New Year's Eve

You summed it up so well. I thought I was alone in finding the New Year harder than Christmas but your words made me realise why we all found it so hard. I personally will find the end of March the hardest as up to the beginning of March I can read my husband’s diary and see and remember what we were doing this time last year. Brian died 2 weeks after diagnosis.

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Hi Pakapa

I am lucky to have family close by, but they are all busy and two have young children.
My husband and I also did everything together and I’ve never done anything by myself, but I’m pushing myself to find groups I can join, that’s why I’m trying rock choir hopefully, I’ve also been looking at walking groups I can maybe try. My anxiety can get the better of me, but hubby wouldn’t want me sitting at home all the time. It’s hard for us all, but we don’t know what tomorrow will bring that’s why I’m pushing myself.


Such beautiful words full of hope for the future which we all need when we lost our loved ones last year. Thank you.