Hi All,
I’m back! So sorry for not being on here for you all but just been mental.
Well done Mel with the competition and how was the trip to Paris? So pleased for you! Hope the infection is improving? Have the cats arrived yet?
Ahh thanks Ann,sorry for the delay but thanks for all the good luck messages. How are you? Sorry to hear you broke down in a meeting but who cares - you’re entitled to break down about your parents like that it’s human and shows how much you loved them. God I’m wroting that saying ‘loved’ and it doesn’t seem real does it, especially when you were talking about your dear Mum not so long a go. I look back at my first message on here and find it weirdly hanunting now. I can’t also believe that it’ll soon be 10 months in some ways I’ve not moved on from that day but in others I have it’s just really odd. How’s the cat now then? Still running riot?! Mines asleep on my lap bless him! My saviour!
Well loads happened here!! Sit back with a cupper and you’ll see why I’ve been non existent!! Don’t know where to start, I’ll soon be out of the hell hole!!! Resigned on my birthday! Secured a job the day before! Same industry but national organisation and we have the same thoughts on strategy stuff so that should be much better for me and I’m looking forwards to the fresh start in a few weeks time. So that perked up what was due to be a difficult birthday. It went ok on the day went for lunch with Dad and a friend but nearly had a complete meltdown at the table as there was one empty chair which I couldn’t help but think Mum should be in that. I didn’t say anything and kept it hidden but I just felt like that & found it difficult. Then had a bbq event and had some friend come which was nice but just missing something- Mum. My best friend has made it so special by doing so so much to make it as nice as possible - I was quite overwhelmed- beautiful meaningful gifts, being there, still gifts coming through from her now, buying birthday cakes to surprise me on the day with candles, sparklers etc. She’s been wonderful. It was tough.
Trip down to see mums friends was absolutely great and I’m so please I went as I could talk about her for 4 days non stop - just what I needed. One of her friends took me to this mega posh hotel for lunch and paid for it all and then bought me a little angel gift and then sent me a pandora charm bracelet for my birthday - I didn’t really know her either as Mum and her had only been back in touch for a couple of years after losing touch about 30 years ago. It’s been lovely and she’s been amazing. One of mums friends came out of her house and just couldn’t stop crying- I held it together but was lovely to see someone else so effected - not that I wish she was feeling that way but you know what I mean.
Still getting overthrew big trip!!! Still regular contact with my new family it’s just been amazing. Now heard from someone in Arizona too who’s a 4th cousin and we’ve worked out the link! I just want to go back there.
Finally my tonsils! Well OMG the pain! THE PAIN!!! To say I’ve been walking around in a drugged up stumper for a week is probably an understatement! Today is day 9 and the first day without crippling pain. Had to ring the hospital back on Thursday as couldn’t see a way of carrying on like that. It got worse days 5-8. I’ve bevome a night owl - most nights over the past 4 nights I’ve been up at 2, 3.30, 5, 7 10 and then back in bed until the afternoon. Last night I didn’t have to get up so that was a relief and the pain has dulled right down. Hospital was pretty diabolical the first day and I had the most snotty nurse on ever - I thought i don’t need this on the first night so o gave her a mouthful! Even though it was difficult! Since Mum died I will not tolerate any crap (excuse the French!) from people. She’s getting a complaint letter!
I must be feeling better I’m moaning!! The op did go well but I just have another week off now to get over the pain & try and get back in an even keel. Lost 8lbs in 8 days. That’s the only bit I’ve been mega excited about! But my taste buds have come back today and I’m so hungry!
Well I think that’s everything! Let me know how you are Mel, Ann, Jayne.
As you can see it’s been hectic to the point that since I went to see mums friends I literally hadn’t sat down for an hour to relax until today to be honest as it’s the first day I’ve been able to relax without pain. Had to nail the job stuff as had two interviews quite a way from home too and a lot of preparation do I was just head down on that.
I’m exhausted just updating you all!!! Lots of love, look forward to hearing your news xxx