
I read that post … what an awful thing to say ! Dont believe a word of that either ! Jeez some people are frankly idiots !!!


When my son died on the 17 th July2023 , He had learning disability ,He was in pain and we were holding his hands.He then said I got to go now ,I said where,he said I got to go now I said where again ,he said death .I just had the feeling someone had come down to get him. He seemed at peace. My beautiful son ,this horrible cancer took him


One day you will know the answer to this.

At the moment, none of us know. I do believe. And I believe because one day I hope I will be reunited through God with my loved ones. There probably is a reason for this… but none of us will ever know until that day when our time comes. I have never been religious, but I do now pray since losing a loved one and that helps me.

“If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we belong to God.”


Yes. Before losing my partner five months ago I didn’t particularly believe in God but I was open minded about mediums / afterlife despite never really thinking too much about it.
Since he’s passed I’ve had loads of medium readings but my Facebook is completely private so there’s absolutely nothing they can find out about me off my Facebook. My real name is very common so they can’t find anything online or through obituaries either. I’ve had the most ridiculously generic readings ever. Some of them have actually made me laugh because they have been so bad.

I’ve had no signs off him whatsoever, neither has his family. Obviously I’ve seen feathers since he’s died but I just can’t accept bird feathers as being signs off him.

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I believe in God.

God doesn’t kill people- we live in a fallen world.

When my fiancé died suddenly , I asked Jesus where he was when he died.
He showed me he was right there with him talking to him and there were 4 angels standing around. My friend had exactly the same picture.
I also saw a picture of my mum introducing herself and showing him around Heaven.

Of course I am devastated and struggling so much with loosing him and grieving for the years we didn’t have. I am so thankful for A’s love and for the time we did have together.
I don’t understand many things. But I believe God is with us and loves us


How did he show you ? I hope they are waiting for us i really do .


So so sad for you… i held my wife, just us two, as she passed, after a lot of pain, she finally took 3 breaths at rest, im absolutely definitely sure she had someone come for her. We had discussed things several times over her illness and she promised to come for me… Im ready now, i know she will come for me, im not scared at all, im excited to see her again. I cant wait.


Im with you 100%, i dont know why we are left in pain, but i trust will all my life in God. Im sure my wife is in heaven right now and our souls will be together for all eternity xx


Oh they will come for us, have no doubt x

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Well said x

I just close my eyes and say in my head or out loud
‘ Jesus would you show me where Jesus was when A fell?’
Then I saw a picture kind of in my head.

  • it’s the usual way God talks to me or shows me things- usually about others.
    Sometimes I just get a sense of something or a Bible passage. Some people see or hear words in their heads.
    Just be open to what He is saying. X

Hi @LostLil
So glad you seem to have got your head around all the medium/readings shit that seemed to be taking over your life. Who knows what’s out there ? You seem in a much better place now and although we’ll never be back to that place with the person we loved the most no one can take away the memories we have. I went to a bbq the other week and some of the ladies there were talking about a medium they had seen and me and another left the conversation and headed for the bar - much rather get sloshed that listen to that twaddle.

All the best m’darling !

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Haha, see I’d have had to have asked them what the"medium" said that convinced them they were so good :rofl::see_no_evil:
The guy in work with me recommended one guy and said “oh he knew all about the arguments we’ve had over my parents house”
I was like oh, OK. How exactly did he come out with that?
“He said my mother knows about the arguments in the family”
“OH so he didn’t specifically say it was about the house”
“NO but it’s got to be about that because that’s the only thing we’ve argued about” :rofl::see_no_evil:

95% of the readings I’ve had have mentioned disagreements in the family, it’s part of the script just like a miscarriage or lost baby or a ring necklace of your mams, watch of your dads :roll_eyes:

I’ve realised that during their first ever reading people are much more likely to accept generic stuff because they haven’t heard it all before.
When you’ve had over 10 like I have it gets incredibly boring really quickly when they ask the scripted questions.
Half the time I feel like reversing the roles and asking them the questions that I know are coming up :rofl::rofl:

I’ve started to let them know that it’s clear they are not connecting with any spirits though. Most are very apologetic and admit that they struggled to connect that day. Absolute rubbish. They read off a script and don’t connect any day.

One of them said oh but my reviews speak for themselves. Please read them.
Ok, she had just over 50 reviews and 46 of them were scam reviews recommending an African love doctor who can save your relationship :rofl::see_no_evil:

The others were silly things like she described my nan, a tiny lady with grey hair in a pinny :rofl::see_no_evil: Could describe lots of little old ladies let’s be fair.

She knew of a necklace my mam left me that she couldn’t possibly have known about, every reading I’ve had has mentioned a ring/necklace of my mams, a watch of my male relatives.

I’ve got one coming up with a medium who won a psychic TV show years ago and who has helped the police and coastguards so I’m still hoping to get a good reading one day.

I’m still hopeful there’s something after death but even if there is I’m not sure anyone can actually communicate with them in all honesty.

You’ve only got to go to a spiritualist church to see what nonsense people are willing to accept as “proof”

Oh how funny @LostLil !
An African love doctor now that does sound right up my street :joy::joy::joy: so glad you’ve got your head around all this and can now recognise the scammers. Arguments in the house - I’d have to book half a days session if they went through all of ours. Head up darling you’re moving in the right direction. Let me know when you feel you’ve made the right connection.

Best love
Georgina xx

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I found a medium on Facebook who is doing something called letters from heaven. You can just have a letter channeled or have a letter and a drawing of them.

Obviously I just had to order one and one day the medium randomly messaged me saying “I’m just doing your letter now, is there something happening at court next week? Don’t tell me what, just say yes or no” (it was only my mums bloody inquest!) so I messaged her back and said “omg yes, tell who ever you have that I send my love” and she replied saying “your mum, she’s talking about next Wednesday” :flushed: guess what day the inquest was on.

There’s absolutely no way the medium would know about any of that as I wasn’t exactly broadcasting it.

Anyway when I got my letter and drawing, I was blown away with what was written. It was just like my Mum had written it!

On the letter it mentioned all the things I have been through and how proud she is of me, she always told people how proud she was of me as I’ve been through a lot and still managed to sort my life out!

She also told me to send her love to John (her partner) Reece (my brother) and Dobby (my dog) there’s also no way she’d have known these names especially John as there’s no indication that he was her partner on Facebook. She also said look after yourself and Granny! I mean it’s not every day you lose your Mum before your Gran and I actually called my Gran ‘Granny’ so that was weird.

The drawing didn’t look much like her but it has a likeness, apparently she draws them with her eyes closed as it’s spirit led.

I also had a reading yesterday with another medium which went well she knew what was happening in my life and I didn’t tell anyone I had this reading and I only gave my first name so she couldn’t look anything up about me.

It was my local spiritualist church that organised a private readings day and I so that a certain medium I wanted a reading from one day was attending as I have seen her doing a service a few times and she always managed to impress me as she never usually says the usual generic stuff and is quite specific in what she says and managed to impress me.

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Of course I’ll message you now, it is through facebook but if your profile is private you could just send her a message without adding her so you don’t think she’s been snooping that way!
It does take a while to get them as so many people order them, but the wait was so worth it for me!

Could i have it too please :pray:

Can you PM me the name of that medium please? :slight_smile:

I’ll keep trying. I’ve learnt to actually speak my mind now so when I know they’re just reading from a script I tell them how many times I’ve heard it all before. They apologise and refund me instantly. The only one I actually blew my lid on was one who told me he was sorry for killing himself and that he’d struggled to hide his mental health issues. He actually died when his heart suddenly stopped.
That one really angered me because there’s so many people out there who are unsure how their loved ones actually died and might actually believe they did something to end their life. I went nuts. Called her all the sickos under the sun :rofl::see_no_evil:
She didn’t even apologise at first. Just said “blessed be” I said I’d report her to PayPal and send anyone who I saw asking her for readings my reading and she then refunded me.
It wasn’t even about the money but clear she was a con artist and didn’t even pretend that she did it to help people.

Do you believe in anything at all? I think I still do tbh. I’m aware that could just be me wishful thinking though :unamused:

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Another awful reading I had was one who was so highly recommended to me by someone who said she told them things “she couldn’t possibly have known”

My reading was hilarious :rofl:
Do you have a daughter?
Do you have a son?
Do you have a neice?
No :see_no_evil:

Have you ever been in a relationship that also had a deep friendship?
Did you get bored?
Did he?
So you’re still in the relationship?
No, he died :broken_heart:

The usual who had the miscarriage? Are you planning a move? He wants you to take the trip you’ve been planning all followed…

I did tell her how ridiculously generic the reading was and that it was clear she wasn’t connecting with anyone I’d lost. She apologised, refunded me and said she only does it because she cares about people. Yeah, because the £75 an hour that she charges has absolutely nothing to do with it? :rofl:

Obviously I had to tell her how ridiculous the “reading” was.

I actually sent the recording of my reading to the lady who had recommended her to me and she was mortified and so apologetic :rofl:
Said she’d had two readings with her and had been impressed but looking back perhaps she had just been hearing what she wanted to hear and definitely wouldn’t use her or recommend her again :roll_eyes:

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