I’m coming up to year anniversary of losing my husband and can’t say it is getting any easier. I guess I am getting used to living on my own but I miss him so much and cry every day.
Love to everyone in this position, it’s so tough
Linda xx
I’m in the same boat hazd . My husband passed away eight weeks ago and we had 28 years of the most wonderful marriage anyone could imagine. We didn’t have children and my step children live in USA and Australia. The house seems empty and it is really hard to motivate myself to go out.
I am making an effort and have joined the local U3A. Might you feel able to give that a try?. They have some interesting groups.
This site is good too as we can be honest on here and not feel that we have to put on a brave face.
Sorry for your loss too. Yes somebody else mentioned U3, will look into it. I am going to first meeting of local WI next week. Yes this site is good as I do feel unless you have been in this position people don’t understand and think I should have moved on by now!
That is definitely what I am experiencing, that people seem surprised I am still struggling, upset, crying etc etc. It is increasingly difficult to find people who understand.
I am still working though on compassionate leave whilst I sort and clear my husband’s office (we are both academics). U3a is a good idea - and they do more than I realised …
It’s the weekend again, they seem to come around so quickly, I dread weekends they feel so lonely now my husband is gone, weekends for us were always spent together, usually doing mundane things but always together. I can’t see how I’m going to keep doing this, most days are unbearable, I’m just hoping one day it won’t feel so raw.
To me every day is the same they are all rubbish without Steve . I have joined two groups, but you’re still coming to an empty house
My sister is also a widow and she has a local group called People on their own. This group sounds terrific as they are all in the same boat, also dread weekends so together they organise things, even if it is coffee morning in a garden centre, cinema trip etc. Jo says it has really helped her and because they are all living on a limited income nothing is too expensive. Pity there aren’t more groups like that. Shame we can’t see where we are in the country, we might be able to start something as so many of us dread weekends.
I have thought the same thing about a weekend group that meets up for tea
and a chat.
Nothing here.
I think it needs an individual to organise it.
It might have been me in the past but not now.
Rose xx
Have you looked into the Sue Ryder grief kind groups see if there is one in your area
I have been going and it’s just really coffee and a chat it is helpful
Thank you Pam. I have looked on the website and have found one near me. I have emailed asking for date/time etc. I know I will find this beneficial to me speaking with people on this dreadful journey x
I’m so sorry for your loss
My thoughts are with you x