As you all know my reading with this “top American medium” was a disaster. It was clear she was guessing at everything and very vague. It was nothing at all like the video of a “reading” she’d posted on her YouTube.
After recently discovering a sting operation called OPERATION PIZZA ROLL where a group of people working with a well known American newspaper set out to prove mediums are frauds by using fake Facebook profiles mentioning fake dead relatives then attending their live shows making comments like I can’t wait to see you live on Saturday etc off their fake profiles. It worked a treat and they caught another top American medium out for scouring people’s Facebook pages before readings.
I sent the group the details of the medium I was ripped off by. I sent them her YouTube video of the reading that fooled me and three of them set out to debunk it. They all watched the video, spoke about it and then at the end of their video they all said it was obviously a hot read. One of them searched for the sitters Facebook page and found it within minutes. The lady on the video who had lost her daughter had put a fundraising post publicly on her Facebook just after her daughter had died and long before her reading with Fleur that incuded her name, how old she’d been when she’d died, the fact she’d been in hospital for five days and the condition she’d died from.
This “medium” had clearly just looked at the mothers Facebook page and got all the information she needed through that.
That expains my terrible reading. My Facebook is completely private so she had to go in blind on mine
I’m not even sure if I believe any of them have genuine gifts now tbh.
Oh dear as much as I’m dubious about these people I really wanted you to find some answers as I know how important it is to you. Everybody had their own way of dealing with grief and this was your path. However you decide to move forward you know you have our support but now at least you know that there are so many people that prey on the vulnerable and like it or not we are all vulnerable where our loved ones are concerned.
Stay strong darling x
Amazingly I had a lady say to me that searching peoples Facebooks for information then charging £55 for a reading isn’t very profitable. Of course it is! Ten minutes searching Facebook, write it all down, 50 minute reading that’s a mix of Facebook information and generic stuff. That’s £55 for an hour. Of course that’s profitable. How many other jobs pay that? They don’t even have to leave the house. Why do people stick up for these “mediums” when they are clearly doing it for financial gain. Do four readings in a day and that’s £220 for four hours “work” Do that five days a week that’s £1,100 a week. That’s more than most people earn working 40 hours a week!