive throughout - I have now counted them as my extended family! Will never leave this job until the day I retire.
Being alone is okay but being lonely is unbearable. I get through each day dreading of how lonely, again, it will be tomorrow!
We used to spend Xmas just the two of us, low key but very contented and happy, every year.
This Xmas, I was already decided to stay home on my own (scarily though) - couldn’t go to my daughter & her family as they have cats & a dog, I am allergic to both sadly!
Then a phone call came, my very same best friend, again reached out to help and asked if I would like to join her & her family in Malta for Xmas - I was almost in tears with relief and of course I accepted the invitation without hesitation - I am so grateful to be able to escape from being lonely at Xmas.
Wishing you all a good Xmas that you can - please take care X


That’s great news. I hope you have a really lovely time and that being in Malta does the trick to help you be less lonely. Sounds great to me!

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I love Malta. Such a beautiful country. Hope it helps to heal you a little bit at least. best wishes. Ann x

Thank you so much x

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