Near death experiences

I feel the same, like life is just getting through a day at a time until I die, I speak to my OH too but in all honesty I don’t really believe he can hear me. Do you believe in anything after death?

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Whether you have a faith it not, there is growing evidence that consciousness maybe survive after death…from Near Death Experiences etc. Certainly these are real and cannot be easily explained from a purely physiological perspective.


I lost my husband 16 weeks ago and had nothing. Until I have a sign then I don’t know what to believe. Saying that though when we lived in our old house I saw the net curtain turn up and no window open. Then one night coming home in a taxi I saw someone walk across our front room. My husband was in bed asleep. Another time I looked around and saw a old lady looking out of the window. It could of been my mind playing tricks. When I was a child I woke up and saw a shadow of a red Indian on the wall. Again could of been my mind playing tricks. Before my husband died which was sudden my friend wrote on Facebook that she was heartbroken that her friend had died. I had visions of me writing on Facebook that my lovely husband has died. Maybe I sense that he was ill and was getting worried.
I’m not sure if there is anything or do you just go to sleep for ever? How would we know that it is our husbands and not someone else coming to visit you. I don’t believe in robins or feathers as we live in the country and see them all the time. I also got a phobia with birds and feathers so definitely would not be sent them. I do hope that I see my husband again but till I get evidence then I can’t hope xx

Hmm I’m not sure what I think of NDE’s. I guess part of me thinks that it could just be your brain having one last hallucination before you die, I mean yes your heart has stopped but is your brain completely shut off by the time you have a NDE? Near death isn’t quite death, I’d love to experience one for myself tbh.
Also it wouldn’t be hard for people to make them up seeing as we all know how they are meant to be.

The biggest reason I doubt them is that a hospital operating table had numbers painted on the lights above the operating table and when patients reported that they had a NDE on the table not a single one of them could say what numbers were on the light fittings so were they really overlooking everything or was it just their brain tricking them? I’ve had dreams where I’m floating above the houses in my street or falling from great heights.
I’m not sure what to think tbh

I don’t believe in robins or feathers either. I do desperately want to believe I’ll see him again but how can you believe in something that you’ve had no proof of? People try to convince you the afterlife is real because they say they have received signs from their loved ones but have they really? Or are they trying to convince themselves that they have? Or maybe fibbing? It’s hard to know what to believe tbh :disappointed:

There is far more to it than you think …those arguments are the popularist responses…if you research it in more depth you may be surprised…x


@LostLil I attend to agree with you as well. Not convinced there is a after life till there is hard proof. I hope there is but also scared if there is then I wouldn’t want my husband floating around for years. He didn’t get on with his dad and had a ok relationship with his mum so not sure who he would be with. I hate it when people say he is in a better place because he definitely wouldn’t be. His good place was with me and our son who he adore. I guess we never know till it is our time. X

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To be fair the top scientists can’t even decide if NDE’s are real or not so me and you have no chance. We could read 30 articles that suggest they are real and another 30 that suggest it’s just the brain shutting down.

One thing I will say though was if they were real and I was indeed looking down at the operating table the first thing I’m telling them when I come around is the numbers written on the light fittings! They wrote something like in case of a NDE please let us know these numbers…
Nobody did despite a few claiming to have had a NDE.

Oh I know, I was waiting for someone to say that to me in his funeral. In a better place, yeah right! He was already in a good place here, he was happy, fit, active, loved and had plans to travel so many places. I hope he is in a better place I truly do but I don’t think that he is :broken_heart:


Here’s an interesting article about NDEs

What are your beliefs on NDE’s? That article basically suggests it’s our minds. I tend to agree. What do you think?

@LostLil I think that the brain is a fantastic organ that we still know little about. If pushed I would say it’s our minds (probably) but if it brings some comfort or focus to people who have experienced these and survived then it can only be a good thing.

I agree unfortunately :broken_heart:
I think we would all desperately want to believe we do indeed have souls that live on but I’m not convinced we are anything more than our brains tbh.

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@LostLil Despite knowing many people who are/were involved in the Spiritualist movement I am still unconvinced that there is life after death, but people are entitled to their own opinions and thoughts. Living a good life on the promise of some reward in the afterlife to me seems strange. Live a good life now because you can - be nice to people and animals and don’t be a plonker. That’s my motto.

Yes completely agree with you. We would all love to be reunited with our loved ones one day but I’m not going to try and convince myself and others that there is something more just because I desperately want to believe it :broken_heart:
I hope I’m wrong, I would love nothing more than to see him again, there’s absolutely nothing in the world I want more but I guess only time will tell.

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I also completely feel that if there’s nothing after this then what was the point in it all? How can people who you loved so much and who were so very important to you just cease to even know they existed any more? It tortures my brain thinking about it all and nothing would bring me more comfort than to think this is all Gods plan and that we are just here temporarily until we go to the better place but I just can’t blindly believe it all.
Nobody knows what happens after death, I keep thinking the only way to actually know is to die but if it is just a case of lights out forever after death we won’t know anyway. We’ll just be gone and have absolutely no awareness that we ever lived. It’s all mind boggling tbh :rofl:

@lostlil I hope you find some peace :slight_smile:

You said yourself earlier …for every article that says one thing…there is another article that says something else…the physiologists always try to negate what they can’t prove …but they cannot answer an awful lot of the facts that are now accepted to be true…there is far more to this than we can prove or disprove…that’s all I’m saying…everything in this article as been counter challenged or postulated by other renowned scientists or physicians …bottom line is …we just don’t know …other than the NDE is now an accepted and real phenomena …so maybe there is some comfort in that…maybe :thinking: