My son has gone

Hi everyone 8 months down this horrible journey and I can honestly say things aren’t getting any better for me, iv been to the doctors and explained how I’m feeling and they just gave me some tablets iv given them a go but they make no difference to how I feel, hop everyone is doing the best they can.

Hi Mark 18 months for me now since my boy passed.Time is no healer. I still cry everyday I just want to hug him again and tell him how much I love him.I do get out and about just to get through each day.But in a way I have resigned myself now to this being my life.There is nothing anybody can say or do to take away this pain.So I will continue to live with it.Take care Mark x

I understand everything you’re saying Marg I still can’t hold the tears back at times so I tend to keep away from people because it can be very embarrassing I spend most of my time on my own with my dog and thoughts, it’s a very sad life we’ve got ahead of us and I will admit I’m not looking forward to it at all.

I hope you can find some peace having the ashes back, when I had my sons back I lost control completely but I have a beautiful hand made large pot which I can see from my patio doors, I can talk to him all the time. Little steps is all we can do and with the help of this forum we all realise we are not alone on this horrendous grief journey xx

My son’s ashes are in a really nice urn and it sits at side of the tv, I have a ritual at night I always put my hand on the urn and say good night and love you son then I go to bed and first thing in the morning I put my hand on the urn and say good morning love you son and your with me all day, I know it’s probably silly but I feel like I have to do it because I don’t want him to think he’s forgotten :broken_heart::cry:

Please don’t think that is silly, I think it is lovely. I speak to my sons loads in a day. I’ve had a tattoo done in memory as well and that has helped me as when I go out, very rare unless walking the coastal path, I like avoiding people, I know he is always with me. Xx