My son died aged 33

Thank you, yes.
I even have a very shaky video of him dancing ( Ezra took it on his phone ).
It’s still not real though, and so unfair …




Handsome and stylish you must be so proud of him x

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I can’t listen to music it makes me feel terrible x


21 days since my beautiful Lauren’s funeral. 46 days without her. Every day gets harder. We used to speak at least once a day, we would ring one another just to ‘check in’. She was my best friend for 41 years. I cry every day



Beautiful girl x

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I am but I’m also angry at him …
Does that sound terrible ? :cry:

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Some music helps but then something will come on that triggers.
Weirdly the day after the funeral I got in my car to take some flowers to a preservation place and the first song on the radio was the last song I’d chosen for his service - Hold up a Light by Take That !


No it’s not terrible as I feel the same. But I know there’s more to his story and I will find out. I’m Angry and forgive him and so sorry that he didn’t want to pass and he has. How will we cope without each other. I just want to be with him and my dad

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Beautiful girl xx

She is beautiful you must be very proud of her. I know how you feel my son was my best friend and I cry multiple times a day and the longing to see him will never fade. In time it will become easier for us all. I don’t know how I’ve made it this far, my son died in August. Id swap places with him to be back and live a happy fulfilling life. Sending you love xxx


Everyday I plead and beg take me even if I never see her again just give her life back.
Rewind time to the day before she died and I will hold her and never let her go.
I’m not coping


You will have many days like this. I cry every day at nearly five months of this hell. It’s unbearable but you will start in time coping a little better at times. I wanted to go to and sometimes still do. Hang on in there, we are all in this together xxx


We had our son’s funeral live streamed so that people, such as my elderly uncle and people abroad who couldn’t attend, could watch from a distance. I was told the livestream was only available for 10 days, but that I could purchase the video to keep for ever. I thought and thought about it and in the end decided I would buy it. We won’t be watching it all the time, but it is just nice to know it is there for posterity.


How is everyone today? After Simon’s funeral on Friday, when there might have been a certain amount of closure, a certain degree of acceptance, I’m afraid things haven’t got any better. In fact it’s been even worse and I have been crying constantly. I just can’t get my head round why any of this has happened to my family. I just want my son back and it’s agony.


I’m feeling the same, I’ve cried all day today. Went on a couple of long walks with my dogs and kept bursting into tears. I usually love walking along the coast here but since I lost my son I don’t seem to enjoy anything. The shine has been taken off everything for me. x


Feeling the same. I scream so loud inside. And now I just keep thinking why god why. My Akhil was so good not one bit of hate in him. I’m dreading the funeral. I just can’t accept this.
I feel for you all x just a really bad day again. Not been out for weeks. Life feels as if it’s stopped right?


Yes our lives have changed forever. I hate what life has done to my son and now to me and the others that love him. It’s unbearable, it’s the worse thing that can happen to us and unless you’ve gone through it you don’t really understand. I’m so glad I have people here I can talk to as at times I feel completely alone . I’m sending you all so much love x


My sister in law said that all the joy has gone out of our lives and that sums it up really.