Mom has gone

There are places like bigyellowstorage, where you can pay x amount per week to have them hold stuff for you.

I think that about birthdays Shaun. They are just 365 days after the last one.
I think we place too much importance on dates but cant help it. I said in the early days that my mum and met on the 14 june, married on the 14 june and mum died suddenly on the 14 june.
It’s difficult not to place significance on things like that

Year everyday is sad without our mum’s I think the hype is worse than day but when birthdays and anniversaries come you do feel sadder I think will always be like that even after 2 years I hope you can sort it out about your mum’s stuff it’s bad enough getting through days let alone added stress thinking of you all

I won’t wish anyone a happy new year as you’ve all prob been the same as me tonight crying and remembering, this time last year I stood watching the fireworks with my mom holding her hand but I do wish for all of you is that we find some sort of peace xxxxx

Thanks tracy it’s all we can hope for isn’t it?
I remember last new years eve as clear as day. I cant believe she isnt here for this one

Had a quiet evening watching tv and was quite sober. I tried to avoid thinking about the past or the future for a change and just focussing on the present. Notice I said tried. How did it get to this? I’ll say what I said to my wife this evening, here’s to an uneventful 2020. I wish you all good health and peace. That’s what I’m aiming for and if nothing bad happens then it’ll be a successful year and a better one than 2019 turned out to be. Xx

That’s the same here, we stood snuggled up watching firework at the bottom of moms garden, tears wouldn’t stop last night, did try and have an early night but couldn’t sleep xxx

Hopefully this year won’t be as devastating as 2019 X

Year another new year without mum I just watched TV turned phone of went to bed thinking of you all, let’s hope this year you can find some peace in your lives and get through you grief best you can this year definitely can’t be as bad as last year ,for me I thought I was getting my life back together but losing my job and I can’t find a decent flat end of year was rubbish this year as got to be better

I ended up having two glasses of cava, not because I wanted to celebrate, but because I felt totally miserable by 8pm. My three week cold is not helping. There were tears promptly at midnight. I became rather upset. I was in bed pre 1am.
My immediate new years resolution is to look after my health. Today, it’s a grey day here. I’m out for a walk and then I’m cooking a small roast dinner later. I hope now that all the celebration days are out of the way, that some peace returns.
All I want is peace and to escape most people, as they rub me up the wrong way.

Jage, I hope you end up finding a good flat an job. I’m not working at the moment and I’m taking my time to find work.

Thanks Daffy being on my own is hard can’t take my time hope find one soon I’m a sewing machinist so not many places left year things have got to get better for everyone jage

I saw a lovely quote today it said your mum is your first friend your best friend your forever friend so true hey glad new year is over wasn’t very good let’s hope this year brings some better times for everyone peace and love to you all jage

I know what you mean and its too much for my brain. I am staying in bed a lot with nothing to get up for. (I was mums carer) everything revolved around mum so how can i just switch. Sending love and understandingx