Recently my world collapsed.

I had phoned an ambulance as I wasn’t sure they had just walked through the door when he collapsed, so they started the CPR , I have done cpr and defib training in work, but its different when its someone you love

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Swift I have that book too. Not read it all yet but hoping it helps. We are all searching for something that helps ease the pain.

Hi thankyou for your message
I can certainly understand what you are going thro
I lost the absolute love of my life at the beginning of may we had been married for 56 years our love for each other growing daily like yourself my life now has no meaning or purpose just daily feelings of loneliness and true sorrow
I cannot offer any help or advise but I can assure you You are not alone if you would like a meet up maybe 1/2,a pint let me know
Best wishes Mike A

A day or two of a bit more positivity, a day or two of crap and so it goes on. I had a hospital appointment following breaking my leg back in December, prior to my wifes death in March, mornings are not good for me and was a bit tearful during the drive there, then I had a 30 minute wait for a parking space at the hospital, getting stressed and cross so late for appointment but they did see me, lying on the couch thingy waiting for the scan and tears start to well, what a bloody time for that to happen!, leave the hospital and their parking machine decides to have a problem, eventually I leave and more tears on the way home, I breath a sigh of relief when I get back, I read on here about people who struggle at home, some even need to get away, I am finding the opposite, I am more comfortable at home and really do not want to go out but I do get lonely, I have a visit to my sister in laws on Saturday, lost my brother 20 years ago and it will be a test, maybe a life as a hermit? my good friend, bereaved many times, says that nothing wrong being a hermit as long as you are a happy hermit!
Just unloading and thanks for listening back to the tea and many biscuits.

I am so sorry you are struggling its so bloody hard. I lost my husband almost 6 weeks ago. I am so lonely . Its hard to comprehend the amoutbof pain. Although it was hardvyou didcyour appointments well done for that. Where docall the tears come from. Hugs jo xxx