Opened the Wardrobe

You did really well !!! Xx


I went back to the funeral home to get the nightie she was wearing when she passed

She was very pedantic about washing, which I was doing while she was ill, but didn’t think at that time, I would have nothing left with her scent on it


Aw … that’s nice. We were the same , happy just being together :slight_smile: on our last holiday in wales we enjoyed each others company so much ! Im glad we had it … before he got ill … it is a lovely but sad memory to keep and we met some lovely friends who have bless them kept in touch with me and were devastated by his shock passing xx


You have to take the opportunity to laugh / smile about these things, its something you tease each other about as a couple (my wife was an English teacher and loved literature and the arts and i was just a cultural Philistine - but her math was appalling, I kept telling her that we got married in 2000 just to make the math easy for her and she still kept getting it wrong … and i teased her for it).

Computers was another nemesis of hers - my eldest daughter was doing her A levels at the time was teaching my wife to cut and paste on her laptop - Ctrl C is COPY, Ctrl V is PASTE and Ctrl Z is Unfcuk - Oh FFS mum.

I was in stiches in the next room with my younger daughter, tears rolling down our faces with laughter


Yeah - those were the things you took for granted and didn’t realize how much they would mean one day

Makes this part so much more difficult


Every little memory - just those snippets / moments that your mind stumbles upon when your doing something else … i just try to treasure those little moments


Same here , its one of the hardest things isnt it - not being able to tell them stuff :frowning: xx


I never even thought of getting a lock of his hair @Nett1 … i wish i had :frowning: xx


It really is hard I’ve started to write things down as if I’m writing to him . It’s may of trying to cope with the sadness of it not being able to tell him things.


Yeh the bereavment counsellor told me to do that … really helps doesnt it :slight_smile: xxxx

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@Nett1 , my husband always cut his own hair with shears , when he was going through his treatment he cut it really short and said it was his cancer cut . I actually hated him saying that but couldn’t tell him . After he died while filling a memory box , I opened his wallet before I put it in ,and found a plastic pouch with my hair in , he must of picked it up years ago when I had my hair cut in the house . Each time he got a new wallet he must have put it in the side but . Finding this helped me know I was truly loved. It’s strange now what gives us such comfort , X


Aw … that’s so sweet :wink: xx

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@Deb5 , I had wrote in a diary every day since my husband died , I read it back about 6 months ago , and the rawness is still here . Yes I managed my days better, but just the devastation of never seeing him again in this life , so soul destroying . I actually stopped writing in it then . But I still have a talk with him every night before I attempt to go to sleep. X


Yeh i was having a good old chat with him today as i made pancakes ! He actually loved pancake day more than valentines lol … i used to buy cream and he liked it with cream and treacle and i thought tonight - he will never eat pancakes again will he ? ;( feeling sad today … soz xx


It is soul destroying the reality of never seeing our loved one again . It’s overwhelming . I say out loud “I just can’t believe it” and then cry :broken_heart::smiling_face_with_tear:


@wilderness it’s nearly two and half years without my husband , and I still can’t believe it has happened to us . We met when we were both 16 and he died when both 59 , so he is all I have known my adult life , I really don’t know how I have even managed to breath without him let alone function . I’m sure he must be helping me . I often look up at the stars at night and ask him where he is .X


My husband was 58 and we had 42 years together . All of my adult life we’ve been together . He died in October 2023. It’s no wonder we can’t believe it when we’ve been with our life partners as long as we have .

I can only go day by day anything more overwhelms me when I think about my present life without him. If I think in days weeks months or years is unbearable.
Do you find that ?


I do really believe they are helping us … i know he would want me to find some happiness because he was a kind man … and he loved life and he loved people , im sure your husband would for you too xx


Broken2222 you and me both I feel exactly like you
Paul died July 2022 it’s as raw today as that day he died
I just ‘function’ talk to Paul all day and also at night as I attempt some sleep

I just cannot accept I won’t see him again
I too miss the banter……
What a husband and wife have is so so special and yes we all took it for granted…….


@wilderness , yes I can’t think of a future, can’t plan anything , I just take it day by day . Sadly the days have turned into years already . And I still just ache for him . I guess I always will . Sending hugs X