Psychic Phenomena.

Positive signs, indeed! I think that my dad, being an electrical engineer, would communicate via electricity. I sometimes wonder whether he has. But I think that I’m quite closed off, unintentionally. My best friend has sensed things in the past (before I lost my dad) but I haven’t. And I never turn on my sense of smell. Like, people will notice smells way before I do. Not that I’m suggesting a link between spirits and different smells, but I just think that maybe I’m too closed off in general to subtle signs around me. Meditation is supposed to help.

Hello everyone, i would like to chat about this topic, psychic phenomena, but do not intend or wish to upset anyone, or cause pain before i begin ok.
It is purely and hopefully only give maybe some comfort and a little to think about. To the members who have may already had a special experience from your loved one, i am happy for you and hope it stay and continue for you again.

I believe we are all born not just to be on this earth, we were sent here with a intention to something. I have researched this a little and understand when loved ones go , they may meet another loved one waiting for them or be kept safe with a chosen spirit guide, Sometimes but not always loved ones will normally send messages, leave signs within 3 months - 12 months , maybe a little longer.
When they arrive to meet their guide, the are in “resting chambers” and they will begin a “life review” of thier life from been born untill they leave this earth.

Every now and again, when they know or feel you are in trouble, distressed, need guidance, help or whatever, they may send you , show you a sign they are around for you.
Best way is to talk to loved ones., all the time, just have chats, tell them what you are doing , where you are going, , say their name then " hi… (name) .i am just going to pop out to shops" or , " Hi…(name) do you think i should go here, or…should i do this? Always say their name or whatever they were known as, uncle bob, or you know.
If you can hold a item belonging to them it helps messages, signs stronger to come thru.
I can not promise any of this will work for everyone , but i wish everyone the very best wishes that some of you , sometime soon and in future know your loved ones are still close.

Thank you for reading and bless you all my dear friends here. you all so special ,
Hugs, Col


Hi burgled, thanks for your reply and interest in my post.

I agree, it could be possible with your dad, electrics. Be patient, try not to expect anything or sit and wait for anything to happen it will, it may.
Smells, yes some people can pick up certain perfumes, aftershaves, soaps. cigars.
I think everyone has a “gift” its just need to know how to use it and have open mind.
Some things do have rational explanations, some do not.
Mediation, umm i have not tried that, i know when practice mediation its important to come out if it the correct way, can possibly lead to problems i have read.


Hello country girl
I am writing to you post reply your sent to ivy1 , your microwave clock goes to 00:00 , electrics , a orb, (that is a spirit definately) Can i ask you have always seen orbs before, before your husband left.? I totally believe you.
My mum and me were on a bus last week, going into town, and this lady began chatting to my mum, been sociable, and i mentioned my sister, and the woman said she lives with a little boy upstairs who passed 22 yrs ago, with croop. He does hurt her, just plays with doors and objects in her home. Will use tv, lights, anything.
So if anyone has or finds any friendly orbs, don,t call GhostBusters !!!


Orbs are circular shapes that can appear in photos or in person.
They are believed to be a manifestation of spiritual energy and can be associated with protection, guidance, and comfort.
Seeing orbs may be a sign that you are receiving spiritual messages or that you are in the presence of a spiritual being.
They will not harm you in anyway, and no need to fear them.


Thanks for your replies. In answer to your questions, no I had never seen orbs before my hubby passed but then there was the first time when the orb sort of popped up from what seemed like beneath the floor, which I presumed was my hubby and it followed me down the hall! That was about 7 months after he died. Since then have seen an orb several times (always at home.) One came up from behind the TV and I have also seen one in the lounge when I was busy cleaning, one in the bathroom (when I was in the bath ha ha!) and also once in the kitchen when I was washing up and it appeared just in front of me (that was the day I told my hubby that one of his friends had just died.) I have also seen back in January '21 a dark, almost black roundish thing ( an orb?) which appeared in the hall just as I was getting ready to walk the dogs. At first I thought it must be a reflection of something as it was a sunny day but it floated upwards. The orbs I have seen have never stayed, they always quickly disappear.
The last couple of years I have had many things happen, such as piles of clothes being knocked onto the floor, a throw and cushions all knocked onto floor, a neatly folded jumper on my bed, when I turned around it had been flipped open, my cuddly polar bear which I have on the bed was also knocked to the floor. One day I was ironing and as I turned away from the ironing board (just a split second) and it sort of tipped over towards me and I sort of caught it! Ity seems I’ve had some mischievous things happen which doesn’t seem like my hubby but I am sure the electrical things (there have been so many of those) are him as he loved, radio’s, tv’s etc.
There is so much that has happened to me since he died, I could probably write a book! Some very magical.
The message you received from your sister is amazing, you must have been very close.
Hope your receive more signs.


Orbs display in a number of different colours, shapes and forms,
White orbs , are often associated with spiritual growth, purity, and protection. They may also indicate the presence of a spirit guide or angel been sent.
Blue orbs , are linked to communication, intuition, and inspiration. They may also indicate the presence of a spirit guide or angels
Green orbs , green are associated with healing, growth, and balance. They may also indicate the presence of a nature spirit or a deceased loved one who was a healer (Doctor /Nurse/Carer)
Red orbs red are often linked to passion, strength, and courage. They may also indicate the presence of a spirit guide or a deceased loved one who was passionate or courageous.
Orange orbs , These are associated with creativity, joy, and enthusiasm. They may also indicate the presence of a spirit guide or angel, sent .
Yellow orbs , are linked to intellect, wisdom, and learning. They may also indicate the presence of a spirit guide or angel.

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Hi country girl,
Yes me and sister were very close, there was only 2 of us. I am feeling it more because i was the one that went with her to all her hosp appointments, visited her everyday in hospital, cared for her at home 4 months, then back in hospital more MRIs xrays, bloods. Sis was so weak she could not have any chemo or anything, she lost weight fast , had acities, (fluid on tummy) drained but returned. then hosp found white mass , said it was size of a small baby, 20-27cm,s cyst , found C cells in fluid, but after many scan etc, hosp sdid not know where C was or where coming from.
Back to your reply, the orbs you mention, its interesting, i am no expert ok, but i can give a logical guess it is more likely your husband. I do not want to upset you or give you any false hopes, and i do not lie. I say how i see things , rational and unrational 2 sides.
Rozz, that is a good idea , why you dont you start a diary, begin writing everything down you have said here, then write down anything more that ever happens, even if and when you ever have dreams, wake up and write what you remember soon as you can so dont forget important details.
Its really nice to hear your experiences and chat with you.
Bless you, hugs

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If you see an orb in a place that is associated with a loved one who has passed away, it might be a sign that they are watching over you.
If you see an orb during a time of stress or uncertainty, it might be a sign that you are being protected, loved and guided by a spiritual force.
brightness of an orb may indicate its proximity to you. Brighter orbs may be closer to you, while dimmer orbs may be farther away
size of an orb may indicate the amount of energy it contains. Larger orbs may contain more energy and may be more significant than smaller orbs.


I am so sorry you went through all that with your sister.
Thank you very much for all the info on orbs. Very interesting. The orbs I have seen have all been very bright, like little lights except for the one that appeared rising from behind my TV which was very, almost a perfect circular shape and translucent. The black ‘thing’ I saw floating upwards was not a true circle. It had wavy sides and seems also to be a bit translucent.
I do keep a journal which I started about three weeks after my hubby died so I do have a record of everything. Sometimes I go back over it and read and find I had forgotten so many things that had happened. I will have to go through it all one day and write down separately all my experiences.
Just wondering what your thoughts may be on the mischievous things that have happened, could it be another unknown spirit do you think? It seems to have gone now, but it didn’t worry or upset me at all.


Good morning countrygirl , hope you are ok this morning.

Thanks for reply , the mischievous happenings could of possibly been your hubby playing games with you to get your attention. As I said I am not a expert I only know this subject from past experiences myself in a home I lived in.
I will have quick reference check on orbs you seen, they sound normal.
My friends mum passed 10 hrs ago and I took a video on my mobile phone and could easy be seen in living room floating near ceiling , showed friend and was overjoyed and teary.
Take care, bless you counrtygirl


I had a dream, which I am believing is a visitation dream, the other day. Almost a month after my Mum has passed away, I still feel her around, in one way or another, her voice, her presence…

Having had a terrible night prior, I woke from a dream where my Mum was healthy, younger, and looked beautiful, I was touching her skin and kissing her face - she didnt speak but she looked at me as if to say “Why are you eating me up? I’m not going anywhere”, with a soft smile.

I woke up from the dream laughing and felt comforted, and calm for the first time in months.

Also the day after my Mum passed away, a storm was named after her. I dont think I could have asked for a bigger sign than that, now everytime I feel the wind on my face, I feel comforted.

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That is beautiful and what wonderful affirmation of your Mom being with you :heart:

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Hello Mermaid ( can i call you mermaid if that ok?) I have read your post, thanks for posting to me , Sorry i bit late replying, i been out busy most of today, Any visitation of a loved one and /or a dream is certain to be your mum. That,s lovely, i am happy for that has give you the calm comfort feelings.
As i have said to other members chatting , it is more polite and important that you give thanks for messages and signs given from loved ones/spirit. (each time) always, they need to be thanked as they are wanting asking for your permission to be contacted, verbally give thanks, so would say " Thank you for your message (name of your mum) then tell mum you have received message. If you receive message in public and alone , so you could say thanks…but say it in your head if you understand me.
Our lost loved ones may be carrying specific messages for you , You can think of accessing them as similar to turning on , then tuning into an old radio untill loved ones receive your voice, thoughts… It’s about raising your vibration up as the spirits slow theirs down, and you meet in the middle so you can hear them if that makes sense.
I am not a expert, but i and my loved sister have always been able to sense , tune in.
Bless you , and mum. take care

think of your earthly life as a journey and a classroom: “We come to Earth to learn. That’s basically why we’re here. Spirit guides are highly evolved light beings, are essentially special helpers guiding us through this journey We all have at least one (sometimes two or three) spirit guides with us.
before we came to Earth, and until after and beyond, these are our main guides,
People may make mistakes when learning how to communicate with spirit guides is looking to the outside world. Instead, spirit guides connect with you in your intuition or your “gut feeling” Like myself when on Monday this week i was told, i knew i had to go to local crem and buy a memorial for my sister. When i arrived and after discussing my needs with a office clerk, we walked to the remembrance garden, when we arrived, there was 1 space left to place a memorial (the only 1 among approx 100 loved ones memorials.
Start finding the tools that help you quiet your mind, clear mind , Need to stop focus on silence, and find what it is that helps you to calm the mind so that you can connect to your soul.
Then that is where you will find your own personal spirit guide, everyone has a guide just not everyone knows or thinks of having them.
when you start dropping into your intuitive voice, listen to your voice, then you will be given little rewards, messages, signs, sometimes numbers repeated over again , 1234, or 1414 or 333 .

The best way to describe is , you know when you lose touch , talked for a while to a friend ? you lose the connection , you then need to re-build that relationship again and have the connection.

Before you can communicate with loved one, you need as i have said, be in a mindset, a clear mind free from stress, emotion (as much as possible) anxiety, and relaxed, open to listening to people. You then make your intentions clear to the person (or loved one), you wish to communicate with.
Try jotting notes down of your thoughts and feelings , if you don,t like what you write and read, tear paper up, bin it , its not a problem, don,t worry honestly and try again tomorrow.

Hope this is useful and i wish you all best wishes
Bless you


Of course you can :slight_smile:

That’s exactly what I did and what I will continue to do. I thanked her for the visit, and asked her to come again. I did say to her a few days before she passed, “please come and see me…” and she said, “I will”. So she kept her promise.

I feel like because I can still feel her here, that’s my “tune in” as you say?

There’s another part of me that’s very negative trying to brush off the belief that Mum is still around. “Dont be silly, she can’t hear you… she’s gone, you idiot.”

But I’m a firm believer in spiritualism and that there is somewhere where our loved ones go… I’m not sure where but I also believe they can come back to us… no one is every truly gone, they are not flesh, but energy.

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Love this thread!

I had a lot of strange unexplained things happening after my Mother passed away just over a year ago. I was sat on the fence with all things spiritual beforehand!

I’ve been to mediums and they’ve told me things they shouldn’t have known and I became interested in how it all worked because I still had moments of sceptism. So I decided to join a development circle.

I have managed to give people in the circle messages and it always blew my mind how random information could be when it actually linked!

I am going through a lot of termoil these days though, I feel closed off and don’t go to the circle as much as I used to and I can no longer feel my mothers presence as much as I used to and it’s had me questioning the whole thing for some reason. I wish I’d stop being so doubtful because I have witnessed a lot of things in the post, prehaps I am too stressed right now to feel it as much as I once did.


Hi Jess, that may be possible , but you never know , your mum will be in touch again maybe when you mind is a little clearer (no offence saying that) i mean obviously you will be feeling stressed as everyone does, its natural and normal so blame yourself.
Take care and bless you


how amazing…I am still waiting for my signs

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Has anyone read any of the books by Claire Broad? she has written 3 so far one of them being What the dead are dying to tell us.I personally found this very helpful, it helps you to recognise signs, and also has small stories from people who have lost loved ones Obviously these books might not suit everyone, Claire is known as the honest medium. I am not trying to sell Claire’s books and do not know her as a friend, but have been lucky enough to have had a reading from her.