Not getting any easier

Hi so sorry that your friend let you down .it is so sad I don’t think people realise how hard this is for us. Being without the one person we chose to spend our life. I have grown up kids . And grandkids. They do help but also such a sadness that hubby not here to see them . I am still very lonely even though I am not alone. I just want and need my hubby every single minute of every day . But I know I have to just plod on every day .and try to do my best for my hubby. If you ever need to chat just message me .we on this site are hear for each other to try and help ease each others pain hurt. And lonelyness . Thinking of you xtake care x

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Brocken Hope your day was ok at work and you get more hours sleep tonight been a hard day


Hi . Thank you . Work was same as usual. . hopefully I will sleep longer tonight. Hope your day was best it could be in these sad days. Hope you manage to sleep tonight .xtake carex

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My husband passed away in March in hospital and up to now somehow its like I’ve been in a bubble grieving but waiting fir him to come home from hospital last week it hit me like a thunderbolt that he’s never coming home and I cant cope with this its as though he passed away only yesterday and I don’t know how to deal with this pain


Hi so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel .it’s nearly nine months since my hubby died. I am sorry to say it doesn’t get any better. At first I think I was in that much shock that it didn’t sink in properly. I kept thinking this can’t be real. But eventually I realised . And I felt a lot worse. I still am so sad and lonely without him . And just want him back. But I know this can’t happen .I just plod on each day .the only thing I am thankful for is hubby not having this pain. loneliness. Unhappiness. And all the other emotions I feel every hour of every day. I miss and love him so much. Sorry I don’t think this will have helped you . Thinking of you xtake carex


I feel the same as you have out down in words life will never be the same or even close 13 months and it is worse I am going to try counselling not sure if it will help but need some thing need to talk helps on here but we can not see each other
Hope you get a better night sleep thinking of you all going through this heart ache xx


I lost my partner of 12 yrs last October and the pain is still real. It’s such a lonely different life without him and I paint a smile on each day and every body thinks I’m coping so well, as on the exterior that’s what I have to show. I ask why he had to go every day, life is just not the same, sometimes I wonder what’s the point.


So sorry for your loss I am 13 weeks loss my husband suddenly and I feel why do I carry on it is so very lonely and empty 12 years is a long time that you have been alone
Takes care x

We were together 12 years, I lost him in October, but it hasn’t got any easier x

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