Psychic Phenomena.

I totally agree with this, it is really helpful to have a clear open mind , not always easy I know. Xx

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I have had experiences too, about a night or 2 after mom passed, she came to me in a dream, she told me that after you die, there’s a little man called Colin, who came to talk to her about her life, & why she did the things she did.
In another incident, I got a Jemima puddle duck 50p :duck: mom always used to collect ducks, toys, ornaments, cups, everything ducks.
I miss my mom very much. :pensive:


Thank you for this recommendation Ivy, I’ve just found a few podcasts with Claire Broad presenting which I will listen to :slight_smile:

Angels , whether you believe in them or not, everybody has a guardian angel looking after them, and from time to time they are known to send us messages that we can use to help improve our lives. However, their messages can often be quite subtle and hard to understand, so the quiz below will help you work out exactly what they’re trying to tell you, based on your personality and life experiences.
Your guardian angels know you, and so they know which signs will capture your awareness, and what items contain personal meaning and significance for you.
Signs are signals that signify a presence of angel/s in your life.
Common signs and signals are finding feathers of all colours. are a reminder that your angels are near you , loving and supporting you from behind the scenes. a sensation of warmth and a flush or rush of warm light energy , gentle tingles on the surface of your skin.
Flickering lights can be a validation of the presence directs their awareness towards you, of angels, this is one of the top signs angel presence near and watching over y
A gentle feel of breeze or the movement of air around you without it having a physical causation is another undeniable angel sign.
Clouds that may resemble angels, hearts or anything significant towards you is another sign. So remember to glance up to the sky now and again , (When safe of course).
Babies , family pets, cats and dogs are very aware of a presence sometimes we can not see

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Wow, that is so interesting because I have experienced several of these things. Since my hubby died I have read several books and what happens after death, mediums, orbs etc. but nothing about angels. I have had a lot of feathers left for me, two in significant places i.e. the bottom of my bed and on the floor next to where I sit in the lounge. Also, one morning having a cuppa in bed and talking to my hubby I asked for a sign as had not had one for a while. I went out into the kitchen and when I returned to the bedroom there a gorgeous little fluffy feather right there on my bedside table! I could hardly believe it, it is so magical, Also, I was out walking the dogs and we were walking back towards home and reached the usual corner where I turn into another road and as I turned the corner a sudden quite strong breeze blew around me and I thought that’s odd because it was a very calm day and then as I continued walking a white feather ( a perfect white feather) floated down in front of me in the breeze. At the time, didn’t put two and two together but when I got home realised what had just happened.
I am presently going through a very stressful time with a neighbour who is harassing me (police are involved) and things came to a bit of a head last week and I have been busy getting quotes for CCTV which I never wanted but now have no choice unfortunately, Anyhow, I was stressed and very tearful at the weekend and went into the bedroom to talk to my husband (I tend to talk to him in there as his ashes are there and I have a lovely photo there of him.) I walked into the kitchen and the clock on microwave again had changed to 00.00!
I don’t tell people as they will think I’m mad but it is so magical to me.


it seems to be universal things happening after someone dies.

my cousin saw her deceased father two times while she was wide awake.

I smelled perfume and flowers. it was ice cold on my father’s side of the bed. ice cold.

enough things have happened to people to make a logical person question life after death.

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Depends on whether you are a Christian. Or Hindu.

… the scientific evidence is substantial if you look into it… survival of the consciousness after bodily death …it’s not about religious beliefs…but the reality is…it doesn’t bring anybody back…:sweat:

Hi all,
I agree that it has nothing to do with any kind of religious faith, in my mind, faith is just a personal belief, which in itself makes no difference to the world at large, & in that way, is no different than someone believing in aliens, santa, leprechauns, ghosts, global warming, or the Easter bunny, it’s all down to what you believe personally, I guess you just have to keep an open mind about these things. One of my favourite sayings is, “the mind is like a parachute, it works best when it’s open,” :parachute: just because we don’t believe in something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just simply means that for whatever reason, we have chosen not to believe in it, & we have a right to choice in our own beliefs.
:thinking:… I think most people are so hyper-aware of the physical world around us, that people are not always so in touch with the spiritual one. People in general are aware of their personal appearance, what clothes we choose to wear, messaging on our phones, watching TV, driving to work or appointments, having breakfast, picking the kids up from school :school_satchel:, going on holiday, the money we earn, paying the bills, chores that need doing, most of what we do every day is about our physical self & the physical world around us. My logic is that people have 2 selves, a physical self, (the body,) & a spiritual self, (the soul,) they are both layered, one inside the other, when someone passes, it is the immortal soul, shedding its mortal body, (kind of like a snake shedding skin,) the body that is left behind is just a shell, but the spirit lives on, in that way our loved ones will always be with us, & they can send us signs of comfort, or reassurance. My baby passed during pregnancy some years ago, but since his death, I have seen a light, several times, I believe he’s letting me know he’s still with me. I also feel since mom passed, she has sent me several signs, telling me to keep moving forward, & letting me know she’s there.


…if you researched this topic more you will find the alternative view is that consciousness is fundamental…that our brains do not create it…despite science trying constantly nobody has been able to explain where consciousness comes from or how our brains create it. The alternative stance is that our brains ‘download’ our consciousness from a universal consciousness and that is where we were before birth and where we return after bodily death. Religion is not a factor…do some research you may be surprised :heart:


:thinking:Hmmm… Interesting point, I know what you mean, anyone who has been to a séance, or clairvoyant, & had messages from loved ones I guess will be aware of this, I am too, spirits having no physical body, so proving our thoughts don’t come from our brains, they come from our spiritual self.

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Maybe it’s out of our realm of understanding?

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New scientific discoveries are being made in all fields, in many countries across the world every day. I’m not sure that there are many fields where we can say that there are no more discoveries to be made.

We used to think that the world was flat, remember.

Now, I’m not sure of the exact term (I’ve asked my friend to remind me) but there is a theory about consciousness not being localised to the brain. I’ll update when I know the term.

I believe my best friend when she tells me that she had a strange sensation when she visited 2 different buildings, and later discovered that they were meant to be haunted. There’s just too much experience out there for it to be downplayed.

But, ultimately, it’s kinder to allow people to believe what is comforting to them (especially seeing as how it can’t be disproved) and agree a difference in viewpoint.

‘Non-local consciousness’

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The term is 'non local consciousness '…and that’s what I’m referring to…it’s to do with quantum mechanics and there is so much about that that is inexplicable. To think we know everything is basically just arrogant…we don’t…

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…we will all know the truth…one day…but keep your mind a little open…:heart:

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Does this mean the brain is simply limited to the control of normal bodily functions only?

Blubell1.….I wasn’t suggesting you were arrogant…just the general scientific community…or some of it…and your point about the loss of the bodily person was exactly where I started…I totally agree…whatever the truth we have all lost our soulmates and nothing can bring them back…but this thread was about Psychic Phenomenon which is why I posted…:heart:

Life after Death

I can personally tell everyone who maybe interested 3 or 4 real events and my mum , my nephew aged 40yrs have experienced .
Also recently a few days ago on a bus into town , me and mum overheard , then had a serious genuine chat with 2 mature ladies who explained , told me and mum a little boy plays in ladies home upstairs in bedrooms and living room, likes to play with doors .
The boy has lived in ladies home now for 23 yrs , she does not mind the boy living in her home
Now the interesting part , ladies does and has proof of boy that he did live there , boy died of croup aged 6 years old


I do not know it is the eternal question for those still unsure.

I know I live in the mysticism and hope because when I think of life being a complete stop, I panic, as reality is so very hard. so I bask in the hope which is like bathing in non-reality but it helps me cope.