You can’t keep getting offended on other people’s behalf. You’ve singled out lost lil on a lot of other threads. You even reported her if I remember. She obviously triggered something in you when she said she didn’t 100% believe in signs from the other side.
The other girl probably got offended because she was probably desperate to believe that her mum was contacting her from beyond the grave. I think good on lost lil for outing these people as frauds. It’s wrong building people’s hopes up and taking their money.
We’d all love to believe that there is more to life than this and we will all see our loved ones again but the reality is we may not. If that upsets you maybe you need to go to see a therapist. Unfortunately that is the reality, we just don’t know.
However I believe in free speech, we should be allowed to share what we feel snd believe without criticism off others.
Well myself and others included have had doubts if there is any proof of the afterlife but I’m not sure why only you have been singled out for it. Maybe you hit a nerve.
You didn’t mention the girls name nor did you say who the medium was. If you’d have come back and said she was fab I’d have probably tried her. I’d rather you say she got it all wrong than me get my hopes up and waste my money.
This doesn’t disprove evidence of an afterlife, it just disproves that not all people who claim to be able to speak to the dead can.
That’s the thing, I would only say it was amazing if it really was. I wouldn’t want to recommend someone unless I was convinced myself.
If I ever find a medium that convinces me 100% I’ll be telling everyone about my experience with confidence. I’d even let others listen to snippets of my reading to show how accurate it was.
How can our desperation to know one way or another cause so much conflict?
I’ve never been reported online before this forum On a grief support group as well of all places.
When my husband first died a friend came to visit me. I was so upset and I remember asking her if she believed in a afterlife. She said she didn’t she was afraid, she said when you’re dead you’re dead. I literally hated her for saying that. I was in tremendous pain and the only thing that was going to get me through it was thinking I’ll see my lovely husband again.
Now 8 months on. I don’t hate my friend for saying it. It’s what she believes. Plus I was the one who asked her. She didn’t just come out with it.
What I’m trying to say is people get very defensive if someone says something they don’t like or want to be true.
The good thing about any of this is there is no proof one way or another, that’s where faith comes in. It brings me comfort to think I’ll see all my loved ones again and if it’s not true, then I won’t know anyway.
I think what you’re doing is just processing where he is, this big personality, just gone! My mind still has me question if my husband is really dead. Sometimes I feel normal like he’s just at work or something. It’s crazy!
I was the same when he first died. I wanted everyone to say yes they believed in life after death. When they would say he’s always in your heart and memories so he lives on in there I wanted to scream. That wasn’t enough for me. I needed to believe he’s still around waiting for me when it’s my time .
You’re exactly right. I’m just trying to process where he’s gone. It’s nearly three months now though and I’m still no closer
I feel like I’m just waiting for him to come back. When you love someone so much It’s so hard not to go down that rabbit hole isn’t it?
I’m going to bed now anyway. My head is banging and I’m up at 5am
Just try to keep in mind it’s a process, it will change, you will change. I’m 8 months in and I don’t obsess anymore about the afterlife. I’m pretty much back to how I was before.
The grief will still hit you. It’s true what they say about them being waves. Sometimes you’re doing ok then wham out of nowhere you nearly get taken under. Xx
I meant back to how I never really gave the afterlife much thought. Not that I’m back to how I was, unfortunately I don’t think I ever will. I still enjoy stuff now though, in the beginning I didn’t think that was possible.
Yesterday I had a Facebook live free reading off a medium I’veseenonFacebook, I joined her supporters page and this is the first live she’s done since I’ve joined it. Seeing as I’ve got no information or profile picture on my profile I didn’t expect to be chosen. I was the first person to be picked After watching some of her live videos I had wondered if she looked at their Facebook profile first There’s absolutely nothing to see on mine so now I don’t think she does
I didn’t quite connect with my OH but I do feel like he might have been mentioned. The first person she picked up on was my mam. She said the name Margaret who was my nan. Could have been a lucky guess so I didn’t get too excited at that point. I kept saying mam please mention him, please mention him. Just let me know he’s OK. The
medium mentioned a young man in his forties but didn’t know who he was because he wasn’t coming in to her energy, he’s only been gone 12 weeks so perhaps he’s not quite ready to come through yet.
She described my relationship with my mam and how my mam was perfectly. The one thing that really shocked me is she asked if I ever get flushes on my face but only on the one side because she said my mam had gone in so close to her face the one side of her face was burning. I often get flushes on the left side of my face.
She said when that happens it’s my mam.
She picked up on the fact my mam had a stroke before she died too, she also had cancer that had spread to her brain. Could have all been lucky guesses but she described my mams personality perfectly.
She knew we weren’t that close and that my mam was quite a hard lady.
That’s the first reading I’ve had that I actually thought was legit. It was accurate.
She said at the beginning that she felt it was the first time for my mam to come through to a medium and it probably is as neither me or my brother have ever been to a medium until my recent obsession.
She has a long waiting list so I won’t be able to get a full reading until January next year but I’m definitely going to put my name on her list. She’s the first one who’s actually made me wonder if it could be true
When she told me my mam was there she said she felt a bit uncomfortable because my mam had gone in so close because she was really eager to come through. The lady described her as a parrot on her shoulder and she said it made her a little uncomfortable. She did say she found my mother a difficult spirit to connect with because her energy was strong and controlling. That’s pretty much how she was in life too Some of the other readings she’s done for people on her lives have been that good and specific I was convinced she’d looked at their Facebook profile until she gave me the information that she did. She gave me another name that I couldn’t place straight away but earlier on today it was like a light bulb moment and I remembered there was someone called Ray that my mam was friends with. Could be a coincidence but I’ve added my name to her waiting list. It’s going to be a long wait, probably January’s or February next year but I’d hope by then my OH is ready to come through strongly and I can try some other mediums in the meantime.
I’m so glad I got picked for that reading because it’s given me hope. I was devastated after my expensive reading went pear shaped then I find hope from a free reading on Facebook live
If my mam comes through again next time I’m going to ask the medium to politely tell her to bugger off so that my OH can come through
I’d like to think anyone in the spirit world who cares about me would realise that the only one I’m concerned about at this point in my life is him
I’ve actually booked a reading with D.L tonight. I haven’t had a date for it yet though. It was £250 but I had to send the payment off first then email them for availability. All they said was she gets booked many months in advance so I have no idea when I’ll get the reading. I’ve tried quite a few mediums now and I’m getting fed up of paying £50 a time to get given a cold reading and generic information I’ve spoken to a few other people who have also visited multiple mediums and they have had similar experiences.
She is supposed to be really good. She won a TV show to find the best psychic and she’s helped police and coastguards in their enquiries a few times so hopefully she’ll be good
I didn’t realise her waiting list was until next year though Oh well
It’s going to be a long wait but all the ones I’ve had so far have done the reading really quickly, I’m hoping the fact that you actually have to wait months for her means she’s genuine.
@LostLil i hope you find what you’re looking for. Have you tried meditation or relaxation techniques. Because I have been told when you are hyped up and searching for something they have trouble getting through. I am not going to go to a medium. I have a spiritualist centre in our town. And every first Wednesday of the month they have a mediumship meeting. I am going to attend one of those and see what happens. All I want him to say is “I am ok and I am with you watching over you” or one of the “safe” words we decided on so I know it’s him and not someone trying to pull the wool over my eyes. No one but he and I know these four words. I have had signs from him though. To many coincidences for it not to be. I have also just finished reading the Language of Loss by Sasha Bates. Which I can highly recommend. Good luck on your quest. Send hugs.
We have a spiritualist church in our town too. I went last week out of curiosity. There were a few people there, mostly older ladies. The speaker was very vague and generic tbh. Saying to a lady in her 60’s he had a gentleman there on a maternal side ie dad or grandad, he smelled of smoke, had chest issues, was good with his hands and fixing things…aren’t most men? All just seemed very vague and generic to me. Another lady in her late 50’s early 60’s had her mam or nan there with a baby either misscarried or lost at a young age. Again though miscarriages are so incredibly common that most families have a baby that’s been lost at some point
I didn’t get any messages. I’m not expecting a full blown conversation with him. I just really need something to know it’s actually him. We know our loved ones better than anyone. We’ll know if it’s really them or not
I’ve ordered the book ‘Mixed Blessings’ by D.L. It’s about how she first started seeing spirits at a young age including one who she called the Lined man who turned out to be her great grandfather. I’ll have a read and see what I think
I’m glad you’re getting signs. Me and his family are still getting nothing. I know I’m desperately seeking signs off him but none of my family ever recieved signs off my mam either and I wasn’t desperately seeking them then.
I know he’d think I was an idiot going to different mediums all the time so I say to him every time I book another reading “You could stop this if you actually give me a sign!” He still hasn’t though
Something may come. Have you not noticed lights flickering. Music systems making weird noises. Any white feathers. Do you actually believe in the afterlife? I am not religious, especially after this shit show I am now in, but I am spiritual and have always believed in spirits not leaving us. Please try not to obsess on it. There are some out there that will take your money as they see your need to know. I am not telling you what to do. You have to do what is best for yourself and what can help you get to the end of another day, that can be ticked off and a footstep closer being with him xx
No, no lights flickering, no music systems going funny, no feathers, no robins just nothing
I did find one white feather in his mams house before and could’nt help but wonder but the next day I found out her feather cushions were leaking
I’m not religious. I’m not sure if I believe in the afterlife or not tbh. I desperately want to but I haven’t experienced anything to make me believe
Perhaps I never will
I’m definitely open to the idea because I desperately want to believe in it but I struggle to believe in something that I haven’t seen for myself.
I do wonder how the Earth came to be? The world is just too perfect to be random surely?
I feel like that’s how I’m living my life these days, just getting through a day at a time until I can see him again.
It’s funny because we loved having people around for bbqs when he was here, we’d happily spend hours out the garden. Today I had a couple of people over for food, they came at 2pm, by 3pm I just wanted to go to bed and be alone
I’m just not much of a people person anymore I can’t see that changing anytime soon