My mother

I lost my mum 24th may 2024, I don’t know where to start. I feel empty,numb and sad, we lived together for 7 years.i was her full time carer she died in hospital and it was peaceful without pain.


@Babygirl73 I’m so sorry for your loss. Everything is so raw at the moment, there will be a haze around ypur head for a while. Sometimes processing it takes longer than you think.

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Yes I feel lost, I’ve no friends as mum was my support and biggest fan. I’m still living in the house we shared and I can’t bring myself to touch anything of hers, my eldest sister has taking the head role in sorting things out. I’m ok to live here for now but the house will have to be sold.


I was in the same boat as you, I stayed for a month after mum passed, then had to move out.

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I’m looking for somewhere else to live but it’s so expensive, I have two older siblings so my inheritance won’t be enough to buy anywhere so I’ll have to rent. Maybe move out of the area, I don’t know yet, I’m just overwhelmed.

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You have a lot going on, have they indicated how long before you need to find anywhere else?

No not yet probate has to be sorted out and the house has to be cleared. Mum was my support network and my biggest cheerleader. I don’t think I can continue alone I’ve not got the strength or the will


Nearly 2 years ago i lost my Mum and I’m feeling emotional and no support


I lost my mum may 24th 2024 and I’m numb

I lost my mum in January, there was an inquest in May. I’m busy trying to sort the house out, it’s being valued for probate on Friday. I have a brother but he lives over an hour away so isn’t helping. It’s really emotional sorting through someone else’s belongings, I’m also trying to clear out some of my things too. I’ve taken several car loads to the RSPCA, I have probably restocked their entire shop. Thinking of you xx


I’m putting off the sorting as long as possible I just can’t bring myself to touch mums stuff

I lost my mother in may 2024 and it’s still so raw


I lost my mum in January 2024, just before her birthday. I’m still waiting for bereavement counselling and am on antidepressants. It’s really hard.


I was on antidepressants from a young age, my doc has increased my dose as I’m not coping

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I just want to stand on beachy head and scream

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The local vicar looks out for people near Beachy Head, he might buy you a drink in the pub. Have you had bereavement counselling yet? xx

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Hi Babygirl
I lost my mum May 2023, she wasn’t ready to go even though she was 88years old. She had cancer and only managed 2 months before it took her. I lived next door to her for 22yrs so I can totally understand how you feel, eventually I felt I couldn’t say living so close and this was compounded when new people moved into her house. I miss her every day, I miss her unconditional love, support and mum hugs. I can’t tell you it gets easier with time, but love of your family, friends especially new ones will help you through and gradually you will get breaks in your grief. Self care is a must. My thoughts are with you


No, I lost my dad when I was 11 and didn’t receive any counselling, I won’t receive any now

Thank you, unfortunately it won’t get easier mum was my support and my rock and nothing/ noone will change how I feel the pain will never ease, noone will ever understand the bond we had

I’m not ready to chat to counsellors,