Nearly 2 weeks without my soul mate

@John64 I hope you enjoyed your lunch out, and I always think Robins are a sign. Lee had an unusual favourite bird and I keep seeing them around me :face_holding_back_tears:

John its very hard to lose some one you love, when they have been taken away from you, yet your love for them remains, its bloody heart breaking, I take it Robinā€™s you wife who died yes, you saw her image in your car, she thinking of you john, she there with you trust me, keep
looking out for her, she wonā€™t be there 24/7 but she will be there ok

Thank you TashLee!

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Ours was so wrong. Without treatment a few months, with palliative chemo a few more months. He had 6 weeksā€¦.

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Looking back l think the entire treatment was just an illusion, in the end neither chemo nor radiotherapy stopped this curse from killing my husband. Today is a really bad day with me spending most of it in bed. Just took care of the cats, turned on the washing machine and back to my own personal hell.

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Sometimes bed is a good refuge, itā€™s very tempting when feeling down, I hope you manage a bit of comfort somehow today. My cats are company and someone to talk to, take care x


I feel very much like that too :slightly_frowning_face: Iā€™m angry he went through so much and then lost his life x hope you feel a little brighter later on x


Hi john im so sorry for your loss .i lost my husband 6 months ago to lung cancer .its so so hard living without them .kev and were always together .we were happy just the 2 of together .always here if you need to talk


Hi I am Sorry to hear about your partners loss at this young age.I.lost my husband 2 months ago to Pancreatic Cancer and whole life has been sucked out of me.I can understand what you going through as I am on the same journey. I was with him for 17 days in hospital never left him until the day.
Its hard and horrendous journey but will come through this together. Stay strong and Cherish your lovely memories


So sorry for your loss but wonderful you can look on the bright side. I lost my partner 3 weeks ago and I canā€™t see any happiness in my future I just see loneliness and a sense of being lost. I look at my children and see a future for them then think anything I wanted to do or achieve had Lee by my side and it all seems so pointless. X

Thanku so much for your support ! I wish his MRI would have been scheduled earlier could have bought some more time

I know it all seems pointless and blank and nothing can cheer you up apart him!
its a big loss and nothing can compensate it.
my whole life was around him and now its jusz emptiness.Time will heal us and make stronger day by day.xx

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They say time us a great healer, I certainly hope so, I lost my husband 4 weeks ago and canā€™t say I feel much healed yet. We have his funeral next week, and Iā€™m dreading it. Any helpful advice of how to get through it would be appreciated x

It will hit you hard after the funeral. So make sure you are surrounded by your family members and friends.Try to talk to his friends and colleagues.
It gave me comfort talking to his friends and colleagues .

Thank you Hedges, I will take your advice on board x

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Hi @Kathy6 I am 3 weeks on from losing my partner and it feels like itā€™s getting harder not easier. The longer I am without him the harder it gets. Everything in my life has changed we were each others world and did everything together bar work. I just canā€™t see a future at the moment x how do you feel about the funeral what a long wait you have had x

Hi Foreveryoung,
I have just been up to Scotland to visit Family, this was supposed to be a bit of a break. However all it did was remind me she was not with me. I just felt more alone

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Hi @John64 i went away for the night too and knowing you are coming back is harder isnā€™t it. Hard being here but harder being away, I think over time we will find what helps us most but itā€™s all trial and error and nothing seems like a comfort does it. Nothing makes me smile or feel less empty at the moment. How was Scotland? We did a 2 week trip in a camper van in August something Lee always wanted to do, so glad we got to do that and spend 24 hrs a day together Iā€™ll always cherish those memories x

I donā€™t find being away helps just now, Iā€™ve just been to friends for supper but itā€™s agony i really just wanted to get home. Life is so sad without him we used to have such fun. Feeling very sorry for myself tonight. Hope you are all coping x

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Big hugs sent your way xx I think we all have certain days which are harder than others.

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