
I think people just say it thinking it’s a nice thing to say but really it’s crap

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I think there’s something and they will be there

Hi Bill, I think the way I look and act now Pete wouldn’t have a clue to who I was. I don’t know myself most of the time…But life goes on sadly. Jenny

I’m not saying that god is good if their is such a thing if their is he wants all the best with him / her and leave the rest behind says a lot about me then

I’m 32 and my mum was 50 and I to feel it was mean to do this to me. I feel robbed! I was brought up a catholic but my faith faded as I got older. I now follow spiritualism as that seems to make the most sense to me and resonates with me more than religion ever did but only since I lost my mum I went down a massive rabbit hole x


We will all see what is next one day. I know believing comforts some people but I’m very logical and I see every angle and every side of everything so I see everyone’s point I’m definitely an overthinker

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True when life can’t get much better, house full of good kind people why take him away and make them suffer?? Maybe the devil rules :see_no_evil:

I am the same it’s tiring! I’ve had a lot of signs and readings but I still question it but I have to be honest it’s actually been ridiculous how much has happened since losing my mum, I could just be losing the plot!

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Everyone on this site feels they’ve been robbed. No time is ever enough


I see them and ignore them. He will be laughing at me because he knows I’m stubborn but he knows I’ll accept them when I’m ready.

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I was robbed alright i lost the best thing that walked this planet my darling wife of 44 years she saw the good in every body i think she was the 8th wonder of the world saw me through serious bad health ( still am ) then suddenly left me died in my arms if you want to know what guilt is see me it should have been me first i still cry every day after nearly 11 months


It’s always the good ones and no amount of time is ever enough with them.
My husband was the most amazing man ever and the turn out at his funeral was phenomenal he’d touched so many lives over his time here


I smell tcp too. My dad used that a lot. And also the white feathers too !

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I’m not really sure about anything…I lost my husband suddenly 8 months ago. He was 53 years old and had just started a new job. I have had no signs at all.
I used to believe in God but no more.
What about children being born only to have cancer and die in a few months. Why were they born in the first place to go through all that pain.
I’m not sure if there is after life because if there is what about the billions of people that has pass in the the few centuries before us. Are the dinosaurs in spirit?
Until I get real proof then sadly and hopefully not that you go to sleep and never wake up. I really hope I am wrong. :disappointed:


I get very upset as you say about baby’s and infant’s suffering what have they done to deserve that

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Just an idea… maybe what happens to us in life isn’t anything to do with God? We were given the gift of a body which at the end of the day is just a machine & machines go wrong & sometimes can’t be fixed, when that happens I think we then leave our broken bodies and go somewhere, where ever that is I think it’s beyond our comprehension but I do believe that our loved ones are already there & they know the answers!

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Yep … i not even sure if there is a god anymore after my husband passed 8 months ago … the way people have acted , the way i have had to live this awful life alone :frowning:


I 100% believe in the spirit world and that we will see our soul mates they will be waiting for us but god well why are all the mean evil people survivor’s why does he only choose the best spirit world yes everything else its a no from me.


Rubbish whoever told you that. She will know you, thats for sure


Thanks John i hope so forget who told me been on my mind ever since we new each other 46 years 44 married surely she will know me