Needing advice. Difficulty returning to where he died

Yes its going to heard for myself in June as I have to go to the hospital where the love of my life passed away in February. I am finding it very heard at the loss of here. I am just doing things for the sake of doing them…

I’ve just come back from the hospital and managed to get through pre-op without falling apart although every step from door to door was a stark reminder. Better than last time though when I got all emotional on the Triage nurse. This time I didn’t have to explain about what happened with my husband to excuse the tears. A small win today but who knows when I go again next week :crossed_fingers: Trying to be strong :muscle: but it’s hard.

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Bless ya… know exactly how you feel. I had to go back to hospital for bit of physio this week where my husband was so poorly and it was awful but tried to not think about it :frowning: i just blocked it out ! Dunno if thats right way to do it but i just tried to separate it … take care. So much of this is hard so just take the easy route for yourself x

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