Psychic Phenomena.

I have come to the conclusion that while I still draw breath then my wife will never be gone. That is what I hold onto.


I feel exactly the same, i want to believe and see with my own eyes, im so desperate for a sign and I keep asking. I have booked to see a medium and im really hoping she gives me something :pray::crossed_fingers::butterfly:


I went to see a medium and got a refund. I was so desperate to hear from him and was gutted but i havent given up.
I do hope it works for you.


Please let us know how you get on with the medium, I’d be really interested to see what you think.

I’m a contradiction really because although I can’t currently accept an afterlife, I do talk to him all the time and find that comforting. I do desperately want to believe I’ll see him again but practical me says I won’t.


Do your research…there is more scientifically backed evidence out there than you realise…and it grows expedentially. In fact, though I started out as a sceptical researcher…I now stand of the opinion that evidence for survival is compelling and difficult to dismiss. Signs are one thing that is perhaps a personal thing…but the bigger picture is not…what it means in the longer term I can’t say…but I do believe consciousness survives…somehow…and that we will meet again in some form.


Definitely, its not till the 26th, but i am excited and i am reallllllyyyyy hoping, as i want to know hes ok it will give me some peace as well :dove:🪽:dove:

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Please let us all know hoeit goes.
I’m sure we are all curious


She has good reviews, and lives pretty close too, thats one good thing. Im going to go in with a very opened mind and thats all i can do, fingers :crossed_fingers:


Definitely…its not till the 26th, so bit of a wait.


Hi @Princess57

It’s hard to believe in what we cannot see with our own eyes.

When we fall in love with a person, what is it that we fall in love with? I believe it is a persons soul that we connect with, and energy that we cannot see. We also feel enormous love, a feeling that we feel but cannot see. Do you believe in love and connecting with a soul mate?

I know for sure that our body is just a vessel carrying our soul and energy for only the time that the body is alive. When my Andrew passed away I kept him at home for one more night so I could hold his hand and tell him how much I loved him. My dog was at my mum’s as Andrew was very poorly on the day that he died. Later that day and after Andrew had died my dog came home and sat next to me on my recliner. Andrew was in a bed in the living room next to me. I fully expected our dog to jump up and make a fuss of him but he didn’t even look his way, not even a sniff. What made Andrew Andrew had left his body and traveled to the next realm. I know he is ok as I talked with a medium shortly after.

I hope this makes sense, it does to me :hugs:


It makes sense to me, for the times I’ve seen a dead body either human or pet, it’s obvious to me there not there they’ve left making sense that the body is just a shell, they’ve left it & gone who knows where… ? But wherever they’ve gone we’ll go there too :grinning:



Yes we do kinda end up in the same place. We also meet up with our soul mate/s and decide what to do next! I’m staying out of this world for a good 200 years (although times different were we go, it’s not like the time as we know it) I’m going to chill out with my soulmate. I think I’ve learnt enough from living (obviously not as I’m still here wallowing in self pity) I also know that I’ve been here before but that’s another storey :joy::joy: x

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…it most certainly does :kissing_heart:


I always love reading your replies, I end up feeling energy flowing through me. It’s almost like my soul resonates with what you’re saying! It makes so much sense to me!

I still have a sceptical mind though and understand when people say they’d prefer to see solid evidence as I would love to see it to then I wouldn’t have to doubt it at times!

I still feel my Mums love around me, I’ve recently had an operation and I was so scared the night before. I ended up dreaming that she came with me to the hospital and I never dream of her usually! I’d like to think she turned up to let me know she was there for me on the other side :heart:


Hi @Jess1

That’s lovely for you to say, thank you :hugs:

You’ll have a sceptical mind because you are still learning, your soul learns as it travels through lives/realms. I don’t think you’ll ever have solid proof but as your soul progresses you may be able to remember (we are actually not supposed to remember but someone’s some souls “slip” through the net as a way of telling their story to others) Hope that makes sense, I’m not the best at explaining.

Your mum 100% come to you, that wasn’t a coincidence. How lovely that she came to you. I hope your recovering well :revolving_hearts:

Do some research as @UnityMan suggested xx


I think that’s the weird thing for me, I do believe in the soul and the spirit and when John died (at home, looking directly into my eyes) I knew that the essence of him was no longer in the room, just his body. My problem is in believing that the spirit goes on and our souls will one day be reunited although I really want to believe it because then this separation would be temporary and not final. I must admit that one of the reasons I first joined this community was because I wanted to see how other people were handling the afterlife question and whether anyone had experiences to share.


…research…NDE’s…Scientifically verified mediums… University of Virginia…Windbridge Foundation…Forever Family Foundation…children with past life memories…past life regression Therapy… quantum mechanics…the 'hard problem of consciousness '…loads and loads of stuff …has kept me busy…:heart:



I believe that our soul and spirit cannot die or decay. It needs to go somewhere. Somewhere we can never be sure of.

That’s why we are all here to learn and to discover. It’s good that we all had different beliefs.

What you believe is personal to you. What do you think happens to our soul or spirit?

Always keep an open mind.

Those that have passed are around us but we need to be open to feel them.

If you want to be sure ask for a specific sign that isn’t a white feather or a robin ask for anything, write it down and leave it on a table with an anchor (a piece of jewellery or something significantly personal to your partner)


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Thank you for the pointers - I’m definitely going to do some reading, I didn’t really know where to start.

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Thank you, I’m going to try that, I’ll use John’s wedding ring as the anchor. He wore it all the time and only took it off in hospital for fear of losing it but wanted it back on when he came home for his final days.