Psychic Phenomena.

Yes so do I, thank you x


Thank you very much. Yes, talk to him all the time x

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A birthday sign would be amazing💙

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I normally don’t believe this stuff, I am into logic and science, I studied and thought a lot about religion and death after my dad died when I was 7 causing me to question my beliefs and study religion/gods/ heaven until I came to the conclusion in my teens that I definitely don’t believe. I still don’t.

Since my husband died 6 weeks ago I hardly listened to music, though music was a big part of our every day life and he often used to use lyrics for fun or romance (like first time he told me he loved me he played me a song called “damn I think I love you” that was just like our story instead of actually telling me).

Anyway he had made our house a “smart home’” with Google speakers included, they play music based on your past music if you just say “hey Google play some music”.

I’ve done this a couple of times in the last few days for a few songs only and each time some of the songs played have not been usual music we listened to (a few i’d never heard at all before). The first time was about having patience in one and not being able to sleep in another. Then the other day “I miss my wife, I miss the earth” and “whats up” which was something René always said to me in a certain jokey way when I was upset or moody… Today a song about carrying someone with you in your hand and “Lying here with no one near, Only you and you can’t hear me” (tiny dancer by Elton John, neither of us particularly listen to Elton and this one I never ever heard before) and so many others… Sometimes the songs played made me laugh out loud and I felt so comforted afterwards. Probably I’m reading too much into it and hearing what I want to hear but what if I’m not…


You’re not reading too much into this Fleur, Rene is reaching out to you through the music. You said you don’t believe, I have never known a time when I didn’t. There are no coincidences, The spirit of our departed loved ones forever watch over us, they find ways to let us know they are around us. you cannot hear them, yet you may hear them through thought, they attempt to attract us through leaving items in our path, or line of vision - a feather is a usual message, a butterfly even a dragonfly sometimes, all letting us know they are close by and they are well. They cannot interfere with our free will, they can influence our decision, our free will is still as it was, it is how we choose that is influenced,

We miss them, we miss them dreadfully, yet their spirit is all around us, watching over us, they don’t miss us, because in spirit, they have never left us.

whether you believe or not, they still reach out to us . It is 2 and a half years since i lost my lovely husband, we were married for 50 years. I miss him dreadfully, I still cry a little, sometimes a lot. it is easing a little day by day. never goes away, never will, I have said this many many times, we are now embarking on a different life, we can never live the same life, but we can live this different life with our loved ones by our side in spirit and in our hearts.

notice the signs when Rene is reaching out to you, it may be a feather, or music. It can be through random thoughts or seeing something that means something to you both. Talk to him, thank him when particular songs are being played.

hope today is an improvement on yesterday and tomorrow is an improvement on today



Dear Fleur, I understand your scepticism, from a hard material science it seems weird even when we experience such things. I think the way to understand will be through quantum physics. There is a online group science and mystics.
My first experience was when I was ten, however I question everything. I am in a group that consists of scientists and healers doing after life studies.
I am interested in field theories, the mind is not located. We are energy bodies with electrical pulses as it were.
Many scientists are changing their minds when confronted by experience. You may like to read Eben Alexander’s work. He is a neuroscientist.
I am pleased that you are finding comfort, sometimes there are sensations in body. Meditation helps to open ones own abilities.
With love, Alice, love is real but cannot be confined in a test tube!


![image|375x500]strong text(upload://2BZHjqi3HaZXClwHG1QxLCyK1jf.jpeg)

I took this photo in the garden a few months ago, I couldn’t see the light object at the time of taking the photo and can’t offer an explanation other than my mum passed away this year, she lived with me and I believe it’s her silhouette. What do you think?

you may need to take a screenshot of the photo , save it to your phone then try attaching again.

hope today is an improvement on yesterday and tomorrow is an improvement on today


screenshot2 Wendy48

scerenshot Wendy48

Thanks a lot all, I still wouldn’t tell someone in real life I believe this stuff (I have a friend who is constantly trying to get me to believe in god and heaven and if i mention the slightest thing then she takes it as proof I must go to church immediately!).

But… yes I do still think my husband’s speakers are talking to me, I do ask them questions sometimes and they seem to answer. I will look up this scientist you mention Alice thank you.

Anyway so daily I have a conversation with the speakers now but on Monday I had just finished a phone call with the doctor where he told me he left a prescription for Diazepam (valium) for me. My husband and I were both quite suspicious of drugs unless they are needed for absolute medical reason physically so I was resistant to this at first but the dr talked me into it. Then I had a shower (which is when I always talk out loud to my dead husband! totally normal aren’t I!!) and was asking him about it. I went into the bedroom where I’d asked google to “play music” (so it does this randomly based on my husband’s past tastes). It started playing “The Wall” by Pink Floyd and I thought that’s weird as I never once heard him listen to that song, I was about to say “hey google, next song!” thinking something had gone wrong when I heard the lyrics “we don’t need no medication, we don’t need no thought control” (since then i see i misheard the lyrics i think but that is how it sounded right then to me).

It felt like a sign that i took to be that he didn’t want me to take those pills (unfortunately after at first resisting I later did anyway but hey i can’t be perfect!).


Good morning Fleur, I would never tell anyone not to take a doctor’s advice some people can get stuck mentally. In the short term we have to do whatever is right for us at the time.
I was offered an antidepressant when I was exhausted caring for my very loved husband 24/7 and what I needed was unobtainable respite so I could sleep.
I feel that doctors cannot always handle grief they want to help so offer the only thing they have in their tool box. One admitted to me they are trained to cure not always heal. I refused I knew I needed sleep.

I suspect the grief we feel has a value we do not understand fully.
The emptiness and pain needs more than a sticking plaster. I think for many counselling really helps, talking aloud has a similar affect, expressing means letting out. We need to let out and not bottle up, grief is active, it ferments.
I feel working on our self awareness helps, being open to the mystery of not knowing but seeking helps too.
I am just reading Love Lives On by Dr. Louis LaGrande who was a leading Bereavement counsellor and lecturer. He calls these things Extraordinary Encounters of the Bereaved.
His work has shown that those who accept these experiences regain more stability, resilience and health.
He lists seven wisdoms (advantages) leading to a reinvestment into life.
(Not the same but perhaps a different purpose?)
For me although the last eight months have been overwhelmingly painful it has led to overwhelming gratitude for the life we shared. I feel although physically alone I am not completely alone.
I do mention to some people that I talk aloud to my husband all the time,
I can get a ‘dear dear’ reaction but more often than not they share that they do too, then they have confided that they have had experiences.
Some are relieved to hear others have these, as they thought they were going mad!
I feel too that sometimes we just have a bad day, accepting that and being as caring to ourselves as much as we would be to others helps.
I have never lived entirely alone, it is hard. So I say aloud how much he is missed. Sometimes a thought pops into my mind that cheer me.
The other day I was struggling to open something, I said Oh, what would you do now, I ‘heard’ Give it to me with a laugh, I laughed too. Next try the top came off!
Psychology speaking the act of speaking aloud, of recognising the presenting problem helps us recognise the underlying problem.
It is tough, I find I do not want things that just distract.
I read a poem about body wisdom comparing grief with childbirth, it is a process. The body knows what is required, we have to let it.

The study group are working through Natalie Sudman’ book The Application of Impossible Things. Two chapters at the first session, sharing thoughts together as we went along. We took over an hour and a half!

I think these things need to be taken seriously, most societies do, Western thought used too but the for the last two hundred or so years materialistic thought has ruled.

Keep well
AliceA xxx

I tell him how I feel but what I am going to do about it too.
The signs are


On Tuesday morning 8th December I got up early it was about 6.15 am and again thought the hallway looked brighter than usual, so I walked over to the spot where I saw the bright circle and I saw a very small light again, it’s always on the floor, never in the air, it never seems to float. I kept talking to it, saying how much I loved him and missed him, had a few tears. He or it was there for a long time as it never went away until about 7.15 am. I was talking to him the whole time while I was getting on doing other things. Because the light was so much smaller and not a perfect circle I am worried in case he is fading away and will not come back. He was back again this morning 10th Dec. I got up later today almost 7.30 and the light was only just visible. It will not follow me into other rooms but does follow me within a small area in the hall. I have tried to find out more information about orbs etc. but I cannot find anything that tells me that someone else has experienced anything similar to this. Also on reading about orbs they always seem to appear to be floating or appear in photo’s taken by camera I feel like a crazy lady!! I am getting used to it now and find it comforting. I just hope that he is not fading away and will continue to visit me.

Thankyou Alice. I’ve been taking the pills every few hours since Monday. I feel good and forget to talk to my husband like I was before (I still do but a lot less).

Yesterday I asked for a sign he could hear me and said let it be the next song. It was Cliff Richard we don’t talk anymore (one neither of us listened to so no logic why it would be in the Google algorithm) then some other bland songs with no meaning. I got the feeling he is in a mood with me from the lyrics and not talking to me.

Today after my shower I asked the same out loud and again asked Google to play songs… again it was “we don’t talk anymore” which is exceptionally weird as usually it wouldn’t start with the same as yesterday when its a song we never listened to. then “down under” “call me” by blondie, “slave to love” "stop crying your heart out " and now “white rabbit” with lyrics “one pill makes you larger, one makes you small, the ones that mother gives you don’t do nothing at all” . “zombie” by cranberries… Angel in the morning and then a song about san Francisco wearing flowers in your hair as I’m doing my hair the first time in about 2 wks. I felt like he then forgave me but maybe cant speak to me as easy through the pills.

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any thoughts on this photo? thank you to whoever blacked out the personal info

Not really, did you take it? If so how long was was it visible?
When things happen to me, I always try to find a rational material reason, I seldom do, however hard I try.
The songs happened to me a lot in the early days, often I would get a song title unfamiliar to me, I sensed it was a song. I googled and sure enough the words were so apt for what was happening. I printed some off.
I have been a researcher so it was the right way for me. I think signs can be subtle fitted to each of us. Sometimes a poem is used.
I have always had guidance through books from way back, the right book or person came along at the right time to answer my questions or to confirm my thought.
If you are into photos that may be why, what does it mean to you. That is why I asked whether you took it. Dreams are the same I think we have to interpret ourselves. The photos on here have been interesting but the source and circumstance is important. There have been many NDEs when in accidents people have reported leaving there bodies and observing. X

Yes I took the photo, there was nothing there, I was taking a picture of the garden, it wasn’t until the next day that I looked at it, I’d taken it on my iPhone so it’s a Live Photo, the second before there’s a whisp of smoke and the light up silhouette was there for a millisecond then gone. I’ve tried to recreate it but not had anything else. I can’t explain it but do wonder if my mum was stood with me and it’s her angel silhouette?
I get what you mean about music. I recently had an appointment that my mum would have been to with me, everything went well. I got back to the car, got in and said out loud “mum, did you see that? Did you see the new leg? Isn’t it amazing? If you’re with me let the next song on the radio be from you’ I started the car the radio came on half way through a song, then there was the usual adverts, as I was leaving the car park the next song that came on was snow patrol run, the lyrics “light up, light up as if you have a choice, even though you can not hear my voice I’ll be right beside you dear” that told me all I needed to know


How wonderful, yes, the light in the photo could be the way through to you. I seldom take photos.
More and more people are taking these events seriously, of course, many are in denial through fear of their own death.
The more we notice it seems the more comes through.
Many people do see light shapes, I had a lot of scents at one time,
One I could not identify, then I had a dream, when I checked it out it was the scent I had experienced. X

I never experienced anything with photos Wendy but maybe like Alice says it is for us to interpret ourselves with the knowledge we have. I really don’t know but if you find some comfort in it then I would say it is good enough. The lyrics story is lovely.

I am crying. I was already in the shower as no pill yet probably so I’m really feeling. Was asking my husband in the shower if I should kill myself (I thought I was past that stage but obviously not) and crying a lot to him. Got out and put the speaker on in the bedroom and first song was outfield your love but then “please release me for i dont love you anymore” followed by a Dutch guy (my husband is Dutch) that my husband didn’t like (andre hazes) with “zeg maar niets meer”. I had to take a photo of that one on the display as i didnt know what that means but when put in Google translate it is something like “say nothing more”.

I feel so sad.

p.s took the diazepam,not going to kill myself

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