Psychic Phenomena.

I know that feeling soooo well. The water on your face, the aloneness, the despair, the unheard conversations and unanswered questions. I don’t have any answers, but I do know that you’re not alone. We are all here to support you. Please keep talking to us. You’ve become really important to this site, to me.
I hope your day picks up


You’ve taken a brave step reaching out for support @FleurDeLis, we’re all here to support you. I’m sorry to hear how you’re feeling after hearing those songs, it sounds like they have brought up a lot of difficult feelings for you.

You mentioned that you’re asking your husband about ending your life and you thought you were past that stage. I can really hear how difficult life is feeling for you and how sad you’re feeling. It’s okay if you thought you were past a stage but struggle again. You’ve been through so much and it’s not easy. I’m wondering if you have any support from your GP or any family or friends to help you through this?

If at any point you feel these thoughts of ending your life are getting too much, there are services that are always just a call or text away. I’ve listed a few below for you.

  • Shout are contactable by text, 24/7. You can text Shout to 85258 and talk to them about anything.
  • Samaritans are available 24/7 to talk about anything that you are worried about in confidence. You can call them on 116 123.
  • If you have any concerns for your health or safety, call 999.

Take lots of care of yourself and keep us updated with how you’re feeling.


Thought I’d share with you guys this interview about the NDE of a man… It’s very emotional and may give you some consolation and peace.


I thought I would share with you all something that happened to me just now. I was in the shower. I had a head full of shampoo and was not paying attention to anything. I turned around, eyes half open, and just like that the curtain that separates the bedroom from the en-suite (temporary curtain because I’m repainting all of the doors) was pulled wide open. I walked toward it and just like that it snapped shut. I immediately got out of the shower and started looking around the house certain that someone had broken in. Nothing. I’ve checked for open windows or weird breezes. Nothing. It was so weird. It cannot have been anything other than something/ a force holding that curtain all the way back & instantly I said “JD, you’re here”. This is the first time I’ve felt something like that or been so certain it was a visit. Interestingly, I have stopped looking and at that moment I’d drifted away in to another world, not thinking about him, or life or anything, I can’t remember specifically what it was I was thinking aside from the practicalities of the next part of my shower routine. What I felt was 100% real, and up until now I’ve never really believed. Sending you all love and strength xx


That’s very comforting video

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I am bringing this Topic to the top again as it might be of interest to some of the new members, searching for answers.


Once again a member has been asking about this sort of thing and it might be interesting reading for some of you. so bringing it back to the top.

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Thank you,
I feel it is very important to know that these things happen to religious and non religious alike.
Most find these great comfort.
They seem very natural.
As if someone is there but just as out of sight.
For me they often happen when relaxed but focused, twice I have felt a kiss on top of the head, once I was checking bank statements and another I was watching cloud speeding by.
I too responded, with Oh, your’e back. That is what it felt like just loving presence.
The earlier ones were sometimes more clumsy, electrics not turning off, of coming back on again, almost mischievous. Once I said aloud, that’s enough I need to sleep. First the TV would not turn off, I tried several ways. I gave up. Checked emails then the iPad would not close. As soon as I spoke I was able to turn things off.
Now some months on signs are more refined, gentler.
Messages come though dreams.

Near death experiences, have brought these forth to be more understood and accepted. YouTube has many serious speakers talking about this, medics who have had to rethink their training.

We all have these abilities, we deal with the unseen all the time.

One a widower shyly said to me he spoke to his wife’s photo. He would ask about household matters and got a thought in his head.
He followed and it worked, simple things how long to cook something.

Scientists are taking this continuous consciousness seriously, northampton uni has a much research in this. I have been told in any other subject the amount of research would be proof.


Hello Alice, I am glad I am not the only one experiencing these things. I am too scared in a way to mention it to my family in case they think I am crazy with grief! I did say on here that it started with the round light that appeared suddenly early one morning in my hallway on the floor. The light is there every night but not the same, it is a very small light with a little aura around it and when I stand near it my shadow appears, but a very dark almost black shadow of myself, even though there are no lights left on.
Lots of things have happened since then too…The first was a flashing red light in the garage when I went in and it was a rear bicycle light in a wooden box underneath the work bench which I have not been near before and I managed to switch it off eventually. The washing machine, radio and microwave have all switched themselves off. One day I was just about to sit down to watch a dvd and as I went to press play the film just started on it’s own. The most amazing thing recently has been things being moved…I have a quite large mirror on the floor in the bedroom which is leaning up against the chest of drawers and one morning as I was drying my hair I turned and the mirror had been pushed out along the floor! Also some of my clothes were knocked to the floor once.
I am getting used to it now and find it very comforting and I still talk to him all the time.


Hello @CountryGirl. I too have had many strange signs and things have been moved. The most recent was this week when my camera wouldn’t charge despite purchasing a new battery and then a new charging lead . I decided to clear our some folders in the spare room and sitting on top of them was my original camera box. (It shouldn’t have been there)
I opened the box and inside was a brand new lead and charger. I plugged the camera in and hey-presto, it works just fine now.
I just said ‘Thank you Mike’. Love and light. x


Hi there
Unfortunately the man that originally started this topic is no longer a member of SR which is great pity as he had an understanding of this sort of thing. For myself I had never had any thoughts about it but I have now become convinced there is something in it as I have received many visits or sightings. I don’t fear them, in fact I look for something that indicates he is near me. The latest thing has been two ornamental plates on stands that had turned to face the opposite direction. I have to climb up a ladder to reach them.
I also speak to a photo of my husband if I want advice and I usually receive it. I did this recently and sure enough I received a reply that night. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear but nevertheless he had advised me so I did what I was told.
I also thank Brian if he has sent a sign.


Hi @Pattidot,
Like you I miss jonathan123’s comments on this (and many other) threads. I have only had one obvious sign of my wife’s presence, but other things have happened which are more subtle. When my wife passed away in July 2020, I became terrified of my precarious financial position - we had been in financial difficulties for several years previously. However, since then several things have happened which have helped to stabilise my financial situation. It’s still by no means perfect, but far better than it was, and I believe with all my heart that my wife has been involved in helping that to be the case. I have never been sensitive to psychic events, although my wife was. I tend to think that’s why I’m not able to detect or sense any direct signals she may be sending to me.

There is one thing which has happened on several occasions and I believe it is my wife sending me a sign. My wife has a bedside combined alarm clock/CD player, and she used to play a relaxation-type CD at night to help us to sleep. However the CD player has not worked since the day she passed, although the clock is just fine. I still play music at night to help me sleep, but I use my old mobile phone as an mp3 player. I transferred the last CD my wife heard to my mobile phone and I play it every night, sometimes several times depending on how much I am struggling to sleep. There are a couple of settings on the phone to automatically replay a single track or an entire playlist, but I tend not to use them. However there have been at least ten times so far this year where the playlist has completed and then restarted again without any action from me. It’s easy to say it may be the electronics malfunctioning but I honestly believe that it’s my wife who is replaying the music for me and giving me a direct sign of her presence. I tell her every night, as part of a long conversation, that I know she wouldn’t abandon me because she knows how hopeless I am without her, and I believe in my heart that to be the case. I talk to her during the day tme too. Believing in her presence is the only thing that gives me any comfort.


I miss Jonathan too. He was ever so wise and compassionate.

Since mum died I get a tingling on the side of my head pretty much daily. Which I have always hoped could be mum. The other day I was very upset and just wanted my mum. So I said mum stroke my head please. If you are here please touch my head. About 5 minutes later I was so upset as nothing had happened so I laid down and all of a sudden I felt as if my whole head was buzzing with electricity. Pins and needles all over my head. I went to sleep with a big smile on my face


I get this static too. At first it was uncomfortable but now it is refined to a more gentle tingle.
Not that I complained!


Yes its a weird sensation. But I like it


Yes, I find it a comfort to.
I have spent the afternoon on Zoom at a study group , it attracts scientists, medics and healers.
What came out was that more people are talking about these things.
At one time people just excepted these experiences but now it is more difficult.
Someone asked why, it was thought that it was fear of the unknown, lack of personal experiences, some scientists have closed minds. People treasure personal experience so are protective about sharing.
Some are wary incase family do not understand.
Some of gnome as the think they are going mad.
However more scientists are open and there is more medical evidence that consciousness remains.

I have often chat and ask for a film, a talk or a dream.
I use YouTube a lot. It is amazing how pertinent to what is going on in my life the film, talk or dream is.
The more people talk the more acceptable and comforting it will be,

Talking aloud helps, I gather

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Hello Jean, it’s quite amazing isn’t it. I never ever for one minute believed in anything like this. I always thought that when you died that was it.
Because the light is there every night in my hall I feel that he is still with me. If I get up in the night the light follows me along the hall. I talk to it as well. I hope my neighbours don’t hear me they will think I’m bonkers!
Part of me worries a little that the light is there because he’s not at peace ? We never got to say goodbye. His last words to me when he left to go into hospital were ‘I won’t see you again’. I said don’t be silly you’ll be home in a couple of days.
I hope he is still here just to keep an eye on me and make sure I’m okay. xx



It must be reassuring to have that light orb following you like it’s keeping an eye on you. Have you ever tried taking a photo of it to see whether it shows on camera?

Feeling quite hopelessly sad today and your post gave me some comfort. Thank you.


Hi there
How do we explain these weird and wonderful things that happen. I have no idea but like you I find any sign a comfort. My husband told me he would always be looking after me and with every day that I become a little stronger I feel my husband is by my side urging me on. He was a quiet man but I have come realise he had an inner strength that I miss so much.
Getting through grief is almost like learning to walk again. Our whole world has ended and we have to learn to kick start it again.


It is hard to explain especially to those who have not had any experience of these happenings in their life.
Some people seem more open than others, perhaps they are more intouch with their intuition.
It does seem the more we use our intuition the stronger it gets.
Signs seem the same, the more we acknowledge these the more we notice. That is not to say I do not question and try to find an alternative reason.
I had a time of getting scents, I spent time checking if the was a material source.
I suspect some of the earlier signs were to grab attention, such not being able to turn the TV off. I even unplugged it. Once it was plugged in again it still would not turn off.
I left it on but turned the sound down. I then checked emails but then the iPad would not shutdown.
Once I had laughed and spoke out loud, both items turned off easily and no repeats occurred.
Sometimes people just do not want to hear but will listen or read books, especially if the writer has some public recognition.
I think for some it is fear, they like things that are controllable so anything immaterial causes hidden anxiety. So they shut off.

Shame as the comfort and help do support so much.

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