Oh why can't I go back

Hi yes that’s so true and I do the same it’s releasing to know I’m not alone with my feelings as even family have said that I just need to move on… Well if it was that easy… Send live and peace to everyone on here :pray:t3:


Destinedtobe - you go at your own pace. You do what is right for you. You know you will always find people here who will listen and who will understand, whenever you have a down day. We stick together!


Hi yes they do not know what it is like but they will one day that is the horrendous truth. Michael x


Thank you just brought tears to my eyes as others who may have lost loved ones years ago including me that lost my best friend and dad four years ago from ALS (MND)he is always in my heart and soul yet losing my soulmate I had searched for pure love 30 years of my adult life and she is taken from me not illnesses… But to see such kind people on here that totally understand is such a heart warming feeling thank you everyone :hugs::pray:t3:


I took smudge for each walk this morning and lifted my face to the sunshine. I talked to my husband and actually noticed things around me. It was a hard day yesterday as it was a year since his cardiac arrest. I don’t know how I’ve managed to get through it. With a lot of help from friends neighbours and my brother and sister and prayer. X


Well done, @Nel - this is a big step ahead. A big first - the anniversary of his death. We are cheering you, Nel - and we are with you. x


Hi Nel
One year for me is in a fortnight. I’ll be ok if I’m left alone to be able to deal with it. Family and friends are of course aware but I know they’ll keep their distance. My sons may join me but I intend to spend a quiet day just reflecting on what we had and what we have lost but think I’ll be ok.

So tough dealing with every hurdle isn’t it.



I never thought I was a hugger, but oh how wrong was I. I just want hugs whenever I can get them now so sending you massive hugs :heart:x


Hugs to you 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 we all need a hug x


Hi Nel
Pleased you managed to get through the day. I read somewhere that the build up to these important dates can be worse than the actual day. I’ve had our wedding anniversary and my birthday and when you do see the dates of these getting nearer it does make you anxious that when the day comes it’s somehow doesn’t seem quite as bad as you were expecting. That’s my experience so far not sure how I’ll be in September on the anniversary of losing mark.
Take care xx


This is exactly how I feel most days, I don’t know how to go forward in my life without my hubby his was my soul mate, rock and best friend I feel so lonely and lost in this world without my mark, I will never ever get over losing him ever


Hi and welcome to this site,we are all on the same horrendous journey,this living hell of grief and pain we share with each other. Love Michael x


So very sorry you find yourself here Louisa. I hope you can find some comfort by reading posts and putting your feelings down.
We understand how you feel in your grief
I hope you have some support from family or friends.
Look after yourself
Janey xx

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It’s been 17 years since I lost my partner I was 18 my first and only love since… I have weeks still were I feel as u are now misprint. But I can assure u, they will be times were u feel joy again u will be able to keep on living…
Just allow yourself to feel these emotions take a week or two or three whatever u can. Then pick yourself up and go out walking watch the river flow. Watch the children play. Feel the rain. You must live your life for two people now.

All I can say is I hope tomorrow is a little easier look to god for strength and happiness… we are all waiting in line you will be together again. Sending all my love and prayers for u. :heart::pray:t3:


You’re so right Vancouver. Keep going Misprint. Everybody’s here for you.

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AimeeJ what wise words. It’s only been a year for me and I feel I must go on for my darling John who I must make proud, my two sons and lovely grandchildren. It’s been so tough this past year and where I’ve got the strength I don’t know. Good and bad days come and go and I’m still here plodding on.

Georgina x

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I’m sat here crying as your post could be me… he wasn’t meant to go,was a simple stone in bile duct…sepsis took him .I feel so alone it’s been 5 months…I’m hard on the outside whilst I sob every afternoon on my own…I’m so lonely… but sorrounded by people .god if I could go back and hold him I’d never let go…you are not alone xx


Misprint I understand how you feel,we all do. It’s coming up to 12 mths for me on 2/4,i just feel uninterested in anything, even work.
I’m just putting one foot in front of the other as I don’t have the energy for anything else. The only thing keeping me going are my kids and my dog.
I think we must all do whatever is right for us as life is so rubbish but I’m hoping that one day things will get better.
Take care :heart:x


Massive hugs to you lv annie x x

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