Psychic Phenomena.

Thanks @jonathan123

It was strange, as if I was being told something I didn’t want to hear. It is so hard to believe that something as vibrant and powerful as life simply disappears. Take care all. C xxx


HI Christie
So interested in what has been happening to you. I have had similar experiences. My husband loved radio’s and there is one in every room although they don’t interest me so I never switch them on but his favourite in the kitchen came on twice in the middle of the night. A bit frightening as I could hear voices downstairs!!! I had never had this radio on so no ides why it should suddenly come on and both times it was around midnight.
I have three lamps in the bedroom and all of them stopped working along with the main light. I sat on the floor in the dark and screamed at my husband to stop playing around and show me what to do. He did, and I sorted the lamps and then to my surprise the main light also came back on and this had no connection to the lamps. There have been other things that have happened all to do with his love of electric things and his dislike of anyone touching them. They can do some strange things and then go back to working just fine.
My husband came to me many times in the first months after he died But then stopped after he came and told me I couldn’t come with him. I still have signs though. The latest was this last weekend. I was raking up leaves. I had a big pile. I gathered up an armful and put them in a bin, I did this twice and on the third time of turning to the pile of leaves there was a white feather on the top. Not mixed in with the leaves. He was there alright checking that I was doing the job properly as this was something he always did.
I never had any thoughts on this subject before and not prone to imagining things. So I have no doubts at all.


You write so beautifully, Pat. It’s strange how these random events take on meaning when we’re in such desperate need of hope. The last few days with my husband left me drained. I am so looking for a sign that he knows how much I love him and miss him. He was a wonderful man. Cxxx


Hi John,

I am not religious, never have been or psychic as far as I know. I just had to tell someone but last night, well it was the early hours about 4.30 am and I needed to go to the loo so got up to go . I never put the lights on when I go to the bathroom as it hurts my eyes, but I noticed a light in the hallway and thought it must be a bright moon shining. But it wasn’t coming through the front door it seemed to come from the kitchen. I walked over to check where it was coming from and I looked down to see a dark shadow in front of me and thought it was my little black dog who follows me everywhere but it was my shadow! There was no light behind me. When I moved a bright circular light appeared on the floor about 4 to 5 inches across and as I moved to walk back to the bedroom it followed me!!! I sort of ran back and looked back and it had vanished. I have never experienced anything like it before and cannot find a rational explanation. I was wide awake. Apart from this happening I have just had a couple of realistic dreams, one where I was half awake and I heard my husbands walking frame move in the hall (live in a bungalow) and then I saw him walk into the bedroom, he was wearing his coat and beanie hat! Then he disappeared behind the bed. Also heard him say my name as I woke one morning, as he did when he used to bring me a cup of tea. I also found a white feather early one morning at the bottom of the bed, it was on the floor on my side of the bed. I don’t think the dogs could have brought it in on their feet as there was a very heavy dew on the grass that morning and the feather was bone dry. But the happening last night/this morning has really affected me, blown me away actually. Now I am sure there is something. My cousin Rosemary is very spiritual, she knows about the dreams and feather but have not told her yet about this morning. She said to me that as I was not able to be with Sid when he died that he may want to contact me. The last time I saw him was in the ambulance on the day he went into hospital and then he was in hospital for 5 weeks and up until the day he died I always thought he would be coming home so I could take care of him. I do feel as though I have no closure as not seeing him was just awful. Sorry for lost post but just had to tell someone. I will probably contact Rosemary and let her know what has happened.


Hi. CountryGirl. Well now!!! My goodness, what more proof do you need? I think you are psychic. To have those experiences takes someone who is ‘in tune’ with such phenomena. Please don’t feel blown away. In your case it is a perfectly natural happening. It is sad to say that some have this gift and other’s haven’t. I don’t, I’m sorry to say, but my dear wife had, and I learned so much from her.
Most of us have to experience such happenings before we become convinced. And even then there is often doubt. I have said before, an open mind is essential. You don’t have to believe, just look at the experiences of those who have answered this thread. 130 to date. So many want to open up about this but are afraid to do so for fear of ridicule or feeling foolish. We can speak openly on here with no judgement. I opened this thread because I knew, from the many posts on this subject, that people wanted to talk about this phenomena, but were hesitant. Don’t look for rational explanations. You will apply earthly concepts to something that is not susceptible to our normal lives. There is no way to be ‘rational’ about this.
Thank you so much for relating your experience.
Take care and Blessings. John.


Thank you, so do I. I feel sort of uplifted this morning, it’s weird!


Thank you John, I have been missing Sid so much this week in particular, I don’t know why. Still cry every day. I do talk to him a lot like he is still here with me, perhaps that helps. I really hope this happens again.

Best wishes and take care

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No, it’s not ‘weird’. You feel uplifted and that’s what it is meant to do. Our loved ones want us to be uplifted. You have a rare gift, so allow things to happen without judgement or resistance. John.


Yes, thank you I will.

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Thank you for sharing, these events show that your husband could well be trying to get your attention. Do you talk out aloud to him? Many do and this seems to bring these events more often.
Saturday night I put on Netflix and said aloud find me a film, I watched the first on that came up, the message was about hope and keeping positive as if we are negative we attract negativity. After the film I said I was trying but how difficult it was without him. I had been upset about something earlier.
I checked my mail and someone had posted a reading of For the Interim Time by John O’Donohue. I had an unread book of his called Bless this Space Between Us. The poem was there!
I read the words several times it was like a balm. The Preceding poem, For Grief, really empathise with how it is.
I do not feel that spirituality is about religion, we can all cultivate it by, slowing down, mediating, appreciating nature, being grateful for what we have. Keeping a dream diary helps some.
I never take anything at face value, I check the possiblity of a simple explanation like you did about the feather. I understand just as in prayer we have to ask, so at night I ask my husband to join me in a dream.
I ask when stuck and an answer pops in my head a while later. But I never take it for granted I do the work first before I get stuck. For some reason I am still here, literally Heaven knows why! At times I don’t. Caring for one alone just seems odd. Caring for my husband was a privilege but exhausting too.
I am very aware we can easily delude ourselves, but I have been reading accounts from scientists including doctors who having had experiences have had to rethink their training. Many cultures just accept these things.
I read that Descartes changed Western thought to ‘rational’ thought.
But who has proved love by staring at a test tube? We are surrounded by mystery

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Hi AliceA and thank you for your reply. Yes, I do talk to my hubby all the time, it brings comfort. Sometimes I will be watching tv and turn to where he used to sit and ask him if he’s fallen asleep as he always used to a little while after we had had dinner. Or I will be making some toast and I ask him if he wants some. I know it seems bonkers but it seems to help a little bit. My dogs especially my male dog will often just stare at where he used to sit, but he won’t get up on the sofa and lie in that same place like he used to do. I had a chat to my cousin who is quite spiritual and she told me about how the Western world is now tuned into ‘rational’ thought. She is similar to me, we both like homeopathy, nature, gardening, animals etc. I would much rather try something homeopathic than go to the doctors, who I have no faith in. I cared for my hubby too and before he went into hospital he was able to get himself up, dressed, washed and got his breakfast and when in hospital he went downhill very quickly. More quickly than I knew as the nurses were not keeping me informed. We did not say goodbye to each other when he died. I did get to speak on the phone to him the night before but he couldn’t speak and most of the phone calls I had with him before that he was delirious so was not making much sense which was hugely upsetting. I just feel that he may want to say goodbye, but I hope I continue to see things.


I studied homeopathy with Gweneth Robinson, in the eighties. I think understanding how the remedies work helps us to understand the possibilities of the afterlife.
The remedies work well on animals, as you will know the more diluted the more the strength increases. So it seem to defy rational thought. The lower for physical the less dense and higher for emotional. I am not a scientist but I understand that these concepts and quantum physics is leading the way.
I do not feel your husband will say goodbye simply because there is no goodbye, consciousness remains. I too cared for a husband I loved dearly and that love remains. So I tell him what I am thinking. I sit in his chair not sure why it started but I find it comforts me. So I hear his words partly from memory as we knew each other so well, but sometime the thought words are different. Why are some of us more aware is a mystery, I do find the more silence I have the more it happens.
I have always followed my intuition my husband learned to trust it too.
My husband was having respite towards the end, Covid has made life more grieving more difficult. The night before he told me on FaceTime, he was very tired, I agonised all night, I rang in the morning to be told everything was fine his dry wit made them laugh, shortly after I received the call, I am bereft in so many ways. In my heart I know he is all right, sometimes I just feel selfish wanting him so much

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Hi. Alice. Thank you so much for your post. Yes, homeopathy is a good example of energies and their use in medicine. It is a mystery to know how it works, but it does. The drug companies and most in orthodox medicine do not go along with it, and many decry it as being ‘all in the mind’. But in saying that they argue against themselves. Sickness can be said to be ‘all in the mind’. Psychosomatic disorders take up a lot of a doctors time. Homomorphy treats you as an individual because not one of us is alike. We all respond in different ways to life’s events and how we see life. A homeopathic practitioner will take an hour or more asking you about yourself, unlike a doctor where you get ten minutes. The remedy prescribed is adjusted to you and your temperament and not generalised.
Science is slowly moving toward the idea of wavelengths and vibrations beyond the normal level of understanding. They are unquantifiable with the tools we have at the moment.
So we come back to dimensions of life after so called death.
We, with our logical Western minds, seem unable to accept that there is a continuum. Nothing is ever lost. Not even life itself. It changes into another vibration, or another phase.
So many have replied to this thread that the fact that ‘something is happening’ is very obvious to those with an open mind.
Thanks Alice. John.


Thank you too for starting this thread, Jonathan, life is such a mystery but if we start to experience nonduality it starts to makes sense. The Celtic mind sees the connections of everything. Indigenous people look on the continuum. I am fascinated by the fractals in all things, the continuing patterns repeating. It seems to me the consciousness has something of this quality. I am not sure I am explaining very well but it points to a pattern and purpose that is there but we do easily not see.
Just as imagining the physical is the only reality denies so much.
It is healing but we still feel the pain of physical loss.
I felt really upheld yesterday but that did not stop the tears at nigh!


Yes Alice, of course we still feel the pain. There is no remedy for such lost but time itself. Consciousness is awareness. The awareness that we exist. The unconscious is not ‘aware’ in the same sense, but receives it messages from another source. I believe it to be the means that we are able to make contact with our lost ones. It manifests in dreams as symbols and metaphors. That is it’s language. If we can interpret that language so much knowledge can be gained.
Non duality! We live in a world of opposites, of duality. Light, dark. Good, bad etc. Everything has it’s opposite. The pendulum of a clock swings back and forth between it’s opposites. Left, right. But the place to be is at the fulcrum from which the pendulum is suspended. It remains still but watches the movement below it with total impartiality. If we could achieve that state of mind then division would cease to exist.
Our minds are like ‘mad monkeys, swinging from branch to branch, sampling the fruit and abiding nowhere’. What has this to do with grief? Everything! When we are capable of collecting our thoughts into some sort of cohesive pattern we are able to think more rationally. This takes time and a lot of heartache and patience. I am not minimising the awful pain. Been there!!
Oh yes, those night time tears! We are tired, and memories break through the barrier of daytime thought. Letting the emotions come is essential. A good cry, I have found, helps ease the pain.
Thanks again Alice, good to talk to you. John.


How wonderful, a true sign. X

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Hi. TWMA. Carl Jung talked of ‘synchronicity’. Meaningful coincidences. Nothing happens by chance. Everything is interlocked with something else. That song was written for
you. It happened as your loved one passed, now how can that be a coincidence devoid of any meaning?
That energy was there. The time of transition is very sacred.
To me it’s far from the end. ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end’, as it says in The Book of Revelations. So the two are rolled into one. No end no beginning, just a continuity in a different form. ‘A thousand years’! Of course. There is no time limit on real love. Time is totally irrelevant.
Thank you so much for that song. John.


I played music to my mum in her last hours. Queen, Elo abc her very favourite George Michael. Mum had a fabulous sense of humour. Her last breaths as I kissed her and said “you can go now my lovely mummy. Go and have a nice sleep”. The song that was playing was “they won’t go when I go”. Then at her last breath “I’m your man” belted out. I like to think she was having a cheeky little laugh with us. She would have chuckled at such an inappropriate song at such an surreal heartbreaking moment


Just a little update on what has been happening. My hubby would always unplug both tv’s before going to bed every night and I have always remembered to unplug the one in the lounge but keep forgetting the other one in our little tv room at the back of our bungalow. It was the same day that I saw the bright circle, that was about 4.30 am and that night 11th November I got up again to go to the bathroom and thought I would just have a quick look in every room for any signs. I had forgotten to unplug the tv and instead of the red light being on it was constantly flashing a blue light as if it were switched on! I think he was reminding me to unplug it! That in itself has been quite amazing to me. Since then the light in the study flickers sometimes when I am in there and also last Friday I was poorly, went to bed very early but I left two lamps on in the lounge as I thought I may get up again to watch tv for a while. One of the lamps is a Tiffany standard lamp which is close to the entrance door and I could see it reflected on my bedroom door which was open and I could see that was flickering as well! It has not done it since. Tomorrow is my birthday so I am wondering if I may get some sign from him. If I see the bright circle again I won’t back away. My cousin said to talk to it so I will. That would be lovely if that happened again.
Take care all xx


A happy birthday for tomorrow, yes, your cousin is right keep talking aloud. X

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