New year

6mths in fron losing my beloved and ponder given she was the reason i existed as i was my purpose to look after her and protect her for me there are now no new years ahead.


It’s so very hard I lost my partner 18 months. ago still hard but it gets a little easier got to try stay positive :blush:


Dear poppy thank you for these supportive words. It was a rough nite,

You are so right this group helps me so much but you said what I keep saying to my daughter and to myself my soulmate ,husband my daughter’s dad wouldn’t want us sad he would want us to be happy
It is so hard but I keep telling myself this and that it is still early days


Glad to know being on this group is a help @Annmarie22
I intend to stay checking in regularly, whether it be to help me or help others. :heart: