
Anybody changed their views after their loss


I’m totally convinced that my wife and I will meet up again when she comes for me, she is in heaven and Im working on making her proud of me and the family. We have always been believers.


I believe there’s something else after
Just curious of others views and experiences


Oh yes, absolutely, I know everyone has their views. No need to doubt it, its a definate for my wife and I. I have a lot of signs, especially when I am feeling upset and not expecting a sign. The other day i was having a cry to myself in the garden and i looked up and a butterfly fluttered nearby and sat on a bush. I went over and there was a magnificent dragon fly, so beautiful and looking on the next bush there was a white feather hanging by a cobweb. I get similar signs every day, I wish I could tune in more to my wife’s current world and not have to wait. Do you beleive in signs?


My signs started 7 days before he died, lost a friend last November and a week before I spent hours listening to her husband and he’s struggles then the conversations about what we’d do without one another began. He left for a motorbike tour in Belgium 5 days later, I never wave him off but that say I found myself watching out the window, 3 times a walked away but ended up back there. That night I dreamt he’s parents walked in and said he’s died that was it. The next morning I seen a Facebook post of his about treasure every moment you never know when It’s the last (unusual for him). The following morning I felt lost dropped him a message he rang at 12:30 still felt unsettled. An hour later my dream came true. (In laws knew first cos one of the group had their number no one had mine)

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Strange isnt it, there is no doubt about the signs. My wife and o never hardly keft each others side, especially the last 3.6 years that she was diagnosed. We are lucky, both retired early and enjoy each others company so very much. Chemo meant we couldnt fly except once so we boight a 2 berth motorhome, our cozy place that only us ever went into, not the childre, not the gradcholdren, just us although we love then all be bits. So we have spent great amoujts of time only a few feet from each other. A strange thing happened after my wife passed at home in my arms, a few days later as I was so sad i looked at her last message sto me on watsap and i had not seen this one, we didnt have many because the furthest apart at home on upstairs and downstairs especially during the last 2 weeks. The message says “Have patience, which I know you have” im sure this is a message in answer to my sadness of asking my wife to come for me now.
Im sure from other signs, i could go on and on about the past 38 days since my wife has passed, i have no doubt that she is connecting with me and me with her. We love each other so very much. This helps me a lot in this difficult yime.

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I can imagine the comfort it brings, I see them and ignore them at the moment. I don’t want them I want him. It’s 15 weeks and as a family we struggling without him so i can’t accept or acknowledge them yet (3 kids 22,19 and 11) I’m still angry and trying to keep it all together

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I know what you mean about angry. There is certainly a lot we dont understand about the whys, why our loved ones have to go when we dont want them to and we can not see no reason.
But angry has to be against someone, its not our loved ones fault, i think the signs from them are to help us.
God has reasons for everything and we must trust and not be angry, angry just makes it harder i think.
Hope my view helps a tiny amount. I am happy in a way that its me having this suffering alone rather than my beautiful wife. A blessing she passed before me but far far too soon

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Hi all i get these messages i know my wife is around me died over 10months ago she was very fussy about her washing and would say " mind my washing " if i brushed past the other day i was washing the bedding and as you know is quite large when i heard her say as i was hanging it on the line " DON’T LET IT DRAG THE FLOOR " as clear as if she was next to me i actually answered her back and ok i know what i am doing that’s in my mind every day i know she is helping me along


Well said @Nori I feel exactly the same. I used to sort of believe but not any more. If there is a God out there well you can just do one !! Taking away my husband suddenly from me because he had a reason - bollocks ! Sorry but it’s just how I feel !!



Morning Nori,
I feel the same as you… Where was his reasoning to take a brave fireman who only did kindness and humility his entire life, was the best husband, father and grandfather. Begs the question why! Just my thoughts and no disrespect to the believers. Love Jenny


I will keep this short unlike my last message he only wants the best it’s as simple as that and no i am not a believer

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Many say only the best are taken for only the are good enough to be angels

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I sat on the fence with stuff like before my Mum passed but once she had passed all kinds of things started happening where I couldn’t doubt that she was still around.

I still get days where I wonder if it’s all real though but then I think love can’t just end like that and their very essence what makes them, them can’t just disappear either.

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I know people who’ve lost the believe but also people who then believe.
I believe there’s something else after but don’t know what


I think there’s something else but no idea what it is

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I believe that we aren’t meant to know for a reason, but I hope to be reunited with my loved ones again one day.


I have been told that if and when I go to heaven my lovely wife won’t know who i am we will be like strangers i hope not what do you all think

Who told you that nonsense, she will be there to meet you when it’s your time, they never leave you x


I am not sure but I heard that we choose the sort of life that we want to learn lessons, but the confusion I have about this theory is if we came here to learn why do we have no memory and how do we learn from previous lives if we cannot remember them it’s a mystery!