Opened the Wardrobe

@Deb5 , yes my husband would want me to find happiness, he loved life , the only problem with that is I don’t know what would make me feel truly happy again , sending hugs x


@Bess1 ,I have to believe , I will be reunited with my husband when it’s my time to go . I know nothing is perfect but I felt our life was as perfect as you could get . We laughed and loved such a lot , hardly ever argued, he always said I was right even when I was wrong I was right . So any disagreement always turned into us laughing . I miss him so much every minute of every day . I’m sure you know that feeling .sending hugs X

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Broken and Bess
I wish I could believe in reuniting but I can’t and that makes the grief so hard to bear. I know it would lighten the heaviness of loss a little.
What would make me happy again ? I think that, reuniting . I get moments of happiness with my grandchildren but I can’t hold onto it .
Steve left me a list of what he wanted . One of which was to be happy. My glass is half empty and won’t hold onto it long enough to sustain me.
I’ve noticed family/friends are also not able to sustain their understanding of what it’s like to loose a life partner . They ask less often , and when you say , you can see their responses are getting shorter. But grief doesn’t get shorter does it , it comes along with us.:broken_heart:
Men not all , tend to eventually seek another partner . Thats not for me , one love❤️.


Yeh i know what you mean … its hard isnt it ? :frowning: when you been married so long … i think what i miss the most is just having that special person to love you … i really do xx


My wife and I were the same, I hated to see my wife suffering with pain, discomfort and poor quality of life and health. She was so very poorly especially the last few months the only kind thing was to respect her wishes and ensure that everyone knew those.

Now I have some solace knowing her suffering is over and she is at eternal peace and i must try to find my own peace and rebuild my life as she would have wanted.

Happy Valentines Baby xxxxxxxxxxx


You are all so true and right I feel exactly the same
Yes I too miss that very special person