My husband died by medical negligence

My husband went for a routine abdominal examination just before Christmas and he was fit and well then inexplicably 2 hours later I have a doctor telling me he’s dead. The police are investigating it appears that for no reason anyone can explain they detained him, sedated him, then sedated him again and he died just being supervised by a security guard. I have no answers and can see no reason to go on. I have no relatives and we’re it not for our dogs I would find a way to not be here


Hi TearyWidow,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,


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So sorry for your loss, especially given the circumstances around it

I don’t really have any words of comfort - it’s tragic and hope you get some answers - I know that doesn’t change the outcome :disappointed:


You poor thing. Condolences to you :frowning: xx


Tearywidow .so sorry for your loss. I hope you get the answers you need .my condolences to you x


Thank you everyone I have such a sickening feeling the hospital are doing everything to cover it up I’m praying I get justice for my husband. Doctors strike, Christmas time staffing levels should not mean such poor care or such invasive treatment results in senseless death


Teary widow. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I know it won’t bring your beloved back but have you complained to the hospital. I lost my wee wifey almost 2 years ago and I put in a complaint. It wont bring her back but the hospital are now making steps to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.


Thanks yes I’ve complained they’ve tried to imply he was on his last legs. I’m going to sue them I will have to. There was nothing wrong with him and they out and out killed him through sheer negligence and malpractice and although I support the nhs this is unlawful killing. Someone needs to be accountable. Staying angry is keeping me from my devastation and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad


Yes, I believe that a medical negligence case is the only way to get through.

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Contact your local MP … they carry a lot of weight you know !! Xx

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In my experience of working in a hospital, complaints just don’t cut it. Even on the good wards with good staff, responding to complaints is just an administrative task, that they grow immune to.

I have no intention of writing a complaint about my dad’s treatment; I’ll leave that to the solicitors when they file a case for negligence.


Yeh i agree with that ! Water off a ducks back isnt it !!! Its in a right state our NHS now … i think labour will get in power next time ! See if they can do a better job ???
Are you filing a negligence case … i was tempted but couldnt cope with stress of it and it wont bring my baby back will it … :frowning: i wish it would but it wont … my darling has gone and thats all i care about really : ( xx


I already have she’s on standby

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Yes. My wonderful dad was a lifelong Labour supporter. They’ll be getting my vote.


Well im not tbh but i think they will get in …

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Even though the NHS have killed my husband I blame the ruthless underfunding of the Tories over 14 years they can’t personally make long term money from it ( apart from ppe fraud) so they want to sell it off to their mates.

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Well i dont agree with that entirely tbh because they had a lot of money poured in and it wasn’t the tories that messed up on my husbands diagnosis either ! but i dont want to get into the politics tbh so personally i dont want to discuss it further …

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I agree. The stats support what you say. It’s been criminally underfunded, and it shows. I worked in ‘business transformation’ at 1 acute trust, and it was absolutely terrible, the pressure that the managers were under to make savings, left, right and centre. Horrible.


Really … i dunno but they keep saying theyre putting money into it ? I dont trust any of these politicians - theyre all talk and no action !! But equally drs and specialist need to do their job properly too … it used to be a vocation not all about how much you earned … e.g. florence nightingale … and these strikes really dont help either !! And btw i used to work in NHS …

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Who is to blame for the NHS funding crisis, a funding squeeze is leaving the NHS overwhelmed.

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