Psychic Phenomena.

Sorry, this is goes on a bit.
I lost my first husband 20 years ago, shortly after losing both parents and my sister. I begged for a sign from any of them that there was something after death……there was nothing.
Then I spoke to a Medium, specifically about my husband. I was careful to give no clues. She told me he died of a heart problem, (he did). Then there were a few generic statements about the lovely funeral and the roses, pretty much what anyone could say. She told me he now had a stray dog, he had suggested getting a dog a few months before, but I said didn’t want one. She told me he was sorry that he had to leave me to cope with our disabled daughter on my own and that he would send someone to help me. The letter J was important. He said that we would be together again one day and that he would only be lending me to this person to make me happy and to support me. Several years later I met Jeremy. We were just friends to begin with as both of us were widowed and still in love with our deceased spouses. He was so lovely with my daughter and she adored him. We did eventually get married and had 15 wonderful years together until he died 23 days ago, also of a sudden cardiac arrest. I am devastated and looking for signs again.
One other thing was that the Medium said that she also had my Dad there. I don’t think I had mentioned my dad had died. She said his name was confusing ‘R’ or ‘P’? It was neither. His name was Arthur, but my daughter always called him Arper (R,P), and eventually all his other grandchildren adopted the same nickname. Nobody could have known that.
Actually both of my husbands and my Dad thought spirits, ghosts, and in my Dad’s case, any religion was nonsense.
Personally, I hope and pray that one day I will see them all again. I cannot accept that all my loved one’s spirits and energies and love can just disappear forever.


Good luck :four_leaf_clover: xx

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John I am glad to read your post. Since I lost my partner 3 weeks ago I have felt him very close to me. When I went to see him at the funeral home I experienced a lovely warm glow in the form of a hug which stayed with me for some time after I left. This is not unusual for me as I have always had the ability to sense people in spirit. It is a comfort to me and helps enormously with my loss.


My mum very much believed in the afterlife and had seen mediums in the past so when she passed away and didn’t “visit “ I was worried she was mad at me ( grief is nasty) few months after I was very much struggling and had a lot of intrusive thoughts and anxiety and I had a dream. I could not see her but I could feel her and all though she didn’t verbally communicate I would describe it as an aura and it radiated happiness. Such an intense feeling of happiness. I woke up crying but it was more crying with relief and I felt like a boulder had been lifted off my chest.


So I had my reading today.

Anyway she told me things that are not on FB, like my husband scuffed my car & I was angry with him, said I hated parking, teddies, his cancer and other things, how she described him and the words he used to describe how he felt about me, about a baby boy and someone else with the letter J. Amongst other things oh and he’s with me and touches my hair. I’m convinced. She gave the letter M and he told her that he didn’t believe in the after life but does now.

So many other things and all correct.

I know it sounds like I’m rambling, I’m convinced totally. I asked how often for a reading she says about every 3 months… I will be booking again. Have to say it’s 3 months today my husband lost his fight, so it was mixed emotions of happy and sad.



How lovely, bet you feel comforted :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I do…especially when he told her how much he loved me, and used the words he would say :heart: only now i keep crying about how much i miss him, but im glad i done it :blush:


Hi ShaSha

I’m so pleased you had a good result, I was wondering how you got on.

It’s three months for me too (13 weeks) and I wasn’t sure if that was too soon for a reading but now maybe I’ll take the plunge. I hope I get something more than vague statements too. :crossed_fingers:

If I do it I’ll let you know how I get on. xx


The lady i saw had good reviews so i took the plunge, im so glad i did, she said alot that was true, when she said how he felt about me she used the words… adored, princess i was his world, them actual words he did say to me amongst others.
She also said wait 3 months before the next reading. It did make me upset and i feel I’ve gone backwards…but i needed to do it and i will do it again, if that all makes sense. So do some checking and be prepared for happy and sad moments. Good luck you get to hear from your loved ones :pray:

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Glad you got a good result and doesn’t appeal to me. Good luck xx

Thats great you had a positive reading. Does this person have a website that you share? I have seen 3 and it didnt really work out for me sadly. But i havent given up hope. Thanks

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I done my reading over WhatsApp video, im in the uk.

Hi, would you mind me asking what she charges?

£55 for 45 minutes. For me it went really quick :blush:
I looked at someone else they wanted £245 for 50 mins, so passed on that one lol

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Pleased it was positive for you. Did she say anything that was way off the mark? Do you feel that it will hinder you from moving forward with your earthly life? I know it is still early days for you. It’s 16 months since my husband died and I had two visitations in the first 2 months nothing since and I think if he wants to contact me do I need a medium if he’s done it before? Second time he scared me and we had said before he died that he would come back let me know if there was an afterlife and I said yes but don’t scare me.