Oh why can't I go back

After a painful but busy day yesterday I find myself just feeling deflated today I just sit crying and feeling unwanted . No one visits its like I’m been forgotten about. All my energy and enthusiasm has gone again. I really hate weekends it always seems worse just highlights the fact I’m on my own all I hear is the clock ticking and my heart breaking :broken_heart: :cry:

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Good Morning Misprint
I can totally understand how you are feeling,I to want to go to my beautiful Lucy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::cry:
I ask myself what have I done wrong for Lucy to be taken away from me,I get angry, crying all the time,I want to hold Lucy in my arm’s again and tell her how much I love her and miss her so very much,I’m now day 9 of not eating as I feel guilty for eating,we to use to have a bacon sandwich on a Sunday morning,since Lucy passed away,I can’t even make one,I’m drinking plenty of fluids, Sending you lot’s of :sparkling_heart: and :pray:
Always here for you if you want to chat
Love Martin xx

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Good Morning Broken 2222
I’m the same, Sending you lot’s of :sparkling_heart: and :pray: Martin xx

Thanks for reply so nice to know I’m not alone. See you live in Torquay what a fantastic place to be it was Jim’s favourite place Devon and we used to go every year and even thought about moving down there. I’m still got a holiday booked from last year down there in Dawlish Warren in September don’t know if I can bare to go all the memories it will be very hard to do.

It’s my pleasure to reply to you :blush:
You are definitely not alone here,we are all going through hell,I am from Torquay yes,it is a beautiful place to live,And it was your Jim’s favourite place to visit I see and you holidayed in Devon every year,Dawlish Warren is another beautiful place to stay, I can’t bring myself to go to places here again without Lucy,I hope you do manage to go in September as you have a holiday booked, only you can decide if you want to go or not,and yes it will be very hard with all those beautiful happy memories,I really do feel for you :kissing_heart::hugs::sparkling_heart::pray: xx xx

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Sorry you are feeling so low today misprint. For some reason weekends always feel worse.
Sending you a big hug xx


Hi thank you for your reply . It doesn’t get any easier does it . Sun is shining today my hubby would of been pottering about in the garden and she’d . Then we sit and watch TV and chat. A simple life but our life together what should of gone on for a lot more years. Now. I am sitting lonely bored and wishing I was with him. It has taken a few minutes of this lonely crap life to read and reply to you . Thank you . Take carex


Sorry your sons are not seeing you mothers day. I will spend it with my mum I’m not a mum myself only to two dogs anyway. I think sons don’t think the same as daughters. Have a nice day no matter what xx

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Take m e too ,I no longer want this life of pain and misery everyday,crying for her ,missing her so much I hate being here . Michael x

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Broken 2222
Thank you for your reply Aswell,
Lucy would be the same as your Husband pottering around the garden and in her little shed,
I find it harder now,I’m always talking to Lucy and telling her another day closer to you babe,
We had a simple life we preferred eachother company, I’m sitting here watching YouTube,I can’t find the strength to do anything else,I’m very lonely more so at night’s is the worsed,I’m existing not living,I too don’t want to be here, sending you lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray: Martin xx


Hi Mickeyboy31
It’s damn hard isn’t it,I feel the same way as you,I miss my beautiful Lucy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so very much,I’m existing not living,and I’m on day 9 of not eating, again,I can’t eat or sleep properly,
I’m so sorry for your loss,it’s very Cruel that our loved ones are snatched from us,I feel your pain, sending you lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray: Martin


Awwwww Martin, please try and eat something. Something easy like porridge maybe, don’t make yourself ill. Lucy would want you to eat I’m sure . So very sorry for how you’re feeling. Please try & take care of yourself
Janey xx


Hi Martin,it is 6 months today that my lovely wife Judith was taken by cancer.I like you miss Lucy I miss Judith so much,my life now is nothing.You are so right it is just existing now ,normal living has gone.I feel for you Martin. Love Michael x

Hi Martin,my Judith was a very keen gardener as well like your Lucy,she had a garden shed and a she shed where she wouls sit and read or paint.Oh how I miss not seeing her in her garden.I am so lonely also ,I would rather not be here anymore without her.Let us hope we will be with them again soon. You like all on here are always in my thoughts. Love Michael x


Hi every one this is my first post on here and It was a year on February since I lost my true love my soulmate forever. I live alone and although I have my boys they live a distance away. Every day I wake up and cry I cry before I go to sleep and ask why did they have to take my princess away… There are some very cruel people in this world that are dark and evil yet they just continue with there life… I’m left with half of my heart gone. I’ve not reached out to anyone as my family are so wrapped up in there own lives and don’t spare a thought for my grief… I feel so alone at times and after getting covid in November I’ve struggled to even get out of the house… I’ve read the messages and it’s made me feel I’m not alone with my deep grief of losing your true love so I have so much gratitude… :pray:t3:


Sorry you’ve found yourself on here because you’ve lost your soul mate, but like you say, you certainly are not alone.
We understand your sorrow and profound grief and do truly sympathise with you.
I hope you keep on reading posts and writing your feelings down. It really does help.
Once again, I’m so sorry for your loss


Michael I will contact you tomorrow,you have a beautiful picture of you and Judith :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m losing my friend, sending you lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray: Martin xx

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Hi you are certainly not alone on here,I too lost my dear wife to cancer 6 months ago and I am totally lost.No point to my life anymore.You are right about family as well ,they have their own lives and soon forgte about us.I cry and cry all the time until my eyes are sore.Grief is a very powerful emotion ,I never ever dreamed it would be like this.Much love Michael x



I am so sorry - loss like this is so enormous, so difficult to fathom, impossible to understand and hardest of all to live with. My darling died in January this year. Life is a struggle and grief is always so close now. This forum, where we share how we feel with those who really get it, makes such a difference. Good luck there, I hope today you feel a bit easier in your mind and that you can see the sunshine.


Hi and thank you for lovely message.We are all on this horrendous journey of pain and torture trying to make sense of it all.People on here do understand how we feel.Your darling passed away only a few weeks ago,my darling wife 6 months ago from evil cancer. I will never be the same again. Love Michael x