No one talks to me :(

Hi there! I totally understand! I lost my momma June 29th 2021, and my daddy June 5th 2022. They were divorced since I was 5…mom was 71 and dad was 74. I was blessed with two wonderful parents that loved me very much. I am still devastated. My dad’s funeral was last Saturday, and today is Father’s Day. My daddy loved Father’s Day, I have so many great memories. I spent the day focusing on the good times, and of course I shed many tears too!

Sending all of you love a hugs! :heart:

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Hi Stargirl93. I did respond to you in the past, and I would be glad to be here for you again. We sadly have a lot in common. I also lost my Mum (in 2012) and my beloved little Sister 3 plus years on. My Sister was more than a sibling, we were best friends, soul mates and confidents. I never knew any one like her, and never will. On one occasion I did not get any responses to my post, and I felt overly sensitive about it. But once I followed with a post explaining how I felt, so many of the kind & caring folks on this forum reached out to me. Keep posting and we will be here for you. So sorry for your sadness, I can relate. Take Care. Xxxx Another Sad Sister

@Sister2 Hi I’m sorry I didn’t realise that we had spoken before, I’m sorry to hear you have been through similar situations. Thank you for reaching out to me. I lost my little sister to a heart attack and I lost my mum two months later to sepsis.

The pain it brought to my life was and is unbearable I miss them so much I can’t even begin to explain. Now nearly two years later I’m still trying to rebuild myself which seems to be so difficult but I’ve got to keep trying else whats the point?

Hope your okay, take care :slightly_smiling_face: xxx

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Hi @Stargirl93 you are never alone. I don’t have much to say except I feel your pain, I’m going through it myself since losing my father and when they say grief is the price we pay for love, they are right. It appears my great grief is borne from the great love I had for my old man… And that’s okay. If you ever need anyone to talk to I’m always here.

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Hi @JrJay thank you so much for reaching out I really appreciate your kind words. I’ve never thought about grief as being the price for loving but I think your totally right!

Having loved ones is such a miracle/ blessing and we should think of it like that.

Take care :slightly_smiling_face:

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I really feel for Patrick as I am here today begging for my loved one to come back to me or I join him. I am not sure if Patrick is in the same position regarding family as it is quite hurtful when someone replies surround yourself with family and friends when you have none which makes the pain worse

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I have only had 2replies. I think it is because there are so many posts. I’m sorry that you have lost your mum and sister. I lost my mum nearly 6 years ago and my brother nearly 2 years ago. I am keeping very busy but it’s very hard as I have no family now. Thinking of you. Take it day by day

Hello @SueMa

Thank you I am sorry that you have lost your mum and brother, grief is such an horrific thing to go through you know when I lost my little sister I felt so broken and lost then I lost my mum and I can’t even explain the pain and then my stepdad passed away too, he was the only dad I ever knew but we didn’t have a very good relationship and when he passed I had alot of confusing emotions to deal with. I miss them all very badly I know that sounds silly because me and my stepdad didn’t get on but his death still had a major impact on me which to be honest surprised me a little.
I’m sorry to hear that you alone and if it helps even just a little bit I’m here if you want to talk. Thinking of you, sending hugs. Take care x

Thank you. Losing your family in such a short space of time must’ve been awful. Not surprising that you have struggled. I still can’t really believe my brother has gone. Is like a bad dream that you can never wake up from x

@SueMa it’s been horrific as I’m sure you know. I know what you mean I dream about my mum all the time and she’s reaching out for my hand but I can never reach her then when I wake up reality slaps me in the face and I realise she’s gone they all have. It’s heartbreaking all over again and that happens most days.

I guess we will never really accept that they have gone will we ? Take care, be kind to yourself x

Yes. Look after yourself and these feelings are all normal xx

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Hi Stargirl, I hope you are coping okay today, I know what you mean about waking up and you are hit by the reality of things, it’s a horrendous feeling. Hope at some point we can all get to a place not so dark and frightening.
Sending love
Joe x

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Hi @joeb40 I’m okay today as been an okay day, hope your alright too.

I pray for the day I can see light through this never ending dark tunnel. One step at a time ay? Stay strong, take care x

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Hi @Stargirl93 also lost my mum and one of my sisters less than a year apart. I’m here if you would like to talk. Sending you lots of love.

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@Youaremissingfromme hi I’m sorry to hear about your losses I know it hurts like mad yes it would be lovely to chat I really think that it would help me feel like I’m not alone. Thanks for reaching out. Take care sending love back x

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Hi, anything on special today?
Mine is a bit shit at the moment, struggling with all kinds of unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Sorry I can’t be more upbeat just finding things tough atm.
Sending my love
Joe x

Hi @joeb40

Nothing special no, oh I’m sorry to hear that unfortunately I’m the same today had a bad night last with nightmares about my mum and sister they were blaming me for their death :cry: that has you can imagine was very distressing but I’m trying my best to overcome it and allow my day to be okay it’s very hard tho. Sorry I can’t be more of a cheer up. Sending hugs x

Yes it is incredibly painful. And…surreal I find. Sometimes I feel bad that the grief for my mum has overshadowed the grief for my sister :frowning: but then out of the blue I’ll get a little trigger like yesterday, a random memory hit me… I’m finding more of my sister is coming back to me…what a lot for the mind to deal with all at once right? I miss them both sooo much…I wish I knew where they are now, if anywhere.

I have used an audio for night times which has helped me get some rest, might be worth a look? So sorry about nightmares, just debilatating on top of all the other heartache.
Joe x

I know exactly how you feel my sister passed first then two months later my mum, they both broke me but my mum is the one I breakdown about the most, please don’t think that means I don’t love my sister because I love and miss her so much! It is alot for the mind to deal with I guess that’s why sometimes it feels like we can’t cope because the mind has had enough, I don’t know maybe?

I like to think that no matter where they are right now they at peace and they are together. X