Morning & Night

I thought I was getting somewhere then bang tonight I’ve been a complete mess. I really am wondering if I’m slipping into a complete breakdown/depression and I’m trying hard to fight it, even although I know it’s a stage of grief. I think I’m frightened that if I go down the black hole I’ll struggle to get out. It’s not been helped today as I had a dentist appointment & I have to get teeth out. For me there’s no avoiding a partial denture as it’s front teeth, feel self conscious as it is. Also a dilemma do I have NHS denture or go private. Sorry for the moan. I wish everyone good night, tomorrow’s a new day. Xx

Hi, I’m exactly the same as you about socialising. I have managed to meet one friend at a time but not groups, even when I know them well. I can’t imagine coping with people that I don;t know and feeling the odd one. Yes, I agree, chatting about nothing is just not for me at the moment. I would be trying to mix because it was expected of me now and not because I want to.
I do go to the gym but even that is a struggle these days so I do my exercising at home and work just as hard as I now have my own equipment. Looked into going to a gym nearer home as well as swimming and it would cost me £12 for both sessions. No reductions for Senior citizens, so will probably give it a miss. I have the allotments and walk for two hours at least everyday and will exercise on my own when not at the gym.
I too have problems with my left and right, don’t know why, I know which hand I write with. When I took my driving test I marked a R and L on my thumbs so that I wouldn’t hesitate when told to turn.
When we are ready we will know and hopefully be able to cope better.
Good night


Hi Mojo please don’t apologise we all have these moments and there’s not one of us that doesn’t understand these times. I too have had those moments wondering if I’m on that route to a breakdown, but I get out of it, feel more positive and then along comes the ‘grief monster’ and has another pop at me, just as it does you. No mercy, horrid thing. My determination is that I will not be beaten, I will survive this, not sure how at the moment. That black hole, I agree is a frightening thing. I’ve had moments when I have decided I will never get out of bed again or go out. I am just too tired of the constant struggle and can’t be bothered. An hour later I am walking the dogs and chatting to neighbours. So much for the resolve to shut myself away.
Dentists!!! all I can say is that I had private treatment then decided it was too expensive and went onto NHS, at great difficulty I might add to find. I soon went back to private. NHS terrible, manhandled so roughly and one man was so rude I got out of the chair, put my coat on and walked out half way through, where do these dentists come from… So if you can afford it find a decent private one would be my advice.
Yes, agree, keep looking for that new day.
Pat xx