New Year's Eve

Yes last year we spent 3 months in Australia and visited Fiji were he was born in 1960. We stayed with daughter son in law 2 grandchildren and other family.
Little did we know he would be gone 3 months later.
It must be nice to have family nearby.
The other end of the world is so far away.
I am planning on going sometime this year just dont know when.
I hope to travel to other places to this year.
I have learned that you dont know whats ahead or how long we have so live each day to the best.
Take care
Lynne Xx


Paul and I had no family

My family are no support at all ( farmers daughter……. Only cater for farmers sons)
Paul was a farmer…… folks work that one out cos Paul and I never could and I’m struggling with that big time
Paul knew the score and had my back now obviously he’s not here …….
Folks supporting me
Is Paul’s twin his wife and thier son
Thank god for them
And my counsellor

But ( and you friend out who your friends are don’t you)
I have now a handful of real friends and Paul worked with some great blokes / lads and they watch my back

New Year’s resolution…… concentrate on folks are want and are helping me
Stop my energy going into my family who I might add have been the same since I left home
Reality is my family will never ever change
Why on earth did I think they would

Paul was a crafter and looked after me and is still I believe looking out for me

I have to believe that to help me through

PS no big fall out at all Paul always said
Your problem was you left home
Absolute truth


That is absolutely true - and a very brave journey alone, at least you made it together last time.

My wife and I had so many places on our bucket list that we never got to do together. She was poorly for a long while and even our holiday in Austria in September 2019 was quite an exhausting journey and we thought we were just dealing with Parkinsons Disease that was diagnosed in May 2019 (that was bad enough). Apart from a couple of long weekends in Stratford-Upon Avon where we were married that was all the travelling she could cope with …

Hopes and dreams and plans shattered for everyone

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It doesn’t work like that, time is not linear. They stay at the centre close with us, but we reach outwards for new experiences which surround us with little moments of comfort and hopefully some glimpses of joy. Hold lost loved ones very close xx

Hi Bess1

It is so sad that family don’t give you support , I know I’m lucky to have my 3 daughters, but my own brothers and sister don’t bother about me, I have s twin he was there for a few weeks when hubby passed but has never bothered to ask me if im okay, they all visit mum who lives across the road from me and I can count on one hand how many times any of them have come into my house, since hubby passed.

Hi @ Cat_fan
So sorry to here about your wife.
I know we are all struggling with this new life we have now to live without the ones we loved.
We had planned he retired early in Feb 23 that we would travel do things together :heart: and now doing these things alone really holds no pleasure. I will do things myself but being alone will be hard.
I know that things can change anytime, so doing things now is good.

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Hi Mary .mac
Yes it’s terrible isn’t it

But my counsellor has advised me to let it go and concentrate on me
Paul would’ve said the same

The saying is right you can’t choose your family

Mine will get thier come up ance
While Paul was having his treatment he said to me we need to change our wills
I was all for making an appointment asap but Paul said no we’ll get through this first

Sadly not but I have and left nothing to any of my family
After all they have the farm
I am not guilty whatsoever …….

Thank you Sarlyn for your lovely thoughts.
I lost my beloved husband 14 months ago so this is my second Christmas and New Year. I take each day at a time. I still cry and miss my lovely soulmate and I am trying to build a life around the loss and love in my heart. This may sound silly, but every so often I text a message to my husband’s phone. Maybe he gets the message? It brings me comfort. I have just adopted a dog who is 8 years of age. Not sure if this is a good idea or madness. Who knows? Time will tell. I guess we all have our own ways to deal with our sadness and loss and I guess i need to find my way wherever it goes. I wish you all love and strength to carry on along your own path. With warmest wishes. x​:two_hearts::two_hearts:

Hello again, I just want to add that although I feel we all have to find our own path it is so good to know that we share a deep understanding of what it is really like. I so value all of your connections.


Hi @Candy
I lost my husband 7 months ago suddenly and unexpectedly.
Last year i was in Australia and Fiji for 3 months visiting family who would have known 3 months later he would be gone.
Now i face the journey back to Fiji this year to scatter his ashes.
I too message my husband to wish him hsppy anniversary Christmas Hogmanay and new Year i send him love :heart: on my birthday.
And i will do so on his birthday in April.
It brings me some comfort in this new life i know find myself living alone.
I hope we all have strength to carry on but it is lonely and very hard not to cry and get upset most days :broken_heart:
Take care
Lynne x



Just had a very positive evening myself …
Booked my flights for Montreal and and applied for my Visa and a decent ticket price too. My eldest daughter is very happy and booking her holiday to be with me and the little people (7 & 5) that I haven’t seen in 15 months.

Something nice in the calendar


My thoughts and love are with you. :two_hearts:

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Hi Cat-fan
That’s really positive something to look forward to

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Where is the choir in Fife


Thankyou that is not too far from where I am.

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If you go to the web page, you sign up for a taster session to go along and see if you will enjoy it.

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Will have a look at the web page I am looking for groups to join but lack confide just now to go anywhere on my own as husband and I did most things together. I have no family locally Thank you for the information. Take care x

On new years eve. 8 weeks after Phil died I opened a drawer to get a piece of writing paper. I noticed a grey envelope that I didnt recognise. When I opened it it was a few postcards from all over the world that Phil had sent to his mum and dad when he was 21 and in the Navy. I was reading them and the last one said. Its new years eve. Happy New Year. So strange I felt he was sending me that message.