Nearly 2 weeks without my soul mate

Yes I think some days are not as bad as others, thank you x

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Hi hope your doing ok xx

Hi @Franky56 3 weeks in now and still feel the same if not worse but I’m trying my hardest to keep afloat. How are you doing? X

Im not too bad .its still so very raw for you .my friend lost ger husband last thursday very suddenly that really upset me as you know what they are going through .i wish i could make things better for you and you not have to go through this terrible jouney .big hugs xx

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Hi Foreveryoung, Scotland was lovely as my brother came from Cape Town for the weekend and we watched the Rugby World Cup together. Had a nice meal and raised a glass to my late wife. I on the other hand could not settle at all and actually drove home at 11pm.

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Sorry to hear you were unsettled, but I totally understand. I can only hope in time we are able to enjoy those times more x

I know exactly how you feel my partner of 10 years passed away last week she was only 37 we have a beautiful little boy who is only 4
I find it extremely difficult to hold back the tears when he cries for mummy.
I keep telling myself I need to be strong for him but when he falls asleep I fall apart.
I know there must be a way forwards but I cant see it yet


@Alone3 i am so sorry for your loss can’t imagine how it is being left with a little one, all I will say is having worked with young children for a long time they are more resilient than we give them credit for x

@Alone3 so sorry to hear about your partners loss can imagine what you going through. Very hard on the kid as well.I dnt know how God justifies that! Its not an easy journey you have to be strong for your kid she has left a part of her with you.
I just came back from my husband’s grave its a new norm that I am used to.
Its very hard and horrendous loosing your loved one at such a young age.

This must be so sad x so sorry

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